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The GroovyPlucker

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Everything posted by The GroovyPlucker

  1. [quote name='Toddy' post='891912' date='Jul 11 2010, 12:31 PM']Pants,,, unpacked my gear for the gig last night and realised I had left the power supply at last weeks gig!!! (Brean Leisure in Sommersett) Contacting the venue at the min,, however,, fearing the worst,,where can I get another???? Any help appreciatted. Cheers [/quote] Hi, Might not be much help, but, if you know any guitarists with any of the GT version pedal boards, then the same adaptor works with the GT6-B, I have a GT-8 guitar board y'see, otherwise trawl ebay or contact Roland Dealer. The GroovyPlucker
  2. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='887047' date='Jul 6 2010, 10:03 AM']If I paired this with my Orange Terror Bass head would I have a 'terrors chocolate orange' ?[/quote] Liking it, just don't tap it, anyway it's not terry's it's mine, how sad the power of advertising is The GroovyPlucker
  3. Hi, Does anyone know of any site offering guides to setting up sounds in a Boss GT6-B. It's a shame you can't download em onto it, but have seen a guy posting a video on you tube of how to get the right sound for Hysteria by Muse, and that was handy, just wondered if anyone knew of any forum/site which would have similar walkthroughs of specific sounds and how to program them in. Have been struggling to get that Pino Palladino sound from the 80's Paul Young days on my fretted Bass. Cheers The GroovyPlucker
  4. Hi, PM'd u there The GroovyPlucker
  5. [attachment=53456:OBC115_1...orig_192.jpg] [color="#FF8C00"][size=5][font="Palatino Linotype"]OBC 115 in Pristine Used Condition, actuallly used twice. Absolute bargain at £350. [inc of U.K. Delivery] It's all boxed and ready to go. The last piece of the Orange Rig to go, having now moved to an Aguilar set up[/font][/size][/color] [color="#FF0000"][size=6][i][font="Book Antiqua"]The GroovyPlucker[/font][/i][/size][/color]
  6. [quote name='Higgie' post='878719' date='Jun 27 2010, 11:20 AM']It does! It plays better than it sounds, it sounds better than it looks, and it looks better than it plays...The perfect Catch 22 situation! I REALLY wish I could keep it, but other things are needed, and a 5 isn't one of them [/quote] You're so right Higgie and Dave, someone give this a space in their guitar rack, it's so beautiful and black I'm suprised Madonna or Angelina Jolie hasn't bought it! The GroovyPlucker
  7. No problem, there was one of them Aguilar amps up on here I believe not so long since. How d'ya rate them? I've just taken charge of an Orange Bass Amp setup, very vintage sound, but can shape it as well with my GT6-B, looks the biz too. The GroovyPlucker
  8. Wow, that didn't last long!!! Just to add my two penneth, this is an awesome Bass that has to be seen, heard and touched to believe, it's as smooth as a babies, well y'know, and a serious high end Bass. Higgie is an awesome guy to deal with so have no fears in dealing with him, honest, reliable and to the point. Take this Bass home it's wonderful. Good luck with the sale Higgie, am just in the process of picking up my Mayones Jabba 5 String from BassDirect, and it's almost a carbon copy of the DJ5, can't wait. The GroovyPlucker
  9. Back on the market, as I'm Gassinng man for a Fender V
  10. Yeah, you're right, just being lazy, will get onto it asap, they are a great combo, but just too tight and clean for me, but loud & punchy as hell.
  11. Suprised at what little response this has yielded, tis a great deal for a new amp & cover ready to rock & and all in the size of an average car boot!
  12. Any trades, shame I missed that Marcus Miller V 5 String, would've been something I was looking for, damn
  13. Bump for time spent away on hols
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