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Everything posted by Steve_nottm

  1. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='765275' date='Mar 5 2010, 03:43 PM'][b]I used to practice at Magnet regularly and the bloke that runs it is a nice guy and reliable. If they're blaming problems with repeated cancellations of practices on Magnet, they're talking out of their arses.[/b] Leave well alone IMO. If it's that hard to sort out a practice, getting gigging will be a nightmare.[/quote] Agree with that. IME Magnet are great.
  2. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='765011' date='Mar 5 2010, 12:23 PM']Hope it went ok for you, but I have my doubts about this... A couple of weeks ago I received an unsolicited email from a band in Nottingham thanking me for my interest in their band and inviting me to audition (I hadn't answered any adverts from any band in Nottingham, as far as I can remember) I then received another one telling me the auditions had moved time and place, and yesterday received another one from some poor guy who had actually traveled to audition for them. I've cut and pasted the contents of said emails: [color="#4169E1"]Hey, again sorry about last week's disasterous venue hire situation. We are definitley on for this week however, and will be meeting at Magnet in Sneinton Thursday at 8pm. Please let me know if you are able to attend. Thank you Vicky 0*********5 On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Vicky Barnett <[email protected]> wrote: Hi guys, Thanks for your interest in the band. We are looking to get together a great set of party tunes and songs that will make people want to get up and dance or enjoy listening to. Our aims are to get gigs at weddings, Firday /Saturday night pub nights, private parties and corporate events. We would like to invite you to come down for an audition on Thursday 25th Feb, the songs we are going to be running through are: 20th Century Boy Lets Stick Together Sweet Child Of Mine Walking on Sunshine Mercy All songs will be in thier original keys, and we will be in touch nearer the date with a venue. If you have any queries or problems, feel free to email, text or ring. Looking forward to seeing you there! Vicky 0*********5 [color="#000000"]Here is the email from Will.[/color] [color="#4169E1"]Vicky and colleagues, After loading two cabinets into a car, driving 15 miles into Nottingham, unloading at Magnet, waiting an hour, talking to the guy who runs Magnet about what a bunch of utter w***ers you are, loading up again, driving home and unloading again, I would respectively suggest that you can shove your f***ing band up your collective arses.[/color] Thanks a bunch for wasting a whole load of my time. Will [/color] As you can see, Will was not impressed, and I can't say I would have been either! I hope your experience with them was better. Mark.[/quote] Yup it's the same band. She actually called me to cancel at 7.30pm. This is a worrying development as I value reliability in a band. What are you going to do if you get another day/time? I'm only 10 mins away so not a massive issue for me, but a wasted trip would be a pain (as would a wasted session learning the songs properly!)
  3. Thanks everyone. As usual, basschatters prove to be mst helpful people. Well... I got home from work and had 30 mins so pretty much worked them all out. Turns out they're all pretty simple. Ok sweet child might take some more woke but basically I had all of them sussed. Then the audition was cancelled! Part of me thinks 'great, more time to work the songs out' but part thinks 'now no-one will know how good I am at learning quickly'
  4. i'm going down the "blag it" route for those songs that I can listen to enough to get a handle on, already said that Sweet Child is a non starter for tonight (that one will take a bit of learning!) will also take the old band setlist and say "any of those you know?"
  5. Cheers, I should add, I'm at work all day today so will not have any practice time at all (well.....30 mins when I get home at best). I once learnt around 30 songs for a gig in a fortnight, but that was fine. 2 wks is plenty!
  6. Guys, I've been on the lookout for a new covers band. My previous one is on hold due to guitarist now living in Poland, but we did mainly classic rock, and modern indie type stuff. I had a mail last night inviting me to an audition/practice with a new band tonight. They've thrown me a list of 5 songs they're working on. 20th Century Boy Lets Stick Together Sweet Child Of Mine Walking on Sunshine Mercy The issue is, i've only ever played one of them before. 20th Century boy. The others I know, but not to play. I'm going to grab some tab, listen to some MP3's and have a go. Anyone play any of those? any advice? I'm confident in my ability to learn, but not at this short notice!
  7. A somewhat related question. In my (now on a break) covers band everything was 1/2 step down to help the singer hit some of the high bits. All fine, no issues with that. What would you recommend setting up differently on a bass that I would be using tuned this way? Different strings? Action? anything else. I haven't made any changes, and it seems fine, but just wondering.....
  8. I think the people who speak about balance are spot on. It depends to me what the "real" request here is. If it's to cut down on gigs, spend less time on bass and more on relationship then that might be reasonable. Some of us gig 3 or 4 times a week, some 3 or 4 per month, some 3 or 4 per year. I think anyone in the first two categories can legitimately accept that, from time to time, some compromise is needed. That said, I do agree that if a partner actually expects you to fully give up what it is you love doing, then they are probably the wrong partner. If I were ever in that position I think I'd have to have a long chat about what the real request was, and the reasons for it, and then come up with a compromise position. To make that request means there is an underlying issue which needs addressing, however, a blanket "give it all up" is unlikely to be a solution.
  9. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='623654' date='Oct 12 2009, 12:46 AM'][b]So it's Nottingham where there are unreliable musicians?[/b] Yep, 100% agree[/quote] Seems that way Actually we're more derby/burton based so perhaps it's a burton thing Anyway, since Sat I've had one very apologetic call from someone who's car broke down and didn't have a mobile with her, so that's one second chance handed out. Round two in a week or so!
  10. Why???? We auditioned for a new singer for the covers band on Sat. Now....we're reasonably establised and professional. We had a lot of response, and a lot of enthusiasm. Why then did we only see 2 people instead of the 7 i'd arranged? Turned an OK day into an almost completely wasted one (and neither of the 2 who did turn up are right for us so we'll have to do it all over again!) aargh
  11. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='598949' date='Sep 15 2009, 08:42 AM']+1[/quote] -1000 I do backing vocals and that's more than enough for me! we seem to have a fair bit of interest from the partysounds add, which is good, and have a couple of people coming along on Sat to watch us. Nice that we have some gigs booked that we'll honour as that gives anyone a chance to check us out. Just hope they like what they see. Thanks Sibob - will PM you
  12. Just had a call from the singer in the covers band. He's decided to call it a day after honouring the gigs we have booked. Bugger! it's been a very good 18 months or so for that band. We have a good reputation and get pretty good crowds in. Anyone know a singer in Notts/Derby/Burton area looking for a covers band? We're bloody good, honest!
  13. hello, last bump before i let this drop off. Still available, looking to sell.
  14. [quote name='coasterbass' post='547471' date='Jul 22 2009, 12:32 PM']Ours failed at the first 1000+ attempts. This seems to be a common issue. I think its a case of accepting that there's a beat missing at the start. Takes a while for the head to get around it. It works fine now though.[/quote] I think we must be lucky because ours got it pretty much first time and has been fine every gig (so far..............) good song, goes down well
  15. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='539530' date='Jul 13 2009, 06:14 PM']Erm... If an item displays an incorrect price which is LOWER than the correct price, then the retailer MUST sell it for the lower price. They are then quite entitled to amend the prices of any other incorrectly labelled items. It's the Sale Of Goods Act, and it's the law. I'm guessing this probably doesn't help. [/quote] Sorry but that's not right. The price an item is displayed at is what's called an invitation to treat and not a contract offer. The offer is when you offer to buy, which the seller can then accept or reject. Anything priced incorrectly they can just refuse your offer to buy at that price and amend the price. So if they're daft enough to accept your offer to buy at that price, fine. They have no legal obligation to sell at the advertised price though, if it's clearly incorrect.
  16. another little bump.
  17. Anyone else not really mind damaging their basses? I mean normal wear and tear, a few dings etc. I've knocked bits off my main gigging basses and to be honest it doesn't really bother me. It's part and parcel of using them, and actually adds a bit of character. I bought them to play and use, and if they get a bit hurt by thay, well so be it.
  18. little bump after the weekend that's the problem with a great, busy, forum like basschat. You end up on page 5 too quickly!
  19. Right...... I've decided that nice as this is, I'm not actually using it much other than to mess around on at home and so it's up for sale. Then I can use the cash to put towards another bass that i'd get more use out of. So, see the pics below. It's a Black BG 29 acoustic bass in reasonably good condition. I've had it a couple of years. Prior to that, no idea. All works and plays nicely, but in the interests of full disclosure there are some small scratches on the front, a nick out of the headstock and one knob missing from the eq. Other than that it's what it looks like, a used bass. I'm in Nottingham and would prefer someone to pick it up. Failing that i'd happily deliver if it's a sensible distance, or meet somewhere. Don't fancy posting as it's a faff but would do (in the tatty hard case it arrived at mine in!) Shall we say £200 and see where we go? I'm not desperate to sell, merely a pre-emptive sale for GAS money! The tuning pegs look really tarnished in that pic, they're not at all! Honest
  20. Cheers guys. Have to admit to not having listened to the MP3 yet, but from vague memory "ploddy 8th notes" sounds about right so will follow chords and hope that the strategy of playing it later in the evening when the audience have had a few beers will help.
  21. This is a plea for some last minute help. My covers band is gigging tonight in Buxton. It turns out that we're actually playing for someone's birthday (we thought it was just a repeat booking in a pub we've played before). Anyway, I got a call from the guitarist at 10pm last night saying they had a request and would we learn a song for the gig........tonight....... Tina Turner, simply the best. I don't think it's that hard, however I was out last night, am at work today and have approx 15mins at home tonight before leaving for the gig. I have an MP3 to listen to as I normally do all my learning by ear. However, I'd like a tab if anyone has one. Just as a helping hand (or so that I can at least get it into my head while I'm sat at my desk at work). My usual websited have come up blank. Can anyone out there help me? [E mail address now deleted] (will delete E-mail in a bit but I trust you lot......)
  22. Interesting topic. Whilst i'm aware that guitarists sometimes use a "bedroom tone" that doesn't work in a band situation I can struggle to say clearly what needs to be done to change it. I tend to tell them to boost mids and highs to avoid "my" area. Any pointers?
  23. Deja Vu for me yesterday as it was back to the gig that got me into my current (covers) band. We played at the 2nd annual Biker Blessing in Dunham Massey (near Manchester). It's a charity biker thing where loads of them (c250 bikes I think) ride around, then have a rest and we keep them entertained. Great fun to play outdoors on the back of a huge trailer, in great weather to a decent size audience (for a change!). Played well, but the set was a bit disjointed due to pauses for "best bike" prizes and the like. All in all, pretty enjoyable. By the way, this was the event last year where I was asked to step in at 2 weeks notice and haven't managed to leave since!
  24. My covers band, Boss Hogg, is playing at the Greyhound in Beeston tomorrow. Unsual for me to have a home gig as despite being a Nottm dweller we tend to play in Burton-on-trent. Anyway, if anyone is around and fancies an evening of rock/blues covers (and modern) then pop along. If only to have a listen to our guitarist. in all honesty he's bl00dy brilliant. Worth coming along for, seriously. Check out the website for details, setlist etc www.bosshoggband.co.uk hope to see some of you there
  25. [quote name='51m0n' post='415196' date='Feb 20 2009, 12:35 PM']Course you can Mildred. Like a sandwich shop buys bread and gets the VAT back off it. You can if you are a professional musician type person claw back the tax off fuel, stage clothes (need to have proof), any and all equipment (including basses, amps, cabs, covers & racks, leads, fx, batteries, strings, notepads and pens - everything you use in a professional context), food whilst working - you need to keep all your receipts etc etc and do it all above board but yes its a legitimate profession after all.....[/quote] That also means declaring and paying tax on all earnings, so possibly not viable for the pub players. of course we all do that anyway...........
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