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Everything posted by adamg67

  1. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07XT3Z3SQ/ref=cm_sw_r_oth_api_glt_fabc_BWZFWYTKK4DPBPNCWWRK
  2. Bought a Korg Pitchblack Mini from Nick, all nice and easy and it turned up well packed and in good order.
  3. This is a good point. My Maruszczyk Jake was not really bought to do the P bass thing, and has a fair few non-fendery features anyway, like monorails for the bridge, and the usual Maruszczyk zero fret and angled head. It's really more of a neutral good quality platform for a set of Thomastik flats and some Nordstrand pickups, and having it built meant I could get 35" scale and 17.5mm string spacing on a 5 string as well.
  4. Withdrawn now, got some plans for this little thing.
  5. I can't help choose between the two you're looking at, but I do think that second hand Maruszczyks are good value, and if you get one from BC (I've had a couple) you've got a decent chance of an honest report of any issues, and as it's second hand you probably wouldn't be sending it back to Adrian anyway. I can compare Maruszczyk and Sandberg a little bit, my current basses are 2 Maruszczyks and a Sandberg, and they're all great. They all play equally as well, and I don't think there's much in it for quality, but still based on reported experiences you'd have to say Sandberg are a safer bet that way. Sandberg's probably lose a bit less value from new (probably because of this, and being better known) which is good if you're buying new, less good if you're buying second hand - there are a few bargain Maruszczyks about but not so many bargain Sandbergs. I paid nearly as much for a used Sandberg 48 (fair enough it was barely used, and high spec and exactly the spec I wanted, and from a dealer) as I did for a brand new custom built Jake a few years back. That's probably not far off the choice you've got with Maruszcyk and Fender, not many bargain Fender Ps around.
  6. I really was surprised how mine kept gradually improving even after it was pretty much healed. When it was all signed off as okay to use, it still wouldn't straighten properly, a while after that (didnt' keep notes, just checked one day and noticed) you could barely see the difference between that and the same finger on the other hand. If you've got to where you are, I would bet you will get back to full use.
  7. This is really helping, thanks people. I'm thinking that if I get a really good levelling beam, I can use that plus some self adhesive abrasive to make my home made aluminium notched straight edge absolutely flat, so that is a bit of a two for one. I've seen a lot with fret dressing files and load of useful bits and pieces (knobs, pots, washers etc) that would take ages to build up in an auction, so I'll have a bid on that and that might give me a bit of a head start. Fret rocker sounds like it needs to be dead on so I may spring for one of those as well.
  8. Stingray 5 HH in Stealth Black. Looked the business, but just didn't do it for me. It could be that I just don't know how to make a 'ray sound good, but I traded it for a Sandberg 48 and havn't looked back. My BTB was a bit of "wish I hadn't sold it" bass, although it was a sixer and my wrist didn't like how wide the fretboard was, definite aircraft carrier vibe.
  9. I already have some (guitar sized) nut files: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Langley-Nozzle-cleaner-set-welding/dp/B00GAXB3XE/
  10. Weaker A and D strings annoy me enough that I made a little tool out of a small G clamp for adjusting pole piece height, which fixed it on the last two Jazz style basses I've had.
  11. I've decided to have a go at a few new things this year, and have been collecting cheap but interesting (to me anyway) things to experiment on. First up is a cheapish neck that could do with the frets levelling and dressing. I've got an idea what's involved, not rocket surgery but it's going to need some care the first few times and some practice after. The only thing I need to do nowbis get tooled up... or do I? I get that sometimes you need the right tool for the right job, and if you were doing it a lot some specific tools would save time, but do I really need hundreds of pounds worth of diamond coated files and fret crowning things? I'm inclined to just go with a decent selection of small files and wet and dry, most of which I already have. Am I going to regret that? other than things taking a while which I don't mind at the moment
  12. Now Sold
  13. Yes, there's a scuff on the logo. It is a bolt on neck, the Raven was the entry level shall we say in the Wing series.
  14. T-Rex Duck Tail - Dynamic Delay with Ducking mode. This is a great delay pedal with 3 modes Classic, which is, well, delay Tape, which emulates a tape echo Duck, which works really well on bass as it "ducks" the delayed level when playing so that the notes come through clearly, but you still get the delayed signal in between, which can really help to stop things sounding muddy. It's got a tap tempo footswitch, plus sensitivity control for duck mode so you can get it ducking when you want and not when you don't, and input gain control. All the info is on the T-Rex site: https://www.t-rex-effects.com/duck-tail and the manual is here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5241856be4b07f248a5a2804/t/52ae4fc1e4b042887e9f3965/1387155393232/Duck+Tail+User+Manual.pdf Plenty of demos in the usual places, mostly on guitar but you can still hear what the duck mode does and how much clearer the dry signal is when it's on. In good condition, a few small marks here and there, no rubber and feet but also no velcro on the bottom. No box. Not after any trades at the moment. £85 including UK postage. I'm only sending within the UK at the mo, sorry. NOW SOLD
  15. WTAF? The world is a strange place.
  16. Well, I hope we really are okay til the 26th, cos I managed to get that date in my head! I had it done last night as well. A bit of a rush again, but TBH they seem to come out better if I don't think about them too much. For the voting thread: Pigeons.... I always think the name for a wild pigeon is way cooler than for a domestic one: Rock Dove! So I wrote something that I though deserved the title "Rock Dove". It feels like it worked to me, it was what I was aiming for anyway, with the bonus that I managed to use all 3 of my basses on it, and the bass feels like the main instrument even with the guitar on there. The gory details: Studio Drummer playing adapted Groove Monkee parts, bass line on a Sandberg 48, melody bass double tracked with a Maruszczyk Jake on one side and a Hellwood on the other. Guitar is a PRS through Amplitube. Apart from the drums, all played live though I can't honestly claim everything was done in one take - it always takes me a few goes to get the guitar bits, especially when they're mainly improvised. Hardly any processing at all, just EQ and a touch of final glue, tried to keep the dynamics and not squash it all.
  17. Now on hold
  18. Ah, I see Yes, done that myself with a few things over the years. It may well happen with this SRC6 in fact! But my collection of stringed things has grown too big and the currently least used guitar has to go to pay for the others.
  19. Indeed, you bought it from me in fact, I had two at one point strung as Bass VI and Baritone (now I have an Ibby Baritone which is also nice).
  20. The previous messages you sent me in reply to mine were private messages, I'm guessing basschat emailed you and you got in that way? You should also be able to get to it via the envelop Icon in the top right hand corner of any Basschat page (if you're on a computer), circled in red on this screen shot:
  21. It's not saying it's a certificate error, chrome would pick that up anyway before Norton.
  22. As a fan of hand tools over power tools for a lot of jobs, I'd be leaning towards a small round file. If I didn't have one I'd be using it as an excuse to buy another tool for the tool rack 🙂 That might just be me though.
  23. Hi Berry, I'll drop you a private message about the SRC6.
  24. Thought I might as well post this here, Norton thinks Guitarchat is dangerous, doesn't give more details. Maybe someone at Norton is a bass player? No issues with Basschat. Could just be a false positive, but I know that sites and servers do sometimes get hacked.
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