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  1. Thanks John
  2. Thanks for all the replies and advice. It has helped me to make up my mind, and tomorrow I'll be ordering the ESP LTD D4 in natural satin finish. I'll post a few pics when it arrives...
  3. Thanks for the reply Plunger. I thought it'd probably be a bit of 6 of one, half a dozen of the other question about bolt on or thru necks. I've always played bolt on lead guitars until the last couple of years, its sometimes said they give more bite and attack at the start of a note, and mine certainly seem to and are better at producing a split harmonic than my set neck PRS and Les Pauls, but that might have something to do with the ridiculously high output DiMarzio pickups I have on all of them, Evolutions and Breeds in my Ibanez's and Super Distortion in my Charvel strat, where as my Les Paul is the slightly more chilled PAF Pros, and my PRS is still stock, but I do have some Super Distortions on the way for it, so we'll see what difference that makes. All muddies the water a bit really in telling a difference, but my set necks do sound a bit more "mellow" I'd say. One thing I can comment on a bit more definitely is the difference the woods make to my particular guitars, particularly the Les Pauls. I have one which is solid mahogany, compared to the other and the PRS which are mahogany with a maple cap. The solid mahogany is much darker, thicker sounding, where as the maple caps definitely seem to add a little brightness and clarity. interesting to read you think its mainly aesthetic on a bass, and looking at the LTD's I suppose I wouldn't really expect it to have much effect on tone, as the bridge and pickups are mounted on effectively the neck, which really forms the body as well, the mahogany and ebony are really just decorative "wings" glued on the side.
  4. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1436028902' post='2814467'] Ive got a LTD 204BM which is bolt on, spalted maple top, active... I love it, sounds good, plays very good, looks good and is put together very well, the 2 in your earlier post look to have very similar hardware and ive no complaints with mine whatsoever. Good choice if you ask me. [/quote] Nice bass. I'm glad you mentioned the hardware, a lot less options for replacing the bridge compared to a P bass I imagine, so its good to know there aren't any issues with it, and the D4 I've decided to go for has grover tuners as apposed to ESP so shouldn't be any issues there either hopefully, not that I know of any problems with the ESP ones, and they actually look identical anyway.
  5. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1436018362' post='2814372'] If you are considering a fiver ESP, bare in mind that string spacing is quite close. The nut on my fiver is only a couple of mm wider than my Strat. [/quote] Thanks, going to go for a 4 to start with, even though I was tempted by the 5
  6. Thanks Cocco. Would anyone comment on if there are any up or down sides to the bolt on or thru neck, and would the ebony cap on top of mahogany on the LTD make much difference to the tone?
  7. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1436013697' post='2814339'] If you like Ibanez guitars . . . Check out Ibanez basses! And the good news is you can find them used for a lot less than new, and if you don't like it you can sell it on for what you payed for it. [/quote] That makes a lot of sense based on what I said, but to be honest I don't like many modern Ibanez guitars, both of mine are 1990 RG550's that have the original wizard necks, one of which I've owned from new. I've had a couple of Jems which were nice, but who can play those live without looking a dick except Steve Vai? Not too keen on the body shapes of their basses either to be honest, but thanks for the suggestion.
  8. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1436009396' post='2814308'] Have you looked at the Yamaha BB424? The 'X' ones (with a scratch plate) nail the vintage looks of a Fender P and can be had for around £200 second hand. Just as good quality and you get the extra flexibility of a bridge pickup too [/quote] Just had a look at them, looks fairly decent for that price. I do rate Yamaha quite highly, had one of their acoustics for donkeys years and I like the J/P kind of combination of pickups. I'll try to find a few vids to have a listen to, but I have to admit I think I've already fallen for the LTD.
  9. Thanks both, pretty much confirming what I thought. I'm definitely willing to take the risk of buying online, I'd just about decided to get the D4 already, just thought I'd post this to see if there was any big reason not to. Must admit I'm not too sure about active, I don't like active guitars much but what appears to be great build quality of the LTD outweighs any concerns about that, and the neck shape really appeals to me. I mainly play Ibanez and PRS guitars with wide, thin necks and play with my thumb placed in the middle of the back of the neck rather than with my hand wrapped around it. A fretless is an interesting idea and I might end up with one at some point, but I think I should walk before I run, and stick with frets for now. I am tempted by the 5 string though. I like the idea of being able to cover a bigger range in a single hand position and not work up and down the neck so much, but I think the even wider neck might be a bit too much to adapt to, and I don't want to end up using the B as just a thumb rest.
  10. Hi, I've just joined the forum and this is my first proper post, and I expect as most new members are, I'm looking for some advice from the more experienced... I've been playing 6 string for over 25 years, so obviously I'll be able to become an incredible bass player within a couple of weeks but not certain about my choice as my first bass. I've considered the MIM Fender P standard because its obviously one of the most prolific models for a reason. £500 new which is a bit of a risky price for me really, as its not a million miles away from a used USA model, and I do always tend to think I'll just add a few quid and get something a bit better, but I need to think about the fact that I'll need an amp and cab too and don't want to break the bank. I also think you tend to pay a lot extra for the Fender logo without getting anything extra in terms of the quality of the instrument. I've owned 2 used USA strats, and while they were ok I'm glad I didn't pay full market price for them. Both now sold. Anyway, I've been looking at the ESP LTD D4 (£400 new) [url="http://www.richtonemusic.co.uk/products/esp_ltd_d-4_ns_bass_guitar.asp?gclid=COHU2JaDwcYCFWHHtAodOdUHpg"]http://www.richtonem...CFWHHtAodOdUHpg[/url] and B4 (about £450 new in the UK but Thomann have the best pics) [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/esp_ltd_b4e_ng.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._ltd_b4e_ng.htm[/url] I've read only good things about them online, and I'm particularly liking the look of the B4 but not sure on a bass how much difference an ebony cap makes like I do with maple caps etc on 6 strings. Its quite difficult to go to a shop to try one as I'm in deepest darkest Cornwall and there aren't a lot of places that have them in stock, so just wondering if anyone has any info or opinions before I take a punt and buy one or travel for hours to try one out? It's likely to be used mainly for typical pub covers type stuff when I get to grips with playing, more modern pop rock kind of material, but I do like a bit of classic rock and metal too (Sabbath, Ozzy, Rush etc) so I'm sure to be playing a bit of that too, at home at least, and a year or two down the line I quite fancy having a go at a bit of funk and moderate slap maybe. Thanks for any info
  11. Haha, I know that feeling very well, and any time someone calls me Douglas I tell them...only my mum calls me that!
  12. Hi, I'm Doug, as you may have guessed, and I'm not actually a Bass player...yet. I've played 6 string for over 25 years, and thought it was time to broaden my horizons and invest in my first bass. I've played all sorts of stuff over the years, from metal to ska and reggae to pop rock and even a bit of country, and there's a very good chance if I get on OK with the bass, I'll end up playing the local pubs and clubs with my mates, doing a mix of covers and originals, but that's a little way off for now! I'm not certain what I'm going to buy yet, but I do have a few makes and models in mind, and this has got to be the best place to find lots of info and get advice from people who know a lot more about it than I do, so here I am. Looking forward to reading some interesting posts, picking all your brains, and hopefully contributing a bit of useful knowledge myself too, if its a subject I know a bit about...
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