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Everything posted by adamg67

  1. I just watched the video of the Soundblox Pro BEF, and I wish I hadn't... why do I want one?? I would use about 1% of what it can do! I think it's the idea that in there somewhere is the perfect sound...
  2. [quote name='Bo0tsy' timestamp='1435004641' post='2804680'] Envelope Filters are so subjective :0) [/quote] Yeah, I'm already resigned to buying a few second hand as I find them and then keeping whatever I like best. I've just been listening to a demo of the 3Leaf Wonderlove and that sounds really nice. So far, the EHX Enigma is sounding a bit too synthy to me. I think maybe I'm really after more of an auto-wah effect than a Mu-Tron sound. That's why I wonder if the Proton is just trying to do the same thing (Mu-Tron) as the Enigma, so I might be better looking out for other things to compare to the Enigma.
  3. I'm hunting around for an envelope filter at the moment, I'm expecting to maybe have to try a few, I've picked up an EHX Enigma second hand so I'm trying that now, and I noticed a 3 leaf proton (older model with a switch instead of a delay knob) for sale on here. From what I can see / hear from demos, it looks like it will pretty much do a smaller subset of what the Enigma will do, and sound pretty similar, but I can't see any back to back comparisons so far. Has anyone tried both, and is it worth me trying a proton if I've already got the Enigma to play with? I can sell on whichever I don't like but you always lose a few quid (and some precious time).
  4. I'm wondering if anyone anywhere near me (BD20, Skipton / Keighley - don't let the Keighley bit put you off, I live far enough away ) has a rackmount Sansamp RPM that they'd considering loaning out for a week or so. I've got an RBI at the moment, which I could temporarily swap just in case there's anyone with an RPM who wants to know what an RBI sounds like. Otherwise I can happily leave the cash to cover the value of the RPM. I've got a feeling that the RBI is a little bit too Ampeg for me, I seem to have ended up with my bass EQed to deliberately defeat the mid scoop, plus when I play with a pick (about half our songs) it's still a bit "clicky". From what I've heard, the RPM would give me something like the same tone with a flatter EQ on the bass, and more scope to find the right tone. Worth asking, otherwise I'll just look out for a 2nd hand RPM, try it against the RBI and sell the one I don't want.
  5. If the SR600 has bartolini MK1s, definitely try it through your own rig first, I picked up an SR506 to try 6 string after playing it through a different amp, and now I've played with it more the tone is bit dissapointing. I can't decide whether to upgrade the pickups for "real" Bartolini ones or just sell it on and get an Ibby 6 string with better pickups in already.
  6. Actives are often meant to have a wide frequency band that you can customise with the EQ, so don't worry if you feel like you need to cut a lot of treble. I mostly play with the treble rolled right off on mine (possibly to compensate for the sansamp RBI, which maybe isn't the right answer).
  7. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1434478359' post='2800028'] I had a fair few of those on a £600 Overwater by Tanglewood bass. [/quote] Yeah, I fell for the Overwater name as well, though only when they were selling off the last ones half price. First bass went back, on the second the electronics had to be replaced (done by Tanglewood under warrnaty), neck seriously worked on (paid for by me) and there are some other cosmetic issues. I should have got a Deko bass from Thomann instead!
  8. I don't know if this has been posted already, I searched this topic and didn't find anything for "rss" or "RSS", so apologies if everyone already knows this: If you've got an RSS extension in your browser (or a standalone RSS reader) there are 2 different RSS feeds you can subscribe to from the Thomann "Decorative Guitars and Basses" page, one for new products and one for price drops. I don't think things stay there long enough for a price drop by the look of it, but the new product feed might be useful.
  9. Hi all, I thought I'd say hello here before diving in. I've been playing guitar and bass (and a bit of piano for a while) for a good bit more than 20 years now, on and off. Mainly on in my twenties, off again in my thirties (why? I have no idea, silly really) and on again in my forties, which I'm getting near the end of now. Switched back to bass again last year and realised why it was always my #1 instrument, it just feels right. I got rid of my old Hohner headless when I started a band last year and bought an Overwater by Tanglewood 5 string, lured by the Overwater name and the fact that they were selling them off half price. Bit of a mistake, it's taken some sorting out - first one went back with dodgy electronics, second one developed the same thing so had them all swapped out by Tanglewood (under warranty). The neck needed some fiddling by a pro as well to get it sensible. It's ended up a decent bass after all that though. I've just added a slightly beaten up but nice playing Ibanez SR506, which could end being my main bass - I'm not sure if it sounds as good though, but it plays really well, so maybe if I like it I'll trade it for something like a BTB. I'm playing through a Sansamp RBI, which I'm still tweaking but it gives some pretty good sounds. That's going through a Crown XLR 1500 class D power amp - can't believe how light it is! I don't use anything like the 1500 watts with 8ohm speakers, I've got MarkBass Traveler 2x10 and 1x15 and they sound really nice together. I use a POG-2 as well on a lot of stuff, to thicken the sound up if I'm playing higher up. I'm playing a four piece doing original stuff, sort of rock / blues / funk, we have a few bits up on the web but we need to do some more demos, as they don't really give you a feel of what our full set is like. We're a mix of people with a mix of influences and it seems to work. Check it our if you're interested, [url="http://studio13.rocks"]http://studio13.rocks[/url] (I did the web site as well, as it happens). I also mixed the demo tracks, and lets just say they could sound better, but they will do for now. First gig was a couple of weeks ago, next one is next week, we've got about a 40 minute set of our stuff now and more in the pipeline, so things are just starting to take off. I'm no expert on the bass, but what I do seems to work for the band, and meantime I'm still learning all the time. So, see you all around basschat. Cheers! Adam
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