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Everything posted by Steve_nottm

  1. cheers mate, thanks for the link and appreciate you passing word out. getting some good responses locally but yes, this will be a challenge. all my idea. It just hit me that i'll be 38 in Aug and that's the current life expectancy for my twins. A sobering thought and also a good opportunity to do something.
  2. only a couple of guilty ones for me Fender Jaguar and Ibanez Jetking. Both suffer a bit but with grippy straps nothing unmanageable. Fender Jazz and Precision, and a couple of other Ibanez's seem fine.
  3. [quote name='tom1946' post='1146686' date='Mar 2 2011, 05:56 AM']Bump before the cupboard beckons. Great investment potential, have you seen another red one?[/quote] PM'd again
  4. Hi guys, I am the extremely proud father of wonderful 1 year old twins Isobel and Alexander. Unfortunately they both suffer from Cystic Fibrosis. You may not know but the average life expectancy of a Cystic Fibrosis sufferer is 38 years and as the 6th of August this year is my 38th birthday it really brings home the impact of them having a life shortening condition like this. Rather than the usual sponsored run or collection I decided to do something that could generate a much greater level of publicity and donations, and also that I can contribute to in a personal way. I am no runner, but I am a bass player in a local band. I am therefore looking for your help regarding a charity event I am organising for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust called “38 for 38”. [b]On the week leading up to, and including the 6th August 2011 I am looking to arrange for me to participate in a massive 38 gigs. My participation would range from the small (playing one song with a band) to full gigs with my own band, with the aim that each participating gig collect donations. As actively gigging musicians I would like to enlist your help. Would it be possible for you to either arrange a gig during that week, or allow a currently booked one to come under this event? That would mean allowing me to guest for one song, to publicise the event and the work of the CF trust, and to collect donations at the gig.[/b] Playing a part in 38 gigs in 7 days is a major challenge and one that I cannot succeed in without the help of Nottingham’s band community. Closer to the event I will be arranging publicity with the help of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust which hopefully will include coverage in local media (TV, news etc), online coverage, and even national exposure. Please get back in touch with me if you feel you can help in any way, and also please pass this on to any other contacts who may be in a position to help. Many thanks
  5. similar here, can't log in on iphone but fine from laptop. been a few days now. Have tried clearing cookies with no luck. ideas?
  6. We had the almost exact opposite a couple of years back. Band needed a drummer and a friend (who is also a drum teacher) recommended a student. She was almost 17, never been in a band before, didn't even own a kit but her dad had promised her one if she got in a band. been learning a few months at best. We decided to audition her anyway (being nice) and sent her a set list saying which 3 to learn. Gets to the audition and not only does she nail the 3 tracks perfectly she's spot on tempo wise, never deviated, she was really easy to lock in with, and she was a great laugh as well. In this case her teacher had it spot on. We'd all still be playing together if the guitarist hadn't moved to Poland.
  7. [quote name='Kinder' post='1106145' date='Jan 28 2011, 01:09 PM']+1 My Boss TU-2 has never let me down.[/quote] another +1 here. Boss TU2 done c5years and c150 gigs. never struggled to see it (other than outdoors)
  8. [quote name='tauzero' post='1080623' date='Jan 7 2011, 12:07 AM']Of course, if the position isn't actually employment [i]per se[/i] but a position where a self-employed person is subcontracted to the band, all this talk of discrimination and illegality is pure irrelevant crap. Do those who are describing it as illegal actually know that the bassist will be an employee, or are they all just spouting hot air?[/quote] Nothing wrong with a bit of hot air. I get it. A band wants a certain image, that's OK. They want a certain age, or sex, fine. This particular ad (probably) isn't for an employee and is therefore not covered by legislation. I get it. My point was that some posters seem to be arguing against equal opportunity legislation (at least between the lines). I was defending it. In employment cases you CANNOT discriminate (unless specially exempt like actors). In something like this you probably can, but shouldn't. I suppose it's about the line between "the right image" and blatant discrimination. If the image means young (looking), stylish etc then probably OK. if it means white only, or straight only, or such like then it's probably not
  9. Well.... All mended. Many thanks for the advice. I popped a new tube in and it's like new. Good old basschat.
  10. [quote name='algmusic' post='1079686' date='Jan 6 2011, 11:56 AM']Stating it's illegal is simply irrelevant[/quote] What?? IF it is illigal in this case (and I know there are exemptions, this may or may not be one of them) then that's highly relevant. You cannot discriminate on age when employing someone. Same with race, or sex. No ifs, no buts. You can argue all you like about "they need to fit in", and I agree fully. Image matters in this case. However, you simply cannot legally state an age range any more than you could state "white male needed". Argue all you like on how sensible the law is. the fact it's there makes it relevant.
  11. Pm'd (hopefully bought!)
  12. [quote name='dincz' post='1075564' date='Jan 2 2011, 06:29 PM']Easily solved - just plug in a new valve! A quick check might be in order first. Unplug your bass from the amp, turn the volume up almost to the point where the noise happened, and give the amp a firm tap. If you hear noises from the cab when you tap the amp then it's very likely a dud valve.[/quote] cracking cheers. Will give that a go.
  13. [quote name='dincz' post='1075132' date='Jan 2 2011, 11:27 AM']From your description, it sounds like you might have a microphonic preamp valve - i.e. it's picking up and amplifying the sound from your speakers. If you turn it up far enough, the result will be feedback.[/quote] cheers erm..... Is this a solvable problem or just a "feature" that I'll have to live with and work around?
  14. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='1074917' date='Jan 2 2011, 12:23 AM']Hi Sorry to hear your prob. Might be worth checking the speaker lead wiring. Other than that I know a decent tech in Nottm. Were you gigging plainsman nye? Any good? We did Xmas eve there (I drum in Buster) and it was rammed.[/quote] hi, yes played at the plainsman. Was pretty good really. Fairly busy and lively, with only the odd drunkard trying to grab a mike or pull the singer (always the singer!). Had better though as I wasn't really relaxed due to aformentioned problem. We play there last sat of every month. Also seem to play tantra regularly too. I'm the new boy in the band at the moment so still not sure which venues are the good ones. Plainsman seems to be good fun though. You got any gigs coming up?
  15. Hi all. Any advice gratefully recieved. I play through a hartke 3500 into an Eden 4x10 and last night played a new years eve gig. As the pa was vocals only we were using the backline for everything else. Usually no problem. However, for some reason I couldn't turn my volume up above about half without getting a boomy throbbing noise coming through. It happened with the bass off (pedal muted) so isn't related to bass or pedals. I managed to get by but I don't know the cause. Is is something that needs looking at amp or cab wise? Is it just to do with the room, or something else environment related? Any ideas?
  16. Yes, you are missing something. by downtuning a bit, but you all play the same notes/chords as if you hadn't, then effectively you are transposing the song down a bit. normally to make it a bit easier for the singer. Go with it, it helps them, so makes it all work better as a band and you don't have to play anything any different. it just comes out a bit lower.
  17. Don't "need" another bass at the moment, however....... Fender Jazz, all original 1973, Red with matching headstock, block inlays. I think i'd have to sell a child or 2 to get that if it came up for sale, but i'm not sure I could resist.
  18. I have 6 month old twins, and one of them is starting to look like she'll be left handed. any chance you can hang on to it for a few years until it becomes clear whether she is or isn't?
  19. [quote name='neepheid' post='804165' date='Apr 12 2010, 09:10 PM']I prefer there to be as little as possible. As a result, I probably have a slightly higher action than some people would like.[/quote] Same here. I tended to get a bit of buzz when I gig that I don't get when practicing, so I've decided that a touch higher action is the best way to eliminate this. I must play harder in a gig situation than at home.
  20. Hi All, Well.....since my previous band went "on hold" in November i've been on the lookout for a replacement. As one of the "on hold" reasons was my having twins (another being a guitarist moving to Poland!), it's only around now that I feel I can look around and hopefully pick up the gigging again. I'm keeping an eye on websites like Partysounds, and have had a few sniffs but nothing concrete yet. Looking for covers, probably rock/indie but have a relatively open mind. Previous band www.bosshoggband.co.uk was a mix of classic rock and more modern. Ideally would love an established band with gigs I can slot right into but would consider a start up. Anyone out there about to move on, looking for a replacement, or a reliable bass player let me know. Standard is good enough for most pub bands, gear and transport is not an issue. cheers
  21. Just bought a Geddy Lee from Pete. Top bloke, really nice bass and a good cup of tea after my drive up. Really easy to deal with and bass was exactly as described and just what I wanted. Cheers
  22. [quote name='bassman2790' post='758998' date='Feb 27 2010, 12:02 PM']Crap....crap....and triple crap.....I want this so much but don't have any spare cash. I had a marine blue burst RB950 and seriously wish I'd never sold it. Someone on BC has it at the moment.....I sold it for a little over £200 a couple of years ago. It looks as though yours has the same pick-up/control arrangement with a push pot to change between single coil and humbucker on each pick-up. There was hardly a bass tone that you couldn't get out of it.....why oh why did I sell it????[/quote] just to let you know that she's fine. Gigged with me a few times and always sounded great. Got some good comments on the look as well. Very nice bass , and I'm looking after her well.
  23. [quote name='Killstarz' post='767795' date='Mar 8 2010, 12:17 PM']SOLD PP[/quote] Bugger! that went quick. I was scrolling down thinking "i'll have that"!
  24. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='765387' date='Mar 5 2010, 04:51 PM']you mean I am NOT with them - the timewasters that is..[/quote] sorry, yes I meant you're with the other band who's details came up when I was googleing. Not the timewaster band. To be fair to them, it looks odd but all I have had is one cancelled audition, which I was called in advance about. Still concerned. We'll see what happens from here. I now have a mental image of loads of basschatters turning up to auditon at the same time!
  25. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='765334' date='Mar 5 2010, 04:21 PM']just worth a mention here - [email protected] is nothing to do with my band - www.splinter-band.co.uk also in Nottingham, to avoid any confusion[/quote] Ah - you're with them. I did google to try and find her band and only found yours. It did strike me as odd. Think this is looking more and more like something that I should avoid.
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