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Everything posted by adamg67

  1. I like to think I can get more expression playing something than programming it, so I’d always play it live.
  2. What does the drummer think about playing to a click? Some don't like it, and I get why (although occasionally it's because they can't play to a click). You can get a different feel when it's live and a real drummer maybe, which would lean you towards someone with a controller triggering things.
  3. I think it goes both ways, I'm sure that Maruszczyk have had plenty of orders based on the positive feedback here. I specced and bought a Jake 5A+ based mostly on this thread, and it's a great bass , "best 5er I've ever played" according to my bass teacher, and I now also have a lovely Elwood I picked up on BC - they will soon be my only two basses. They have built their reputation on building quality stuff, so I think it's fair if people share on here if that quality is not what you would expect - and you would expect it to be 100%.
  4. The trick is to carefully work out a placement that looks haphazard.
  5. I think I half agree, in that the modern incarnation of the blues is not the modern blues. I more than half agree in fact, cos I can’t think of a better contender than yours. There’s either no equivalent or that’s as good as anything.
  6. adamg67

    SX or XS?

    I don't think you've lost much there, I don't believe the RRP of £260 for a minute. Comfortably under £100 second hand IMO, and if you're anything like me you probably enjoyed getting it working again - I just replaced all the electronics on my old Washburn Wing cos I didn't like it sitting there not working, it's probably worth less than the parts cost
  7. If they are exported as stems from Studio One they will all have the same start point.
  8. There is some good stuff out there, IMO more of the good stuff in the “inspired by the blues” arena than the music that claims to be genuine blues. The thing is, blues, kind of by the way it’s been so strictly defined by people, has really been done. Modern blues is like modern folk, it’s either a retread of the same old thing or the purists will say it’s not really blues. Follow the thread of what came out the blues and there is some just amazing music, try and find people still doing the same thing and you get.... well, people still doing the same thing. Maybe the best thing about the blues is the effect it had on everything else.
  9. Studio One can export all the recorded tracks for you to import them individually into any DAW you like. It will do them all in one go, I can't remember the exact menu option, it's something like "export stems" - your guy should know how to do that. AAF is convenient but you can do it without. I've got Studio One Pro v4 (it's really good), but typically I'm away for a few weeks from next week.
  10. Okay, I wasn't going to mention them and it's hardly news, but if we're including the Black Keys, well there really is some good bluesy stuff amongst The White Stripes stuff. Death Letter springs to mind but there's plenty more.
  11. You could argue that this is blues rock, and I you've probably already heard it as he was everywhere a few years ago
  12. It is, though
  13. It depends what you mean by modern. There are people doing the same kind of thing as the ones you mentioned, and doing it really well, and there are people with a modern take on it. How about this: Maybe more rock than blues, but Band of Skulls are my current favourite
  14. I think it's just because Ibanez do make lots of lower end value guitars as well as things like the prestige stuff. The high end ones are good things to pick up second hand at half the new price or less. I know they don't do it for people like Gibson's do, although I do have an irrational desire for a JEM90HAM.
  15. That is true. The only problem now is that I suddenly want an Ibanez Artstar!
  16. Hmm, that's not the same thing at all. I'm saying the OP can get an objectively the same quality guitar for half the money, not that he should spend less and get somethign worse. I'm saying have steak, but pay half the price for the same thing by getting it from your local butcher.
  17. It is sounding like you are too far gone for us to help! One last go: http://www.ibanez.com/products/u_hb_detail18.php?year=2018&cat_id=7&series_id=112&data_id=13&color=CL01 https://www.gak.co.uk/en/ibanez-artstar-prestige-am-200-black/908678
  18. Based on the Gibsons I’ve played vs cheaper but still quality guitars, there will be something else out there for a quarter of the money that will be as good or better. For half that price there is a semi out there that you will fall in love with. Google “Gibson es335 alternatives”, find something amazing and go on a nice holiday with the change.
  19. Because both the Surshingar and MonoNeon are in embedded players and are on the same page, you can (in Chrome at least) play both at once. Sort of like the BC equivalent of objets trouvés? I suggest only one MonoNeon at a time with the Surshigar, but what do I know?
  20. adamg67

    SX or XS?

    Got to be an SX, surely, with the headstock shape? There's one on ebay with the same logo: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SX-Electric-Guitar-LP-Black-B-Stock-RRP-260/122963915814?epid=1554765022&hash=item1ca1387426:g:HGkAAOSwXf1agXc4 Looks the same but in black.
  21. I think @EBS_freak has a valid enough take on this that it deserves respect, as valid as saying that pretty much any noise is music - if it was, we wouldn't need the word "music", would we? The whole debate is interesting, but also difficult because nothing is defined solidly enough and almost everything is subjective. Are there things that are audio art but are not music? Are there things which people mean to be music, but the consensus would be that it isn't? It's worth asking, and lots of answers are valid. Some of it sounds quite unpleasant to a lot of people, and at the same time other people think it has value as art or music and even seem to think it sounds good - you can't tell them they're wrong. I'm giving away my own biases now, I think. The original YT video does make me wonder if they really mean it to be enjoyed by the listener or if there's an element of different and interesting being assumed to be good on some intellectual level regardless of whether people enjoy listening to it. My personal take on it... well, there's a lot of music and art that I love, but there's a line that gets crossed where I think, you're just going through a process that you think should produce art and then calling whatever comes out the end art anyway, even if it looks or sounds "bad" (or random, which is maybe worse) or doesn't actually get across what you were trying to express to other people. I suppose I think art is about communication, and things like conceptual art break that for me - you shouldn't have to explain what is being expressed. Just because an artist produces something, and puts some expression in it, that doesn't make it art (again, my personal take on it) and just because musicians express something and it sounds interesting doesn't mean it's music. Otherwise, like I said, we can just ditch the word music and use "sound" instead. And, also, possibly more controversially, I do think people can appear to be claiming some kind of artisitic superiority by liking things that are "more artistic". It ends up looking a lot like the emporer's new clothes. Right, I'm off to see if my shed will float...
  22. Meant to post the link with that: http://www.labella.com/products/767-6f-bass-vi-stainless-flats-26-95/
  23. LaBella also do flats for bass VI, which are even more money but sound pretty amazing if you like that sort of thing (I do!).
  24. No fingernails involved for me, I keep them short and try not to dig in even when I'm playing something rocky... but I also play with a pick, so if I want a bit more attack I'll do that instead.
  25. I've just switched to D'Addario NYXL for my "rock" bass and I really like them so far, much better for me than whatever the Maruszczyk stock ones were, even when they were new. I've started recording new strings so I can compare like for like instead of comparing new to old, so I'm happy that they give me what I want.
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