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Everything posted by adamg67

  1. adamg67

    Which DAW?

    Drag and drop for instruments, effects and MIDI is just second nature for me now in Studio One. I've got my controller set up so it's really easy to pop up the browser window and then hide it again so it's easy to drag stuff from there. And then obviously when you save presets they appear under the instrument and you can just drag the presets as well. I'm so used to it I'd forgotten there were other ways of doing it
  2. I've posted this in items wanted but I think the people who hang out round here might have this kind of thing sitting in a drawer...
  3. I've used a few things in the last couple of weeks that I've learnt in the last year or two. If I've got to tin a few wires and components, I put the soldering iron in the vice and you can do them really quickly with the solder in one hand and the wire or whatever in the other. (I always point the iron away from the room and take it out of the vice as soon as I've finished tinning). Saves loads of time. You can tell whether two pickups are in phase or not with a multimeter measuring volts DC, connect it to each end of the coil and then move a piece of metal (big screwdriver works) towards the pole pieces and then away again. You'll get either a negative voltage then a positive one or the other way round. If it's the same way round for two coils they are in phase (so long as you connect the multimeter up the same way obvs). Most people probably know this now cos lots of places sell it but it's easy to get copper foil tape with a conductive sticky side now, so gone are the days of soldering bits of copper tape to each other. It really works.
  4. Brian bought a Barefaced cab from me, everything was spot on, good comms all round and a pleasure to deal with - thanks!
  5. They're rough and ready settings, I still need to have a proper session to get it properly dialled in. I do remember liking the FET mode last time I played with it though. I'll try and remember to post what I end up with.
  6. My search for small but perfectly formed continues, but I've got the first part of my nano board flyrig sorted now: Thumpinator, Pitchblack mini and DG Hyper Luminal all nicely arranged and staying where they are (probably). The left hand side can be the pair that are on there in the pics, or a DG Vintage Microtubes Ultra v2 instead. All battery powered, and the gap where the power on and LEDs are in the middle also lets me break out other pedals if I want something else - there's a line plug underneath for power as well. Getting there. The plug coming out of the front was a bit of a toss up, but it seems to work fine without getting stood on.
  7. Yes, that was me, definitely. Or so I will tell myself... 😂
  8. adamg67

    Which DAW?

    I suppose it all depends how you define intuitive. All I'm saying is, it doesn't always matter to me if I can use something immediately without having to take a bit of time to understand it. If it's an app on my phone for booking a train ticket I want to be able to just use it. If it's the next programming language or whatever that I want to learn, I expect to have to learn some stuff. I still want things to be consistent and something like "easy if you know how", but I don't expect to work things out without going off and learning something. The last language I learnt was Python, I found a book on it that I liked, read that, used it on a project, then read the book again and made a load of notes. My DAW is somewhere in between, I don't want to have to study to use it and want it to be easy once I understand it, but I don't expect to be able to use it without knowing anything about it. Seemed like a half reasonable point to be making to me, but then I'm only a developer 😂
  9. adamg67

    Which DAW?

    Yeah, I'm not trying to sell Studio One, just using it as an example as it's what I happen to use - I have no idea if it's better or worse than any other DAW except from hearing what other people who've used both say about it. It could just be that I like it because I know it, but then again I'm not very tolerant of bad design or things that don't work well, so I can probably say fairly safely that it's pretty good.
  10. adamg67

    Which DAW?

    I'm sure there are good DAWs and bad DAWs, but one thing I do know from working with some fairly powerful software tools over the years is that something being intuitive and immediately easy to use isn't everything. In fact, some of the longest-lasting and most powerful tools I've used famously don't even try and be intuitive, they try and be simple and powerful but you have to learn some stuff before you can do anything at all. Sometimes you need to learn a few concepts, and when you do everything clicks and it's easy to do quite powerful stuff. I found a few things in Studio One a bit confusing until I decided to spend a bit of time watching a few tutorials and reading the effing manual as the saying goes. Now I find it very easy to work with, it's not that it's complicated and I've had to learn lots of difficult things, you just need to know what represents what, like what they are representing with tracks and channels and why they're not the same, that kind of thing. I'd definitely not judge a DAW without spending a bit of time with it.
  11. Leave me out of this!
  12. Ta, I'm only just over the border in Lothersdale, 10 minutes to Colne from here (the Mrs works in Nelson)
  13. NOW SOLD Barefaced Big Baby 2 Generation 3 (latest) in mint condition. Excellent FRFR 1x12" cab, as Barefaced say on their site it's a 1x12 that can keep up with plenty of 2x12s and 4x10s. With the crossover set to allow the treble through this is a flat response cab with amazing accuracy, I tried it against my studio monitors and it really is that good. With the treble wound down it gets closer to a classic bass cab. Rated for 800W but because of the quality Barefaced say it will play nicely with amps down to 150W. Steel grill, weighs 13kg. Full details on the Barefaced site: https://barefacedbass.com/product-range/Big-Baby-2.htm In as new condition, it has been unpacked, put on the end of my desk with an amp on top and that's it. It's only just played in. £585 collected from Skipton, or I'm happy to drive a bit to meet up. I might be able to send it, I just need see if I've got anything to pack it in.
  14. Markbass Bass Multiamp Mono in tough SKB rack case complete with MIDI pedalboard and extras. Update - I am prepared to sell the amp without the midi board for £400, and to knock money if if you want it without the SKB case. Really good all in one solution - multiple amp tones, cab sims and effects all in one box. Really good amp models, especially the Markbass ones but they are all good. The cab sims are the same kind of quality as well with plenty of options. The effects are top quality, just as an example I went throught a load of envelope filter pedals before I bought this and found the multiamp effect better than any of them. The compressors are excellent too, they all are really. It has 8 fully parallel "slots" each of which can have the amp model, cab sim or an effect. That means every amp model, cab model or effect is running on it's own DSP chip, so you will never notice any latency and won't know you're not using a real amp, cab and pedals. It can do effect send and return as a switchable slot as well. Comes with the MIDI pedal controller which is a really good thing to have, making it easy to switch between presets and turn individual effects on and off. It says "DV Mark" instead of "Markbass" but they are identical apart from the name. The pedalboard on its own costs over £200 new. 10 metre MIDI cable included as well. If you want to keep it simple you can treat it like 12 different amps in a box and then just use the MIDI pedal to switch between your favourite effects. If you want to go further, you can go as far as you like really, it's very good for having a preset per song and they can be as different as you like. The MIDI pedal has a few different modes as well, and makes it easy to access the full 128 presets in the current bank (there are 5 banks, so hundreds of presets in total). Built in tuner (which mutes output) which is available from the MIDI board (but appears on the amp, not the board). SD card backup for presets, which means if anything disastrous happens you can just load all your presets onto another multiamp and it will be set up exactly the same. I know in one of the multiamp threads a player who was gigging abroad had just asked for a multiamp at the other end, meaning all he had to take with him was an SD card. There's an SD card included. It can be used as a power amp as well just by having a preset with everything turned off. Mono, 500W @ 4 Ohms, 300W @ 8 Ohms. Obviously numbers can be a bit slippery, but it never went more than half way pub gigs with a drummer. If you think you need more than 500W I would suggest trying it out - it's loud. This is the 2011 version, the Multiamp was updated slightly in 2015, but this has been upgraded to the latest firmware (version 3.0 from 2017) with all the effects and fixes etc. The main difference is that the 2015 version adds a "patch level" control for each preset which is handy for getting them all the same level, but there a few ways of doing the same thing with this model. If you go FRFR for a cab then the cab sims all have a level parameter which is what I used and that worked fine. Comes with a decent length USB cable (it's a slightly odd A-A cable they use) for use the with Markbass Remote Control software, this is easily the best way to set the thing up and makes it really easy to play with settings and set up presets. It's racked up in a very tough (and waterproof when shut) SKB case which fits it absolutely perfectly, the lip front and back is just right so none of the knobs and sockets stick out but everything is nice and accessible. There's a plastic case for the pedalboard and cable as well. There's a Basschat review of it here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/259385-markbass-multiamp/ I can offer a bit of support by email as well, I've done quite a bit with this thing and would claim I know how to make it do most things. It's a great amp and they're not easy to get hold of now, I'm only letting this go as I don't actually use a bass amp any more, I either go direct or I just use a little cab sim pedal - just what works for me with the couple of basses I use. Works really well with a FRFR cab, it also sounds great with a bass specific cab, you just don't bother with the cab sims in the Multiamp, you just lose the benefit of having all the different cab sims in it for live. The Barefaced cab is NOT included! 🙂 £685 Now £625 Now £575 Final price £525 Collection from Skipton, I can drive a bit to meet up, or can be posted at cost - RM Medium Parcel would probably be about a tenner (might be more though as I'd want it insured for the full value). NOW SOLD Amp Models: Solid State: Big Bang (Markbass) Little Mark III (Markbass) T-Green90 (Trace Elliot) RB7Hundred (Gallien Krueger) Tube: TTE 500 (Markbass) Blue ’70 (Ampeg SVT Blue Line) Red ’96 (SWR Redhead) TWval115 (Ampeg B15) Vintage: Bassface ‘59 (US) (Fender Bassman) UK120 (Orange OR-120) JMayor (Marshall Major) Sunny US (Sunn) Effects: B-Tubemarker (Tube Marker Distortion) B-Drive 21 (Overdrive) T-Chorus MB CH/FL (Chorus/Flanger) Ninethy Phase Reverb Delay Volume Pedal Noise Suppressor Send/Return Parametric EQ MB Octaver Super Synth Compressore Env Filter RSS Compressor Auto Wha Inverse Delay Mod Delay Splitter
  15. Cheers for the tip on that one. I'm not averse to a bit of early VH but that's even more up my street, bit of an Audioslavey feel to it.
  16. That is a good answer. I am rubbish at keeping things simple 🙂
  17. Why not do VVT and then put the direct to jack bit on the switch of a push/pull pot, but the other way round to normal so pushed in is the one you normally want, ie direct out, and pulled up gives you volume control (and tone) back again?
  18. It is, and this was the thing I was a bit worried about, but taking it upstairs and putting it up on my desk - it fits in a slightly inaccesible corner when not in use - was pretty easy, it's not too bad to lug about given it's weight.
  19. I've done similar things to this with stereo power amps in the past. If the power amp does bridge mode (mine did) then you could run the cabs in parallel off it like a big mono power amp... BUT As people have already said above you will get a better more flexible setup running each cab separately off one side of the stereo - it's safer (harder to get wrong), it's not different if you decide to just take one cab, and it's nice and flexible as you can balance what you hear with the volume controls. Plus, there are people who say you will get a better sound from each can separately rather than in the same circuit in parallel, and people who say it makes no difference, but if they're separate you're safe that way as well.
  20. Ah, got it, that makes sense as I couldn't see any other way to do it, SoundCloud want you to upload a square photo but the player always chops it into a wide-screen one.
  21. I thought I'd better get in with at least a day or two to spare, especially given Lurks' habit of making the deadline into some kind of puzzle... 😁 For the voting thread: I've tried to be a lot more direct again this month, and to come up with something that relates directly to the picture... a giant puppet girl taking huge steps, like a nice big ONE on the first beat, and all the little people buzzing around pulling the strings in between. It did come out with a slightly dark feel, but then who knows what a giant puppet girl is really thinking or planning? And the gory details... obviously a bit electronic this month, but not programmed. The drums are straight Groove Monkee through Studio Drummer, the bass is real, it's on both sides and one is side just dry with the other through a Source Audio Ultrawave which fits in nicely with the other instruments. The rest is all played on keys through various things, apart from the guitar bit, and the vox which is my voice thankfully well hidden. The effects on the guitar and vox are played on the keyboard as well (NI "The Finger" on guitar and "The Mouth" on vox). Very little else on top once I played with the instrument sounds to make the fit together, Infected Mushroom Pusher seemed to suit the sounds so I used that for a bit of a final "squash". One question, @Dad3353 how do you make the picture come out the way you want in the embedded soundcloud player?
  22. This was a really good album, I can only see this one track on YouTube. He sings in whatever language he feels like sometimes, switching between them for different lines I need to catch up on what he's done lately.
  23. PMT have got B Stock RCF ART 715 and 735s with a fair chunk knocked off. I grabbed a 715 and it has a bit of damage to one corner but was well worth the money. Obviously a bit heavier than the 712s and 732s that people are using for FRFR bass rigs, but I’m fine with the weight (good handles help) and the specs rate it down to 45Hz rather than 50Hz for their 12” ones. https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/?q=B+stock+rcf Tried it this evening and it works an absolute treat with my DI stuff. Hotone IR Loader sounds awesome and my main bass through just a Radial JDI sounds lovely. One box, even if it is a big box, floor wedge if needed. I’m happy.
  24. Keep your bass sightly further away from your amp than the length of your lead. Looked at another way, have a lead that's shorter than the distance from your amp to your bass. Or, have one either side of the door so you can't get out without tripping over the lead. If that doesn't work in your room, move house so that it will.
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