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Everything posted by Steve_nottm

  1. That does look nice, and has been on my "might like one of those" lists for a while. However £600 feels too steep. Quite a bit too steep to be honest. have PM'd you anyway. cheers
  2. [quote name='jonsmith' post='408696' date='Feb 13 2009, 03:33 PM']If it was the NCP there, another sign actually has a number you can ring to get someone to let you out. I only know because I've had to use it before...[/quote] Not actually an NCP I don't think. And the signs said that any cars left in after 10 would only be released in the morning. no number, nothing. Never mind, I'm not having much luck with parking and this band, having got a parking ticket on the first gig I did with them, and now this. Good job I enjoy the gigs!
  3. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='407961' date='Feb 12 2009, 07:50 PM']Steve - if you go a few yards 'uphill' at the side of the Boardwalk there's a turning which takes you right round the back of the venue where it's safe to park just outside a pair of steel gates which are locked. The dressing rooms have a firedoor just outside and a large platform/fore escape (where those of us that way inclined go for a fag) and you can see your cars from there right below you.[/quote] yeah they mentioned that when they knew I was stuck.
  4. [quote name='Eight' post='407333' date='Feb 12 2009, 09:41 AM']Um... never actually heard any. Is that bad?[/quote] Same here anyone got a recommendation for an easy intro for me to check out?
  5. What made it slightly worse was that after doing the walk of shame, sans car, back to the boardwalk to have my bandmates take the P*ss, the manager saying "Oh yes, we have someone do that most weeks" You might have mentioned that to the out of town band! Bless them though, they did wait with me, sat on the gear, in the cold until my lift arrived.
  6. So...we had a gig last night at the Boardwalk in Sheffield. Good venue, and gig went well (despite me playing like I was wearing mittens!). We're from Nottingham by the way. I parked in the multi-storey next to the venue, thinking, best be safe rather than leave it on the street as it's the wife's car and not mine. Went to collect after the gig and the bloody car park was closed and locked up! I didn't spot the (small) sign with the closing times. So it was a phone call to the (sleeping by this point) missus, her driving up from Nottm to Shef to pick me up and take me (+ gear) home. Then an extremely early start this morning to go and collect the car. Lesson for us all. Read the signs!
  7. I've had mine for about 18 months and it became my main gigging bass pretty much immediately. love the tone (mainly only use it on passive) and the look. quality is spot on too. the only minor niggle is that it's a touch neck heavy compared to my P. Not a big issue but if I had to name a fault that would be it.
  8. [quote name='OldGit' post='393429' date='Jan 28 2009, 09:31 AM'] Here's an example of what I assume is a guy selling used basses and guitars from his spare bedroom.. (and on ebay) [url="http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/info.htm"]http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/info.htm[/url][/quote] That's an amazing little website. Really like the look of what he does and will be keeping an eye on it for new stuff. How did you find him?
  9. My signature has value. If I start giving it away willy nilly to every false alarm of a petition, then its value will be eroded. I believe in only giving my valuable signature to causes I have looked into, understood, and agree with. Yes th number of sigaturies indicates the strength of feeling around live music, that is a good thing. However, it also indicates how many people are prepared to sign up to something without understanding what they are protesting for/against. A petition to the govenment used to hold weight because every person signing it did so because they understood and supported the cause. If we can now have over 70,000 people signing something without knowing what they are signing it's no wonder that petitions are easier for the govenment to ignore. The causes that matter (Gaza being a good example) get lost in the noise, and that, for me, is the fault of those ill informed and lazy individuals who have signed this petition.
  10. [quote name='blunderthumbs' post='376943' date='Jan 11 2009, 05:46 PM']If you sign the petition you will get an e mail from the government website confirming that you have signed. Go on, we all need to pass this on to all people who might be effected by this proposal. Not Just musos but people who enjoy live music and come and watch us play!!![/quote] I think what you're not understanding is the fact that people are asking for a link to the legislation that, if it exists, seems so wrong. Not the petition. This is a real petition, on the real gov't website, complaining about a proposal that we can't seem to prove exists or not. Anyone can create a petition for anything. All people, and that's me included, want to see is what it is that we'd be petitioning against! If we have hundreds, or even thousands, of petitions against various things that are not really being proposed, just scare-mongered by the papers, then it de-values the strength of being able to petition the govenment. I wish people would think about what they are signing!
  11. Bought an Eden cab from Si yesterday and he was great to deal with. Good cab and good bloke
  12. Thanks. Cab is sound and will be used in anger on Fri. Si was top to deal with. Now I have my own feedback thread I feel like I've arrived as a full member!! [quote name='Geddys nose' post='376446' date='Jan 10 2009, 09:02 PM']Bought my cab off me a great guy to deal with and very friendly and he saved me a long drive! Cheers Steve[/quote]
  13. always nice to finish the year on the worst gig in ages! Charity all dayer at the Loft in Nottingham last night with the originals band (Kazooee). You know the sort of thing, lots of bands one after the other. Well.....it was running late so we were cut down to 25 mins. Finally played the set on the smallest stage known to man, with no monitoring at all, the drums on a tiled floor so continually moving, stood next to my amp rather than in front of it so heard nothing, and apparently the mike's giving electric shocks to the singer. It has to be said, we've been tighter!
  14. [quote name='KevB' post='341811' date='Dec 1 2008, 12:36 PM']Since it actually was last night and the last gig of the band in its present form here's how it went...I won't embarass the venue but basically if you're not a tribute act of some kind there's no way you will get to play on Fri or Sat night. I've been to see a tribute on a Sunday and it was *very* quiet. The sound guy decided he'd have an easy night and though he went to the trouble of mic'ing or DI'ing all instruments into the big in house PA then promptly told us that they had to keep it quiet on Sunday so he'd only be putting vox, a bit of drums and my midi pedals through it - 'I just mic stuff up to stop bands moaning that they are not mic'd up - it's not going through the PA'. I suggested we could turn down on stage volumes so we could then mix it all properly through the PA - no response. So we trudged through a shortened set and got precisely £6 each from door takings at the end of the night - I'd spent more than that on food and drink since I'd arrived there![/quote] Diamond at Sutton? been there, sounds familliar
  15. I tend to use the analogy of Guitar and Bass being like Skiing and Snowboarding. Guitarists are Skiiers. Takes time to get the basics, a bit more technical and complex. We, however, are boarders. Easier to get the simple stuff and get going, but hard to get good, and of course, much cooler. And just to add - all bands i've played with have appreciated what I do, and the fact it's different to what they do. Not easier, not harder, just different.
  16. [quote name='simon1964' post='329158' date='Nov 14 2008, 02:43 PM']Fairly routine gig for us at a pub we play regularly in Nottingham. Although my son, who turned 18 last week, turned up with some of his mates and bought me a pint for the first time (legally at least!). Which made me feel very old......[/quote] Which one mate? I'm a Nottingham dweller too.
  17. Last night was covers band at a club in Rolleston, near Burton on Trent. A touch of the "Phoenix Nights" about it, but went well. Apart from one song where I use my 2nd bass normally tuned (all other songs are half a step down but the keyboard can't do this one down). Ozzy, Mr Crowley. Anyway, I check the tuning during the intro and think "that's odd, it doesn't appear to be able to pick up a signal". Reach the end of the intro so take a gamble and come in. Everything seems fine for about half a verse, then it all goes dead! After 10 seconds of me checking all leads etc I revert back to the other bass and carry on, everything working fine. Apart from the fact that this bass is tuned down! Got through it moving everything up one fret and remembering not to play open strings. however, I may have looked like I was concentrating more than normal. Oh, and I had a drunk girl come up to me afterwards and tell me that my bass was bigger than me! Charming.
  18. 9 month old Golf R32, so no...... much as I like basses, and would happily spend more and build up a collection I can't see them being worth more than my car. Like someone else said, there are 2 things I think it's worth spending money on as a "passion". Cars and Basses. Unfortunately a nice car costs more than a nice bass so the balance will probably always be on the car side. Basses are probably the 2nd most valuable asset though (house excluded). worth more than PCs, cameras etc
  19. Well.....picked it up today. and I have to say, VERY nice bass. Love the feel of it to play, sounds great, looks great, and for £160 absolutely stunning value! For a 24 year old instrument it's in great condition. Just the right amount of wear for one that's been used but not abused. Came with a nicely "retro" (read battered) brown hard case too that I wasn't expecting, and the bloke selling seemed a nice genuine chap, so happy all round. Might well try it at the gig on Saturday!
  20. Hi guys, yes it was me. Hadn't seen this thread, but it's nice to see there's a bit of known history to this bass, and yes, I think a pretty good price too. I think the local pick up did it (and being in Nottm I can justify a quick trip out to Lincoln to pick up). Mark, I see you really wanted this bass back, and I was feeling more and more guilty as I read it, but as you didn't bid in the end I don't feel too bad. I'll certainly let you have first refusal should I move it on and as you know what I paid for it, I wouldn't be looking to make a profit. Having said that, I'm hoping it'll be a keeper. You never know though.
  21. Covers band gig in Coalville, Leicestershire. Pretty good in the end. Started playing to 4 blokes and 2 dogs, but as we went on the place filled up and by the end of the 2nd set we had a fair few in and were getting a good reception. Landlord asked us to play a bit longer so went back on and did some more. Think we'll be back there.
  22. Agreed on the double bass funny how when he's soloing they cut away to shots of everyone else in the band other than him!
  23. How bad is katy Perry.............?
  24. Saturday night, Royal Oak, Burton-on-Trent (Boss Hogg Rock n Blues band) Went pretty damn well to be honest. I wasn't looking forward to this one as it's the first we've done without the keys (as he's on holiday) and we had to make some last minute changes so it was all a bit "seat of the pants". As it happened, it didn't matter, we sounded spot on. Had to do 3 encores, had people up and dancing, and loads of compliments and requests for repeat appearances etc. Nights like that remind me why I have 2 bands. Good covers band gigs have a really great atmosphere, and something that I haven't yet managed to find playing originals! (yet!)
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