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TG Flatline

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Everything posted by TG Flatline

  1. [quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1387398901' post='2311621'] Just got my Signor Gatto back from Tom, after a bit of pimping... All I can say is GOOD LORD!! It's massive-sounding! So pleased :-) And now for the technical details...Tom has applied the mods for his TK-421X, meaning that the "ratty" side of the pedal now sports a clean blend knob, along with a Low Pass Filter knob for the clean signal. This means that the screaming rat gain can now be mixed in with a filtered clean tone for serious low end! I also asked Tom to remove the silicon diodes, and put a three-way switch in to select between LEDs, asymmetric LEDs and no diodes (you'd love this Si! ;-)). Tried it through my Mesa tonight and fell in love!...If the missus hadn't dragged me out tonight, I'd still be playing it! :-D Good work Mr Tom! [/quote] Glad you like it matey! The TK-421 and TK-421-X have been elevated on my release list, and are now immediately behind the revised Knightfall 66, which should be early in the new year... [quote name='p58' timestamp='1387458171' post='2312159'] Tom, one question! I am sure that you explained this before, but I couldn´t find it anywhere. Knightfall 66 has internal switch for each channel so user can choose between various types of distortion - Silicon, Rectifier, LED, Germanium or Mosfet. Could you please (or someone else) describe very briefly the character of each type of distortion? [/quote] Of course! In the Knightfall 66 the diodes clip a signal that has already been clipped by the opamp. As such, changing them doesn't have quite the same difference as in a circuit where all the clipping is diode clipping. The LED clipping in the Knightfall 66 only clips at higher gains, with much of the distortion coming from the opamp, the MOSFET clipping includes additional filtering on the higher frequencies so is a slightly warmer sound. Ge, 4001 and Si in the 66 clip in similar ways but at slightly different thresholds, they distort more than LEDs at the expense of some output (a gain recovery stage prevents this being an issue). The inclusion of all the above is total overkill, no doubt, but there was room in the box and it would give people the option to choose. The revised version (I say revised rather than final as I don't think there will ever be a final final final version!) will probably give a choice of silicon and LED on one channel, and silicon and MOSFET on the other rather than the current selection of five types on both channels.
  2. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1386861080' post='2305555'] I'm afraid it's not that simple. If it were, similar products with the same price would by definition offer the same value. As Oscar Wilde said, A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Not the same at all. [/quote] But that value might not be made up of the same elements (component quality, brand prestige etc), so that definition is meaningless and the quote irrelevant. Shall we agree to disagree?
  3. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1386857118' post='2305430'] You've lost me TG. [/quote] You said that being able to tell there was no penny-pinching was a good way to judge the value of a product. How do you penny-pinch when building a speaker cab in any way other than using lower value components? Product value is what the market will pay for it. It really is that simple.
  4. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1386856742' post='2305416'] I didn't say anything about the summed value of the component parts. [/quote] How else do you penny pinch if not on the value of a product's components? Looking specifically at a speaker cab.
  5. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1386854420' post='2305370'] I didn't say it was the best way, but it's one of the ways you can judge the value of a product (not just cabs) and how long it is likely to remain trouble-free. [/quote] The value of a product is what the consumer will pay for it, it has nothing to do with the summed value of the component parts.
  6. They crop up on eBay every now and again, that will be your best bet at getting an original unfortunately. Good luck, nice pedal!
  7. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1386695195' post='2303195'] Dare I ask? [/quote] Here we go...
  8. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1386687983' post='2303101'] I'm intrigued by these cabs. I've always been interested in trying to make my own cabs, partly down to not being able to afford the kind of cabs I'd like, my only concern would be getting a professional enough finish to keep me happy. Having said that, I might have a go at one of these next year... [/quote] Go for it! The bright side is you can find that out before you spend the money on the drivers
  9. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1386671405' post='2302777'] oo that'd be fab!...maybe we could co-ordinate that with a visit to meet a knightfall? [/quote] Indeed!
  10. I have two Spider cases if you want to have a gander at them at some point...
  11. Spider Pedalboard Flightcases aren't a bad option (Flightcase Warehouse), or a second-hand flightcase (ebay is full of them) and then cut a pedalboard to size out of plywood is a potentially cheap option with lots of protection. I would also have a chat with Shep about [url="http://www.reallyawesomepedalboards.co.uk/"]The Really Awesome Pedalboard Company[/url] and whether any of their boards would be suitable with that pedal. Good luck matey!
  12. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1386621716' post='2302373'] tom sent me a teaser this morning! andy [/quote] I did indeed! Did you get the pedal photo as well?
  13. [quote name='tonyxtiger' timestamp='1386509908' post='2300826'] Mine arrived a couple of weeks ago! Too busy assaulting people with it to post but here we go... Essentially a RAT and Knightfall in one box with a few tweaks but everything would be available on toms standard models anyway. There is a page about it on Toms COG website with all the details. I wanted to wait and use it for a while before gushing but yes, it's lovely. Anyone thinking of taking the plunge should go for it with confidence. There is also a Verellen big spider on my board which Tom put a clean blend in. [attachment=150067:image.jpg] [attachment=150069:IMG_3538.jpg] [/quote] Link to Darren's custom pedal [url="http://www.cogeffects.co.uk/maximum-stoverdrive.php"]HERE[/url] [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1386523327' post='2301013'] sounds like my new new wont be getting started a while then. LOLZ [/quote] Au contraire mon frere, work should begin on this early in the New Year! Shep is getting a slightly ridiculous package in the post in time for Crimbo, along with a couple of others on here, then I'm on to the next batch which will include yours
  14. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1386591514' post='2301779'] I'm not daunted by the wiring on this. I have already rewired a couple of my own basses, and although I'm new to building pedals, I like to think I'm technically minded enough to cope ok. Hopefully it won't be a one off thing either but I'll take it one project at a time. Thanks for the suppiortive replies - I'll let you know how it goes. [/quote] Excellent! Always good to get more builders on here, there's been some great pedals in this thread
  15. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1385724453' post='2291499'] Nice, I like it! How can I order this pedal, please? [/quote] Cheers! You simply email me on.... tom at cogeffects dot co dot uk Apologies for the cryptic email address, the spam bots are out and out in force!
  16. Love those graphics like that. Personally I think the blemishes in the printing look ace. Have a bump and good luck with the sale.
  17. [quote name='glassmoon' timestamp='1385636232' post='2290426'] OK - at last, the umpteenth iteration of my pedal board: Carl Martin Compressor > EBS Microbass II Peterson Strobostomp Tuner (through EMB2 tuner out) EMB2 effects loop: EBS Octave > MXR Bass Overdrive Deluxe > MXR Bass Chorus Deluxe > Aguilar Octamiser > MXR Stereo Chorus The MXR Stereo Chorus is always on - very light setting to add shimmer. I have the MXR BCD as a legit chorus. The EBS Octave does the double track, one octave down so well - 2 distinct notes. The Aguilar Octamiser is so damn good at that sub bass, almost dub thing - it is thunderous Now I just need a Pedaltrain 2 and I'm all set [/quote] You must be good at packing the car boot for going on holiday - excellent use of a relatively small space!
  18. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1384945212' post='2282523'] What are the extras you can offer on thrse Tom? [/quote] All mine are built to order, so the options are quite broad! I've done Knightfalls with clean blends, variable Voice settings (the "Low" knob on the Knightfall 66), boosts pre or post distortion, two channels, 18v internal charge pump, to name a few. The Knightfall 66 is a somewhat expanded version of the Knightfall, with two channels each with independent gain and volume controls, plus clipping options, a filtered clean blend and the Low knob explained above. Si's video shows what's going on with it very well Mostly, people ask for slight tweaks or additions to the existing circuits. [url="http://www.cogeffects.co.uk/inertia.php"]Kev's Custom Inertia pedal[/url] has a standard Knightfall but with voltage boosted internally to 18v, running into a Grand Tarkin which has an added knob to control the mids interaction in the Tone section, along with the standard Mids knob from the Grand Tarkin (labelled HPF on Kev's). [url="http://www.cogeffects.co.uk/signor-gatto.php"]Bakerster135's Custom Signor Gatto pedal[/url] has a Darklighter but running on 18v and with an internal switch to flatten the mid hump, running into a TK-421 (as yet to be released) Lots of folk go for the two-in-one approach like those two I've found. Mods - I've tried to just answer the question and not be too advertisey, but please let me know if I'm flirting with the rules in any way
  19. Very kind of you to say matey! Enjoy it
  20. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyvxHL5hLfE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyvxHL5hLfE[/url] Gets rubbish before too long and is obviously a mash rather than just changing styles, but it's amazing what works...
  21. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1384877704' post='2281765'] Well, if built-in blends are Ok but external mixing isn't, then this discussion is just an exercise in double standards or hair splitting. [/quote] I think that is kind of the point most are making, that this is all almost entirely subjective. I mentioned about blending an SFT being pointless, but another man may get his core dirt sound from a maxed SFT with a clean blend. It doesn't mean either are wrong, just different Some built in blends are different though. The clean blends I use are filtered so, to my ears, they integrate with the distortion/fuzz/overdrive to be one signal rather than simply being two parallel signals, if that makes sense. Ie, they are designed to complement the dirt circuit they accompany. It's quite subtle, but is a different effect to simply clean blending using an LS-2/VBjr/Xotic etc - the EHX Deluxe Bass Big Muff is another example of a blend designed around the dirt circuit, albeit in a different way. I get your point though, how is it ok to say blending isn't allowed but then both the Darkglass and ODB-3 that have been mentioned above have onboard blends... It is ok cos it's all opinion rather than fact Apart from the bit about the ODB-3 of course...
  22. I totally get the "I've got an ODB-3...need an EQ...need a blend etc etc etc" side that Tayste is coming from now, though I didn't pick it up in that way on my first read through. I use and build pedals with and without clean blends, and have used blending and also parallel processing (I too note the difference between those two) in the past. Depends on the sound you're after. I wouldn't suggest anyone should limit themselves to not blend, but then I definitely would suggest that people see how a pedal sits in the mix before getting a blender involved. I agree about the SFT, very little reason to blend it. It would be like eating soup with a fork - pick the right tool for the job at hand. Overall I reckon it's like Shep and FNM say - no right or wrong. Unless it's an ODB-3...
  23. DIY for very little, either as an in/send return/out patch bay or an extra couple of quid to build a bypass loop like dudewheresmybass in case of board failure. For buffered in or out the TRAPCO interface is excellent, and both buffers can be bypassed. Worth noting my opinion on that is biased, but nevertheless it is called Awesome for a reason!
  24. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1384259963' post='2274503'] The 66 isn't really on your website yet (apart from the sibob page) so there's no mention of price for it anywhere matey? [/quote] It's technically "in development" but people have been asking for it so I have obliged. I should have the final spec narrowed down over the coming weeks to be able to fully release it. I want to squeeze every last drop out of it essentially!
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