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Posts posted by adamg67

  1. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1467202789' post='3081869']
    How about a slightly loose tuner peg? It's surprising how much buzz they can contribute. Sometimes you do get a frequency dependant resonance, but some do it all the time on pretty much any note. I'm borrowing an EUB at the mo with a very loose tuner peg (it has had a whack at some point) I've wrapped a hair scrunchie round that peg and the next one as a temporary cure.

    Worth a try, especially as padding out the neck pocket made no difference at all - nothing seems to! Given the way it behaves, I'm worried that there's some part of the truss rod mechanism that's touching the inside of the neck, no matter how much tension there is. I'll check the tuners, and if that doesn't work I'll need a second opinion.

  2. I had another go at this last night, with no joy. I tightened the truss rod up so the fretboard was actually slightly bowed, with the truss rod really feeling nice and tight to turn, with no improvement. Then I gradually eased it off until I had plenty of relief in the neck and could feel the lack of tension, again no change. I had the action high the whole time to make sure it's not the fretboard, but it is definitely related to the frequency of the note rather than position on the fretboard.

    I'm wondering if it's to do with the neck joint & pocket? Anyone ever seen that?

    Just as an experiment I might take the neck off and pad it with something so it's a nice tight fit at each side, and maybe try something between the neck and the body.

    Thanks for the help anyway.

  3. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1467029180' post='3080547']
    It sounds a bit like the truss rod is vibrating in sympathy at certain notes. Might be worth tightening the truss rod so the board is [i]more[/i] flat.You can raise the saddles a bit to stop the buzzing. I had just this on a Rickenbacker 2 weeks ago, it turned out the truss rod on the treble side was very slightly loose, so I nipped it up almost imperceptibly, and the weird noise was gone.

    I was wondering if it could be something like that, one thing I've just rememberd and should have mentioned already is that it's easily most noticeable if I put my ear to the back of the neck, it does feel like the neck is resonating. I'll tweak up the truss rod (carefully!) and see how that sounds.

  4. [quote name='Manton Customs' timestamp='1466974077' post='3080201']
    As it's been defretted it's most likely that the board needs dressing, there's probably a bump in there somewhere. Basically the fretless equivalent of needing fretwork! To check: first slacken the strings, then set relief to zero (flat neck) then check the board with a straight edge a long the string paths. My bet would be one of the filled fret slots is proud.

    That was my first thought, and I wish it was that, but it doesn't seem so. I'll recheck it when I get chance, but I can't find anything. I made sure the guy who refretted it paid special attention to the fretboard, as it did have bump in it before, but I now get the harmonics a long way either side of where that was, and right down to the end of the fretboard.

  5. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1466971296' post='3080167']
    Have you checked that the strings aren't touching the fingerboard (right at the end) and giving you automatic 'pinch harmonics'?

    It can happen if there's a slight bow in the neck and your action's set very low.

    Yeah, I've had it with plenty of relief in the neck and the action very high and it does exactly the same thing.

  6. I'm hoping someone can help me get one of my basses sorted, I fear that is cursed and will end up being sold for parts!

    I won't go through the whole story, just the latest chapter. It's an Overwater by Tanglewood that has been fretlessed, and there's no reason it shouldn't be a loverly bass. The problem is it has some weird harmonics that come in as you get past the 5th fret (well, ex-fret line) on the D string and get stronger as you go up. They're also there high up the A string and on the G string, not exactly the same on all 3 but close enough that it seems to be related to the pitch of the note and not which string or where on the fretboard you are.

    I've stuck a quick clip on soundcloud that illustrates it fairly well especially at the end: [url="https://soundcloud.com/adamgx/fretless/s-MjM1Y"]https://soundcloud.c...retless/s-MjM1Y[/url]

    Things I've tried so far:[list]
    [*]Adjusting string height and neck relief, no difference no matter what I tried.
    [*]Checking theres nothing loose anywhere, doesn't seem to be.
    [*]Dropping the pickups as far as possible (though it happening in different places on different strings didn't point towards them, but just in case), no difference.
    [*]Changing strings, had flats and now has a set of tapewounds on, no difference
    [*]Taking out the shims that were tweaking the neck angle (don't like them in anyway, I think I'll tweak the bridge saddles instead of putting them back in), you guessed it, no difference.
    So I've run out of things to try from my own experience, but that's not much.

    Any ideas for other things to try? Preferably ones that might help work out what's going on :)

  7. To the OPs original question: They say "Overwater by Tanglewood" on the back of the head, and probably something about where they're made, if I remember I'll have a look at mine at the weekend. Watch out if buying 2nd hand, I've seen By Tanglewood ones sold as if they are Overwaters.

    My Overwater by Tanglewood Aspiration Elite 5 string was a complete PITA, the electronics were dodgy and the fretboard had a bump in it. That was on the second one I was sent, when Kenny's in Glasgow were selling them half price. It went back to Tanglewood for a new circuit and the guy who worked on it there said it had been "buggered about with" (I bought it new), but it came back all working nicely and at no cost. I had it turned into a fretless and that sorted the fretboard out, so I've ended up with a nice fretless, but after quite a lot of hassle and the cost of the de-fret.

    My other 2 basses are Ibanez (a BTB and an ATK), that's how a factory made bass should be.

  8. I've just discovered another big multiamp plus after I bought a new bass a couple of weeks ago with a wildly different tone to my existing one, an Ibanez ATK with stainless roundwouds vs a BTB with flats. An hour with the multiamp and I've got a load of presets to play with at rehearsals so I can find the right sound for the new bass, and then it'll be no problem just switching between the two. Love it.

  9. I've finally decided to sell my Gretsch Electromatic as it's not getting any use at the moment which is a shame, and the growing bass collection has to be paid for!

    It's a Gretsch Electromatic Pro Jet G5235T in black, I don't have a year for it but it's one of the earlier ones, Anderton's still have a page up for it with a few details: [url="https://new.andertons.co.uk/p/2505010906/solid-body-electric-guitars/gretsch-g5235t-pro-jet-walnut-stain-black-top-bigsby"]https://new.anderton...lack-top-bigsby[/url] . Main things about it:[list]
    [*]Chambered body for the authentic Gretsch sound
    [*]Gretsch mini humbuckers, ditto.
    [*]Bigsby tremolo
    [*]Gloss black top and front of head, cream and black binding and dark walnut stain on the back & sides (near enough black that you hardly notice it's not).
    [*]Gretsch "G" logo volume and treble knobs and Gretsch styled pup selector
    [*]Handy screw on strap buttons (ie simple strap lock system)
    Apart from the obvious Gretsch sound and looks the best thing about this guitar is the neck, it's very nice to play.

    There are plenty of reviews of the Electromatic series around, and they pretty much all say the same thing - a lot of guitar for the money, and really good quality. The pups and machine heads are probably where the money is saved (they're a popular upgrade to give a very good guitar), everything else is pretty much indistinguishable from the "real thing".

    It's in good condition, there are few small marks on it but they're few and small enough that it was hard trying to get them to show up on the photos. Very little fret wear either. I replaced the switch with a genuine switchcraft one as it didn't stay on the neck position properly, it works very nicely now. There's a small blemish on the front which looks like someone's repaired a chip, but you have to look for it to see it.

    Currently strung with EB regular slinky strings (ie 10s) plus there's a spare set of the same in the case.

    Hard case included, it fits it so well that they ought to stay together.

    £225 including the hard case but not including delivery, for instruments I always try and deal in person if possible but I can ship it in the UK at cost if really necessary. It's located in BD20 (Silsden, West Yorks).

    Some pics, click for larger versions and I can send on better ones by email:






  10. I bought an Ibanez ATK from Dave, he drove a fair way to meet me and do the deal in person and the bass is spot on and at a very decent price. Recommended, just what dealing on BC should be like :) thanks Dave!

  11. Happy to read this, I'm picking up a 4 string triple-coil ATK-300 in a weeks time, it's a bit of a "can't afford a stringray" bass but still they seem like such a lot of bass for the money. I dunno if the SR basses put people off the other Ibanez ones or what, but my BTB 6 string is excellent and I reckon with that plus an ATK I'll have have a nice range.

  12. I tried to quit the current band mainly cos of the drummer, but was encouraged by the singer and guitarist to stay and to sit down and have a chat with the drummer about what was up with his drumming (I was the only one he might have listened to). I did that, he took a huff and left, we got a new drummer and now we're happy again :)

    The moral of the story for me is that avoiding difficult conversations doesn't help anyone.

  13. Douglas bought my Vox amplug and was a genuine pleasure to deal with, top bloke as many people know already. The world needs more Douglasses! Hmm, not sure if that really is the plural of Douglas... I'll shut up now as I'm getting off topic. Highly recommended, cheers fella!

  14. As far as the 2014 vs 2015 model thing goes, the one I know about is that it's less fiddly to get the individual patch levels right. With the 2015 every patch has a level and there's a patch level knob, with the 2014 you have to have something like a flat eq or a speaker sim or play with amp gain to make sure your patches don't vary too much. Not really an issue for me as I set it all up with the remote control software anyway, which makes things loads easier.

    I still have no GAS whatsoever for pedals or amps since I got mine (although I did cheat and keep a DHA valve preamp / DI as a spare). I'm digital forever now.

  15. I've got a MK1, but with the MK2 headphone circuit, and it is an awesome bit of a kit. It's the only other effect/amp type bit of kit I kept after I got my multiamp, it's my spare rig all on it's own and good for rehearsals etc where I don't want to take anything bigger. Soemtimes I think I could manage with that and nothing else. For recording, I have the DHA and the multiamp together and I feel like I can get any sound I like.

    Also, Dave's customer service is incredible.

  16. I'm selling my amPlug 2 bass, I bought it for practicing away from home and havn't taken my bass anywhere since I got it, and have now got an amp and preamp with headphone out as well.

    It's unused apart from a quick tryout when I first bought it, I have to say I was impressed by it, but I have resolved to move on all unused gear so it has to go. Manual included.

    Full details here: [url="http://www.voxamps.com/amplug2"]http://www.voxamps.com/amplug2[/url]

    A few photos, click for large ones:

    [attachment=216232:amplug1.jpg] [attachment=216233:amplug2.jpg] [attachment=216234:amplug3.jpg]

    £25 including 1st class postage in the UK.

    No trades thanks.

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