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Master blaster

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Everything posted by Master blaster

  1. For sale is my GK RBX 4x10 cab. The reason for the sale is that i'm looking to downsize a little as i will be moving into a new (small) flat soon. The cab has been gigged a little over the last year. Still sounds as new and still packs a rather big punch. The only issue with it is the end of the full range input on the back has broken of. But it is still full functional if you wish to use full range. I will also throw in the speakon lead for the bi amp mode. Im looking for £450 ono. Im willing to trade for an aguilar db 115 if anyones willing to swap. I wont be able to send this as P+P will be a fortune. So pickup only. Heres the specs 8 ohms 400 Watts Stamped Frame, 10", 200W 32ohm High Presence Voice Coil GK-Paragon 5H50-8 FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 36Hz to 19kHz + 5dB SENSITIVITY: 102dB CROSS OVER: Horn Bi-Amp/Full Range Switch, Horn Power Limiter, L-Pad High Frequency Attenuator CONNECTORS: 1xHorn Bi-Amp/Full Range Speakon, 1x1/4" (Full Range Only) CONSTRUCTION: 11-Ply Poplar, Black Carpet, 16 Gauge Steel Grill, Custom Tooled Interlocking Corners, Non-Ported WEIGHT: 84 lbs DIMENSIONS: 23"W x 23"H x 18"D [attachment=53458:P030710_14.42.jpg] [attachment=53459:P030710_14.41.jpg]
  2. i started of on the bass. and from that over the years ive picked up how to play the guitar from watching other people in bands. so i guess im not a failed guitarist
  3. I love my gk 700rbII head. ive gone of the RBX cab i use though. Ive started using my hartke transporter cab again, which i prefir. The gk was all thumpy and had big kahunas but i felt the higher ranges didnt stick out to well.
  4. ide never let someone use my cab with there head at a gig. And im sure alot of other bassists would say the same. I think youd be beter of just saving up abit more money or get a nice combo, maybe one that tilts back so u can hear yourself at a gig.
  5. what is the advantage of fanned frets?
  6. there is software out there. When i went to the mansons show last year there was a guy demoing a piece of software that cuts certain frequencys of a song, allowing you to isolate parts or jam allong to any mps file. But i dont remember what the software was called, sorry. When im learning i just make sure im using a good sterio turned up a fair bit. Then i go about working out listening over and over until i get it. Sometimes it can take a couple of hours, other times it can take one or two listens.
  7. i think u might need to offer more then the jag for the swap. people tend to be quite attached to there millers. and its also a bass the ratils for more then a jag
  8. now that would make sense. tbh he wasnt the brightest sounding chap ever
  9. cant you just get a map and find where a good central point for the south west will be cos theres no way i will drive all the way to shaftsbury, and shaftsburys pretty much in the south not the south west. Im sure it will make things hard for people who want to go from north/west devon and cornwall. Exeter would be the most ideal cos its right next to the m5 and the a38. Well tbh minehead would be ideal for me but seeing only 2 people think minehead then im sure it wont be a popular choice. Well not unless people fancy a day out in butlins.
  10. it just cut out. the amp was warm but no more than usuall. the guy i met with the 1001rbII said he has had his since laast april and hes had the fuse go 12 times. I managed to track down the fuse and it seems to be fine now. Im hoping the fuse was just getting a bit old and warn. Ive taped a couple spares onto the inside of the case of the amp now, so if it happens again i sound be able to sort it in a couple mins.
  11. last night i was about 5 songs into a 2 hour set and my amp blew. it just went without any warning. My set up is the gk 700 rbII with a korg rack tuner connected to the tuner output. Going through the effects loop i have a few pedals (big muff, bass balls, oc2 octave and a boss eq). Does anyone have any ideas what the fault may be? I met a guy who uses and gk 1001rbII and he said hes constantly having to replace fuses in his. as his cuts out at gigs farly often. Could this be the fault with mine? i have a gig next saturday so getting this sorted is highly important :s
  12. Ive only had one guy ask to play my bass at a gig. There was no chance as i saw him in the local paper before for vandalising cars. I would only let friends and band mates have a go. As for my amp there always seems to be a re-occuring problem. I get booked in my band quite often where theres like 4/5 other bands playing. And in 98% of them ive been the only guy to turn up with my amp. Usually i know the other guys and they ask if they can use it whcih if fine as long aas they dont play with any EQ settings etc. Theres always one guy there that asumes they can play it without asking. After this happening on many occasions i now just turn the amp off before they play and take the kettle lead out. If they arnt profesional enough to bring an amp and they dont ask then they should either go through the pa or they can simply not play. May make me sound like and arse but its not my problem. Does anyone else have people turn up to gigs and assume that your amp is a comunal amp?
  13. I think they're both different techniques that are used to accomplish different results. Its good to do both as it will increase your playing vocabulary.
  14. to far to me . does shaftesbury count as south west? Somewhere more central like taunton or tiverton would be a hell of alot easier for those that live further west
  15. Would i be able to run a line from the effects output to the instrument input? would that work? How would you go about doing this? ive seen it loads of times where bassists have u multiple amps and im curious how its done.
  16. ive had exactly the same problem with mine. its weird. it just stopped working without any warning
  17. I got the 700rbII. You cant go wrong with it mate. Brilliant head. The only fault with it is that the effects send, return and the tuner output are on the front, which makes things abit messy if you include it in a rack with other bits and pieces.
  18. Since i played the mtd kz at the mansons show last year i have been seriously gassing for one. I read that Proel Int have recently started to distribute these series of basses to the uk, but im unable to find any stockists. anyone know of any shops that stock these basses?
  19. ive just got the dbx 266xl. tis pretty good. im pretty happy with it. and its not to bad on the cost side of things
  20. i got a mate that might be very interested. i will check with him then pm u later
  21. strings direct are pretty good. and theyre pretty fast with deliverys. btw chardbass where abouts u from in west somerset?
  22. of the 4 string variety btw
  23. Its come to that point where im going to replace my strings on my lakland. On them are the factory fitted strings still but they feel pretty heavy to play. I want something that feels light but that can still make peoples bones vibrate when played loud. On my warwick i have been playing DR marcus millar. I love the feel of them but they lack balls. Anyone know of any strings that may fit what i am after? I would just go out and try some but most music shops in somerset/devon seem to really only stock strings like rotosound and cheep and nasty makes.
  24. my first bass was one of these. but in black with a white pickguard. was an absolutely brilliant budget bass before i ripped the frets out.
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