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Everything posted by adamg67

  1. So, to elaborate on "switching between tunings would do my head in" (which TBH is pretty clear to start with, and it's clear that an extender would do my head in, since what it does is switch between tunings). I don't want to (and don't have to) deal with 2 different tunings where the patterns and relationship between the strings is different. I don't want low E to move to a different place, especially when I'm making stuff up. One of the best things about bass for me is that everything is in 4ths and the patterns don't change, adn the relationhips between each string is the same. I have a couple of ways of getting down to lower notes if I want them, one is my 5 string, which I'm using in a band at the mo and it works a treat. I can switch between 5 and 4 no problems these days, and often do. The other is an octaver as above, which I like, it's different and has a really nice werid effect where you can go up the fretboard and end up at the same pitch. Both of them keep all the 4 string notes in the same place, and all the strings tuned in 4ths. Tuning to drop D, however it's achieved, doesn't do that. Hopefully that makes it clear why I reallly wouldn't like a d-tuner, extender etc. But then, I kind of think you knew that already
  2. I'm going for delayed reply of the year here. I'm writing with a guitarist who plays exclusively in drop D, but I'm not exclusively writing or playing with him and do a lot of other stuff, and switching between tunings would do my head in.
  3. It's interesting when people say they have "invested" time in a band. It's like the sunk cost fallacy, it can make you keep doing something you don't want to do. I've thought about this recently with joining a new band, since you never know how it's going to go. I'm looking at it as something that will last as long as it lasts, and I need to be happy spending the time doing it and also not bothered if it suddenly stops. I'm getting a lot out of learning new songs, my playing is already noticeably better than a couple of months ago when I didn't have the push to do more, and so far so good as far as enjoying it. I'll commit to doing stuff and that's part of being in a band for me but it doesn't owe me anything and neither do the band members individually.
  4. As far a getting fired goes, I was fired as guitarist from the first “proper” band I was in, back in the 90s. The other guitarist / songwriter said what I was playing was boring and derivative. I had a think about it, decided maybe he was right and I should shake things up a bit and went and traded my geetar and amp for a Hohner “The Jack” headless bass and a Peavey TNT. I bumped into the guy who’d sacked me in town a month or two later, asked how it was going. Turns out they sacked the bass player as well and were struggling to find a new one. I rejoined on bass and it worked a treat, he liked my (pretty simple but hopefully effective) bass lines, we all liked his songs. Had a fun couple of years gigging round Leeds. I guess the short version is the only time I got fired the guy was doing me a big favour and I never looked back.
  5. IK iRig HD 2 for iPhone / iPad / Mac (lightning connector + USB A connector for Mac) + Power Bridge - £80 posted (UK only) 1 in 1 out Audio interface. With an app like Amplitube (there are plenty more) it turns your iPhone or iPad into a complete bass rig (once amplified, obviously). With something like garage band you can record and/or play back. I've used it for both on my iPad pro and it worked really well. Works as a really flexible practice rig as well with the headphone out. I've never used it with a Mac, and it comes with USB A and not USB C. One of the drawbacks for longer sessions is that it draws power from the device, which can't be charged while the iRig is being used. That's where the included iRig Powerbridge comes in, it sites between the iRig and the device and adds power so you can play all day. Even if you rarely use it it's a very handy thing to have in the bag for that one time which it turns out you forgot to charge your iPad. It came with a wuro cable but I've got hold of a UK one which is included. All boxed and in excellent condition. I bought this to use for guitar, so I could have Amplitube on home recording PC and on a portable rig, but I've never really got the guitar thing going (and I've now got a Kemper, mainly for bass but it does guitar nicely as well so I use it for that too). I have used it a few times as a portable rig to take with me when I was away, I reckon it's had about 20 hours use total. iRig HD 2: High definition digital guitar interface for iPhone, iPad, Mac and PC High-quality instrument-level 1/4" Hi-Z input jack Detachable cables for Lightning and USB included Preamp input gain control Headphone output with preamp and level control 1/4" Amp Out jack with switchable output “FX” and “Thru” High-quality low-noise, high-definition guitar preamp High-quality 24-bit A/D conversion 96kHz sampling rate – the highest in its class Powered by the iOS device or USB Can be used with line level signals from synthesizers, keyboards and mixers Ultra-compact and lightweight – fits in your pocket, laptop bag or gig bag Comes with microphone stand mounting clip and Velcro strip Full info here: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/irighd2/ and plenty of reviews out there. iRig Powerbridge: Allows continuous use and charging of an iOS device while connected to a digital iRig accessory Works with iRig accessories with Lightning connectivity from a Micro-USB or Mini-DIN port Ultra-low noise audiophile-grade power conditioner Status LED indicates when device is charging Full info here: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/irigpowerbridge/
  6. The last couple I’ve shipped I’ve sent UPS after reading a lot of T&Cs and ruling out a lot of big names because they didn’t cover instruments for damage. UPS did (check before sending though) and the extra insurance for the actual value was only something like £6. I’ve never tried to claim from them happily but it seemed pretty clear that a properly packed bass (hard case wrapped in cardboard) was covered for both loss and damage to the full amount I’d insured it for. The same could not be said for the others I looked at, and there are some that specifically exclude musical instruments from their insurance. Never really looked at the brokers after the feedback on here that generally, if things go wrong, they just leave you to deal with the carrier and don’t help at all.
  7. If you do, let me know and I'll do a reaction video.
  8. Do you have extra gravity?
  9. Okay… so first thing to say is that this is just what the BC hive mind has already said above but in more detail (I’ve got time to poke about on the iPad while laid up with everyone’s favourite virus, although my temperature at any given time can limit my ability to think straight ) I couldn’t find that part number for sale in the uk (not genuine Samsung anyway) or on the Samsung site but did find it on a US site which had the main specs, which look right based on what’s on the Samsung site for similar part numbers: https://harddiskdirect.com/m378a1k43eb2-cwe-samsung-8gb-pc4-25600-ddr4-3200mhz-non-ecc-unbuffered-cl22-udimm-1-2v-single-rank-memory-modules.html Specs are: 8GB PC4-25600 DDR4-3200MHz non-ECC Unbuffered CL22 UDIMM 1.2V Single-Rank Memory Module Lenovo aren’t very helpful with mobo manuals, so even if the memory is replaced the safest thing to do is stick to that spec and you know the motherboard supports it. If the crucial scanner is right you can go up to 32G in a slot so that spec in 8, 16 or 32G should be good, bearing in mind that you need the same size modules if there are more than one. The good news is that looks like a pretty common spec so you can go with a sensible make, a couple of obvious examples for 8 and 16 gig: https://www.cclonline.com/ct8g4dfra32a-crucial-8gb-1x8gb-3200mhz-ddr4-memory/ https://www.cclonline.com/ct16g4dfra32a-crucial-16gb-1x16gb-3200mhz-ddr4-memory/ Couple of obvious Options: 1. Get one of the crucial 8G modules, or something similar, and add it alongside the Samsung. Specs are good, but run a full memory test (there are memory test tools that boot off a USB drive and do some mad clever tests, and some newer ones that don’t need to be be bootable that I havn’t tried). If there are any issues, you’ve got the option of swapping the original Samsung module out for a second crucial one, after checking everything is in the right slot etc, and sticking the Samsung one on eBay. You’re also on relatively popular and easy to source memory so if you want to go up again (you would have to double it to 32G) you can, but you shouldn’t need to. 2. Get one of crucial 16G modules and stick the Samsung 8G one on eBay. No need to guess about slots (although that should be easy) just replace one with the other. Although there’s no guarantee the old memory will sell there’s a pretty good chance if you put the full specs on. I’d stick it on for £40 posted and see what happens. Again you’re on something common so can upgrade if you want. This would probably be what I’d do. obviously happy for other people to chip in (like it would matter if I wasn’t ), I’m just an enthusiastic amateur with desktop hardware.
  10. Have you got the motherboard make & model? It should be printed on there somewhere, if you post a pic of that and of the RAM I'll have a look at what's what.
  11. Did you go for the extra RAM? If you’re going to and havnt yet, try and get as close as you can to the original, not just size and speed but manufacturer and cas level as well - if you can get the same ram, even off eBay, then go for that. Mismatched ram really can cause memory speed issues. I would be tempted to check the motherboard specs and see what it supports, you might be able to get 16G of something faster for a decent price, and you can always stick the 8G on eBay. As mentioned above, make sure you pick the right slot for the new stick if you do add one (often it will not be the one next to the currently populated one but will be one over).
  12. I always practice though a pair of Adam monitors, with the signal going through my Kemper. I used to do the same with a multi amp, and with a small pedal based rig just like you describe. I run it out of my DAW and audio interface and back in but that’s not making any difference to the sound. I’ve checked it back to back vs a powered speaker and flat response speaker out of the Kemper power amp its close enough that I would never bother about the difference. That’s sort of why I do it, I have a sound (from the Kemper these days) that just gets reproduced accurately by whatever it goes through, studio monitors, stage monitor, foh (maybe tweaked by the sound guy for the room) or amp for back line. So short answer is yes, definitely you can do it. if you want to do live stuff as well just put the same rig through a FRFR speaker (I’ve got a b stock ART 715 that works a treat, any decent 12” monitor will do) and you’ll have the same sound live that you have in your home studio.
  13. Feel it Still by Portugal the Man is a nice easy one. It might be in here already and I've missed it but Money by Pink Floyd is another easy one. You can play a lot of things with a pick even if they weren't like that on the original, especially if you palm mute (which I do pretty much always if I play with a pick).
  14. I might actually be in, I’ve got a bass line I like and some keys I like, but… it needs vocals . On the plus side, it’s nothing like AC/DC.
  15. Off the see Jack White at the Apollo at the end of June, I saw him in Leeds a few years ago and loved it, whatever that thing is that he has, it really comes across live. Hoping for the same again, it’s not a stupid big venue either so even though we’re in the circle it should still be an experience.
  16. I had heard of John Atkinson Grimshaw, I could claim that's because of my great knowledge of art and artists but I think it's because my ex wife's mum used to live on the same road as his blue plaque in Leeds. We weren't that far away either, and I do like a bit of art, so somewhere in all that his name got logded in my head. And a good Yorkshire name it is too. Sadly I'm still effectively working two jobs at the mo, but in any case that picture wasn't going to get the AC/DC juices flowing really.
  17. I know what you mean, some of the other tracks on the album have the same thing going as well, probably more so.
  18. I've thought about it, and even enquired about a couple, but I don't really know enough to be sure I was getting real thing, and I it's not like I have spare money I need to invest somewhere. In the end I went for a few years old AVRI '63 P, it has a nice mild relic (body only at the mo, needs a little bit more work which I'll do sometime), a bit of mojo and shouldn't lose money at least. It's different enough to what I've got (it's my only bass with flats on now, and sounds lovely with them) and I don't have to be careful with it and can play it and take it where I like, but... it's still not the same though. Maybe one day... I don't do the lottery though.
  19. He's been pretty busy since the White Stripes, and a lot of it's been good. The Dead Weather are worth a listen, that's Jack White on drums and some vocals, Alison Mosshart from The Kills and Dean Fertita from QOTSA on guitar, plus Jack Lawrence from The Raconteurs on bass. I think because he's on drums it's the one that has the most unique not-obviously-jack-white sound. There are three really good albums to go at, for a quick idea what they're about maybe try Die by the Drop, Mile Markers or Cuts Like a Buffalo (one off each album). The Raconteurs are maybe not as edgy as some of his other stuff but are still really good, and they do definitely have a Jack White feel. Standout tracks for me would be things like Salute Your Solution and Steady, As She Goes and then there's the rockier last album with things like Bored and Razed. There's a decent mix of stuff in there, I really like Carolina Drama for the storytelling lyrics. And then there's Jack White, the solo stuff, which has some really good stuff in there like Sixteen Salteens and That Black Bat Licorice, and then the new album, and another on the way soon (July I think). I've got tickets to see him at the end of June, I saw him in Leeds a few years ago and it was an amazing gig.
  20. A few of my long standing favourite artists have put out albums that I really like in the last few years (The Black Keys "Let it Rock" is one I remember), but Jack White has released probably my fave Album from any of his bands this year with "Fear of the Dawn". I love it in the same way I did Icky Thump, it's sort of got all these hard edges but on really groovy songs. I know, but it makes sense to me. I've been looking around for new things and then someone I've been into for years has come up with what I think is a great album - love it. It's not often that happens, where someone's 10th or more (must be more, 12th ish studio album?) is among the best. I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea, and obviously if you don't like it that's fine you're crazy, it's amazing! 😜
  21. That's very nice with the natural and the black hardware.
  22. I don't need asking twice to show it off The Nordstrands were both custom orders to match the 17.5mm string spacing. The big splitman is amazing, each half is split coil so hardly any buzz when only using half the humbucker.
  23. If I had to go with just one of mine the most flexible is my Maruszczyk Jake, I put a Nordstrand NP5 in with a Nordstrand Big Splitman (two big singles as a humbucker) at the bridge which can be split to give a big single. Delano 3 band pre with adjustable mid band. 5 string as well. It covers a fair bit of ground, and plays really nicely. It normally has roundwounds on it but I've got a set of TI flats as well.
  24. I'm another ebony board lover, I've got two with ebony boards, one with rosewood ('62 AVRI P so fair enough) and one with Padouk, the Maruszczyk Hellwood, so that's allowed not to be black (but most of the rest of the bass is though).
  25. I have no idea why this is still here at the price. I already have one, wish this had been for sale when I was buying.
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