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Posts posted by adamg67

  1. Thanks for the reply, my impression of what it sounds like FOH is from a recording from the desk from one gig and video from another, which both sound fairly similar. There isn't actually anything wrong with the sound, it's just got more highs than I happen to like, I have a bit of an old fashioned sound. I think my speakers don't reproduce the highs as much. So, I think your guess is right, I'm running too much high end at the mo.

    The problem we have with the local gigs is that we don't have a lot of control over the sound, so the closer it is to how I want it, the better.

    I'll have a play with the RBI through the PA at rehearsals and get it as close as I can, then I can use those settings for gigs.

  2. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1443959391' post='2878946']
    "... strap button on back of bass"

    I've just found that Dingwall do this with a flush mounted Dunlop strap pin on the back of the body.

    I found a spare strap button so as soon as I get chance I'll fit it to the back, but probably a little bit higher than that to stop it rubbing as it won't be flush. It's not a really expensive bass so a small hole on the back isn't a big deal if it doesn't work.

  3. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1443684281' post='2876793']
    Apparently moving the bridge strap pin partway up the lower bout (as on a Spector - see pic below) helps to counteract neck dive

    That's interesting, I came to the conclusion that having a strap button on the back of the bass a bit further forward than that would do the trick on mine. At least if it's on the back it won't matter too much if it doesn't work out,

  4. Here's another distortion I bought when I really just needed an OD pedal, the GAS was too strong and I couldn't resist it, it's still a bit of a reluctant sale but I can't keep things I don't need.

    Lovely bassy rat-style distortion, designed specifically for bass and you can tell. This one is the newer smaller one, with the etched case.

    It's in great condition, boxed, with velcro on the bottom.

    There are details and demos here: [url="http://idiotboxeffects.bigcartel.com/product/blower-box-bass-distortion"]http://idiotboxeffec...bass-distortion[/url]

    Quick Pic (Click for a bigger version):


    Looking for £95 posted which is less than I paid, but I just wanted one :)

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The only trades I'd be interested in would be a Solid Gold Beta or a good Ginger.[/font][/color]

  5. So, I got a bit distracted when I was searching for overdrive pedals and ended up buying some distortions as well. Predictably, although they are good, they're not what I need, so now I'm selling them again!

    This is a good one, they say it was aimed at Baritone and Bass and it does work well. The depth knob and the very tweakable eq mean you can dial in a really good bassy distortion. It has such a massive range that once you get the hang you can easily find tones that sound really good for pretty much any setup I would think. It also seems to do a much better distorted bass sound than the others I've tried, so rather than keep undistorted lows with distorted highs you get distorted low end that still sounds good. I thought this one had the most consistent sound over the whole fretboard, where a lot of others sound very different on the high notes to the low. It does just have the one distortion style and then you change the tone, but if you like the way it distorts you can make it sound great.

    It's pretty much brand new, I bought it virtually unused on here and have just had a bit of a play at home. I can't really afford to keep pedals I'm not using in the band, so although I like it, it has to go.

    £125.00 posted, the only trades I'd be interested in would be a Solid Gold Beta or a good Ginger.

    A reasonable demo here:


    Full details:


    Quick Pic (click for bigger version):


  6. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1443623237' post='2876350']
    Attach the strap at the head like they used to do with acoustic guitars?

    Interesting, never seen that done on a bass.

    From having a mess about, I think attaching the body end of the strap further towards the neck has the same effect, I'll experiment with the aid of cable ties and see what I can work out.

  7. I had my Sansamp straight into a desk at the weekend for recording, and wasn't loving the sound there much either, even with a bit of playing around, so I've got a DHA VT1 on the way courtesy of the basschat for sale pages, I'll see if that's different and if it's maybe just the sansamp sound I'm not so keen on and the speakers warm it up for me.

  8. Yeah, that is making some sense, there's a PA at the rehearsal place we use and I can use my audio interface + phones at home to check as well.

    For small gigs I need just the backline but I know how to make that sound good. I was thinking about this on the way home and cutting the treble to just before the speakers notice might help as well.

  9. It's an Ibanez BTB456 6 string, it has a pretty chunky neck & head and yeah, adding more weight to the body doesn't sound good. I could check out how much the tuners weigh.

    If moving the neck end strap button helps, does moving the body end one towards the neck work? It'd have to be on the back of the body though.

    Otherwise it's some way of extending tge horn which won't do much for the look of the thing.

  10. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1443191441' post='2872995']
    Wouldn't you be stacking amp sims if you put an amp sim after the RBI ?

    I would, I was thinking of just a cab sim (which the RBI doesn't have), like this but for bass: [url="http://www.sfxsound.com/microcab/"]http://www.sfxsound.com/microcab/[/url]

  11. I've been working hard on my sound this year, and I'm liking the sound I get through my rig now, but one thing that bugs me is the difference between what I hear from my speakers and the sound that gets sent to the desk at gigs.

    Both are from my Sansamp RBI, with line out going to a class D power amp and a couple of Markbass speakers and the DI coming from the RBI XLR out. So up to the output from the sansamp, everything is identical. This makes me think that the speakers are making the difference, so I'm wondering whether a cab sim after the XLR out would make it easier to get the FOH sound I want, by making it sound like what I get from my rig?

    Do people use cab sims for this kind of thing? I was also wondering is just an EQ would do enough.

    What I'm aiming for is a setup where I can get my sound right using my rig at home and in rehearsals, and then that's the sound I get FOH at a gig (give or take whatever the sound guy does to it).


  12. I'm getting my 5 string de-fretted later in the year, the price seems pretty good and I know the guy does good work. He's not planning to coat the fretboard with anything, but it will have round wounds on it and it's not going to get played to death. Should I be worried about wear and tear to the fretboard?

  13. I was lucky with this, bought my BTB a few months ago and it came with flats and I just love them. The feel is good but it's the sound I really like, I don't like the brightness of roundwounds. Mine were nicely played in so not grippy at all. They're [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thomastiks but I'm not sure which ones as they were already on, I'll have to try and ID them some time.[/font][/color]

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