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TG Flatline

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Everything posted by TG Flatline

  1. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1361628079' post='1988470'] Hey all in D.I.Y land! Here's a 'have you tried' type post! - You may have seen my posts about being interested in a compressor pedal with a dry blend. On having abit of a search round google, I see that B.Y.O.C have a design for a '5 knob compressor'. It's 'ratio' control actually sets the level of wet and dry mix - something that immediately interested me. Has anyone built one or owns one who would be willing to do a quicky review? - I like the idea of this pedal as it would allow (to some extent) further modding to perfection. In my utter laziness, I may even scout out for someone to build one for me with some sexy graphics on the outside! [/quote] GarethFlatlands has I believe, I'd drop him a PM if he doesn't show up on here
  2. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1361149196' post='1982007'] [/quote] Kid paint option is just genius!!! I bet they're busier than their mum. The Shep paint option was a good call too, looks ace!
  3. No worries. Have a gander at the schem for the Paul C Tim or Timmy drive and you can expand the Voice control into a more usable bass control quite easily!
  4. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1360911633' post='1978166'] I built this [url="http://www.musikding.de/Kits/Musikding-Kits/Overdrive/The-Zen-Overdrive-kit::3002.html"]overdrive pedal[/url] a while back. Whilst the actual drive is quite nice the loss of low end isn't. Is there anything I can change to give is a bit more bass? ta [url="http://diy.musikding.de/images/stories/zen/zenschalt.pdf"]http://diy.musikding...n/zenschalt.pdf[/url] Or how to add a blend into it... [/quote] Increasing C2 is the best place to start for more low end. For the simplest blend I'd use the Buff'n'Blend. Take out the 2M2 pulldown resistor from the input of the Zen if you do this though, and attach the output of the Zen straight to lug 3 on the blend pot (no need for the trimpot). Bob's your uncle and all that good stuff!
  5. Another "anti-velcro" one here. I prefer to bolt everything down, just got fed up of having to re-stick the velcro all the time. Again, it's the glue on the back of the velcro that is the weak link! Cable ties are also useful, as are the bike chain links, though with all three methods I have mentioned you have to do a lot more in the setup. For all my loathing of it, velcro is the quickest option by far, just make sure it's stuck down good and proper!
  6. These use small tactile switches mounted to the PCB with an actuator to make it like a footswitch. I'd pop it open, see if the switches work when you press them with your finger. If so, you can get replacement actuators from Musikding and Banzai. Alternatively, you could remove the switches and use a momentary footswitch instead. Personally, I'd remove all four switches and replace with soft-touch SPST Momentary switches, but others swear by actuators and tactile switches. At least if you try just replacing the actuator you've spent a quid or so rather than a tenner on switches and the time to do it! Good luck with it! EDIT - this one - [url="http://www.radioshackuk.co.uk/WebRoot/BT3/Shops/BT2533/4DA7/0C01/DDA4/2C16/DEEE/0A0C/05E8/06D7/786-0346.JPG"]http://www.radioshac...D7/786-0346.JPG[/url] - but you can find them much cheaper if you hunt around. I've bought these exact ones for less than a quid in a pack of 20 before.
  7. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1357752415' post='1927886'] Just a couple of Mad Beans PCBs I'm working on: Si [/quote] Sweet, any mods to the Rat?
  8. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1357666513' post='1926352'] Sure, thanks for the info, I'll be working from the GGG Green Russian schem when the PCB arrives, and also from this Mids mod: [url="http://rkerkhof.ruhosting.nl/Taas/Mods/Big%20Muff.htm"]http://rkerkhof.ruho.../Big%20Muff.htm[/url] Is that a 25k log or Lin pot? Cheers Si [/quote] [url="http://www.muzique.com/lab/tone3.htm"]http://www.muzique.com/lab/tone3.htm[/url] 25k lin. Wire the 3.3k resistor across lugs 2 and 3 of the mids pot and then replace the resistor on the PCB with this new arrangement and you're winning.
  9. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1357595311' post='1925199'] What type of pot might I use for a mids control on a muff clone? Cheers Si [/quote] 10k-25k are good starting points, depends how much variation you want. Have you got Duncan Tone Stack Calculator downloaded? Very useful, particularly if you want to tweak the other R/C components in the the tone stack. Also have a look at the way Blackout implement their mids control. Slight variation, worth breadboarding though. EDIT - Also, try using sockets for C6 and C9 (General Guitar Gadgets schematic) and playing with the values til you find what you're happy with. The mids mod and those two caps are the best place to start for making it your own!
  10. Makes a bass guitar sound ace on it's own, but getting it to then sit right in a band mix can be a trick. It's definitely a "less is more" effect.
  11. [quote name='sk8' timestamp='1357148611' post='1918208'] Ditched the mahoosive PT3 board and settled on these on a PT mini Tempted to get a Diago Commuter board....... [/quote] Excellent bit of pedal squeezing work, well played!
  12. Personally I've found the two particular 1x15 cabs I have give me everything I need. As others have suggested, if you get chance to try some other cabs go for it, even if it takes up a chunk of a day going somewhere to try them. You're going to spend money on it, best to make sure it's right! The thing is, different makes of 1x15 can sound completely different to other 1x15s, just as different makes of 8x10 can sound different. I can't recommend Jack 15's enough, but I wouldn't recommend an Ashdown 1x15 to anyone unless they were looking for a cheap second-hand box. That's just my experience. I've never owned an 8x10 but have used an Ampeg and an Ashdown when sharing gear, and while I preferred the Ampeg (I could get fullness and a bit of punch) to the Ashdown (sounded like it had a blanket over it) neither of them made me want to shift to an 8x10. Unfortunately, I think you just have to get out and try as much as you like with the rest of your gear if at all possible! Good luck with it!
  13. Not sure about this personally. Every decent boutique Big Muff clone has adjustable mids for a very good reason, not quite sure why they didn't include it on this. The DI out seems pointless for this pedal as well. The Crossover is a nice idea in principle, but having spent a lot of time using a blended crossover on a Big Muff I again can't see it being that useful, certainly not worthy of an extra footswitch though. Overall I don't think it's a big enough improvement over the Bass Big Muff to warrant the extra footprint, and I reckon they would have been better off just improving the BBM.
  14. Email from Marcmart. Turns out they won't be getting the Pure Octave in stock for months. Order cancelled. Refund on the way. Boooooooooo
  15. These may all be mentioned earlier in the thread, apologies if so, but here's a list of places selling good PCBs that I've used previously. Hopefully it will be of use to others! [url="http://www.musikding.de"]http://www.musikding.de[/url] [url="http://www.madbeanpedals.com/"]http://www.madbeanpedals.com/[/url] [url="http://musicpcb.com"]http://musicpcb.com[/url] [url="http://pedalparts.co.uk"]http://pedalparts.co.uk[/url] [url="http://www.jmkpedals.com/JMK_Pedals/JMK_PCBs.html"]http://www.jmkpedals.com/JMK_Pedals/JMK_PCBs.html[/url] [url="http://1776effects.com"][color="#009933"][b]http://1776effects.com[/b][/color][/url] If you want a good way to spend any holiday time at crimbo I can highly recommend any of the above!
  16. Octave before is just fantastic. Octave plus fuzz in the loop of my Meatball clone for more fantastic. Not always usable in the bands I've been in, but lots of fun. Also phaser before or after. Can be pretty mental after the fuzz but again good fun!
  17. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1354569596' post='1887616'] Anyone know of a good circuit or kit for a Pro Co Rat clone? [/quote] Madbean does two boards, a tiny stock Rat and also a larger Rat with a couple of mods available. His boards are nice as well, but worth ordering a few to make it worth the postage so pick a few other projects you like the look of too. Alternatively, pedalparts.co.uk also do a Rat board I believe. Fun circuit to play about with, consider socketing most of the caps if you're tuning it for bass, particularly the dual RC network attached to pin 2 of the IC!
  18. LS-2 will do that and a hundred other jobs for you, and like the other guys said, I wouldn't worry about true bypass. Big Muffs have a heavy mid scoop, if you're handy with a soldering iron you can change a single resistor to add in some more mids. [quote name='PedaloFred' timestamp='1354233003' post='1884061'] Should I prehaps ask my 2 guitarists to mix up their EQ so it evens out the playing field? [/quote] I tried that once. Good luck!
  19. TG Flatline


    That's lovely, good luck with the sale!! If circumstances were different I would have this off you immediately!!!!
  20. Might be different if you could find an enclosure with the same footprint but that was taller. Those 1590As are pretty tight!!!
  21. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mooer-Pure-Octave-Pitch-Shifter-Harmonizer-Pedal-brand-new-stock-UK-/190758820898?_trksid=p5197.m1997&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D16%26meid%3D3666830464031954027%26pid%3D100016%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D281024747417%26"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mooer-Pure-Octave-Pitch-Shifter-Harmonizer-Pedal-brand-new-stock-UK-/190758820898?_trksid=p5197.m1997&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D16%26meid%3D3666830464031954027%26pid%3D100016%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D281024747417%26[/url] Just come across that. Apologies if it's the wrong forum for this, but I thought it relevant given the trouble people have discussed on this thread!
  22. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1353271930' post='1873163'] Interested to know what you make of the Pure Octave, then. [/quote] Yeah to be honest it has made me a bit nervous! It's that damn small though I had to give it a go though, so I guess we'll see when it arrives! Maybe they saw me coming...
  23. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1353236990' post='1872767'] What was the problem ? (I can guess, but .... ) [/quote] Lack of control over the voices on harmony mode (Pure Octave on the way already!), and I just plain don't like the tone of the pitch-shift mode. In all fairness, I'm not a regular user of pitch-shifters, so it could sound just the same as the rest of them and I just happen to not like that sound. The best thing about this pedal to me was the Detune mode, but I already have a chorus that does a far better job of this so, even with the smaller footprint, I just have no need for this. All in all, there was nothing [i]wrong [/i]with it per se, but it's not the right pedal for me. I had hoped it would do a job for me in the effects loop of my Meatball clone for some interesting mentalness, but alas no
  24. Pitch Box. Not very good in my opinion! Put it straight up on ebay!!!
  25. [quote name='basskit_case' timestamp='1352449039' post='1863080'] Just received am email saying the sweeper and fog are out of stock, should be available again in December. [/quote] Same with the Octave!!
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