ubit thats kool dude we are all different, think im biased as i have 4 flamboyants and they seriously are gorgeous to play , so well balanced etc and martin and john (the makers ) are mustard
i dont get precision basses but how many people like them:-)
dude if i seriously had the funds id but it back but absoloutely broke,
whoever is looking at this thread needs to know i played this once at a gig and the band i was depping with are ususally quiet rude and arrogant (but needs must).
their guitarist ciouldnt beleive how awesome and clear this bass sounded he kept turning around and at one piont he said"ive never heard a bass sound as sweet as that '!
also what i loved about this bass is the bridge is sunken slighty into the body ( some sei basses do this too).
the bass feels not unlike a wide spaced 5 string go on people you know u want to :-)
oh my a bound neck as well :_(((((
i want to cry but i love my sei basses so whoever gets this will be chuffed... any one want a roscoe5,pedullafretless5, or overwaterprogress 6 , or a thunderfunk head?
hello guys ...;-((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
i wish i was minted , i want this plus all the ones in the gallery plus the epifani 902 on here plus wemon !!!!!
this used to be mine for a while awesome bass , sadly i did not give it the time it deserved also i know this bass went to te gallery and got some nice fret/neck work done on it
the pick ups are ultra clear.:-)
i remeber my neck Depth/profile to be awesome and the neck was solid ,
also just a thought my one i traded the new owner had Martin from the gallery put a new fretless/ebony board on the bass.
i couldnt play mine due to a shoulder injury .
the string spacing was perfect.