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The GroovyPlucker

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Everything posted by The GroovyPlucker

  1. Is this an 8ohm cab?
  2. Suprised by no interest at all, great quality cab, Brand New, great bargain.....
  3. Bought this new recently but only taken out of the box to test. Really after a 212 or 210, preferably TC Electronic, but am open to offers and suggestions. Here's the info : [color=#000000][font=Tahoma][size=2][b] Gallien Krueger 410MBE-II 800-Watt 4x10" Bass Speaker Cabinet (8 Ohm)[/b] MBE-II Series bass cabs are the perfect compliment to the MB Series heads and MB210 II combo. The compact design and light weight allow you to create the perfect stack without sacrificing portability. All MBE cabinets (except the 400w 410) come fitted with the same high performance Neodymium drivers used in their Neo series cabinets combined with the same high frequency tweeter found in the MB Series II combos.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Tahoma][size=2][b] Gallien Krueger 410MBE 800-Watt 4x10\" Bass Speaker Cabinet Spec[/b][/size][/font][/color][list] [*]800 Watts [*]21.3 kgs [*]629x906x906mm [*]Speakon/Jack Input [*]Horne Defeat Switch [/list] [size=5][b]PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THE 800W VERSION, NOT THE SLIGHTLY CHEAPER 400W, [/b][/size] [size=5][b]THIS ONE IS STILL AVAILABLE AT GAK £475[/b][/size] [size=5][b]NOW £280 + Shipping[/b][/size]
  4. I just bought one of these from a fellow Basschatter and they're superb, bargain price too.............
  5. Hi, I'm also in NI, always wanted to try one of them MM SWR's, looks lovely, sadly don't have £1400 lying around......otherwise.........anyway, good luck with the sale and have a norn iron bump..............
  6. Having just sold my, almost, identical rig, I can vouch for this set up, lovely warm sound from them 112's, wish I'd kept mine sted of buying a DB212, THIS IS A GREAT PRICE FOLKS...............
  7. "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The recent arrival of our first baby has prompted a thoroughly unjustified examination of exactly why there's so much bass stuff 'laying about the house...." [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]that has to be one of the funniest comments I ever heard, and so rings true with me after our two arrived, shortly followed by are you out gigging again, you're never in......then a small bundle of notes arrived on the table.......then silence......[/font][/color]
  8. "still got the tagger on....no don't even look at that one"
  9. always wanted this set up.......always wanted £1200 to pay for it too.....oh well
  10. you're right, market is bad, I'm buying as soon as I can sell, oh yeah!!!!!
  11. Hi, Anyone any experience with an Eden E320 Bass Combo, and if so what's it like with an extension cab, say a 2x10? Cheers The GroovyPlucker
  12. I had this cab, with both DBS heads, and it's amazing, always my dream combination, this is a great price for a superb piece of kit.......
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