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The GroovyPlucker

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Everything posted by The GroovyPlucker

  1. that's a fantastic price for arguably one of ashdown's best amps, best ashdown I've played through for sure....
  2. Just a tentative feeler to see if anyone's looking to go two small(er) cabs for their big one. Been swayed by the big twin and it's big tweeter, vales are quite similar but can add monies if need be. Let me know your thoughts folks STOCK PIC OF MY STACK. Can takes pics of mine at next rehearsal, my compact has black moulded plastic corners as opposed to chrome.
  3. Gen 1 has two speakon's at the back and moulded plastic corners, this is def gen 2
  4. Just done a long distance deal with Marco, absolutely great guy to do business with, especially seeing as we didn't know each other previously, all taken on trust and that trust not breached, just how it should be, have no hesitation in your dealings with this great guy, really easy to talk to and full of useful advice too, faith in humanity restored
  5. cheers flippyfloop, just checking there, there's a wah setting I'd forgot about
  6. wow, long long time since I've seen one of these, always wanted one, what do them switched do again, one a slap switch or something. In your opinion what kinda sounds can you get from this, deep and twangy, slappy, funky sorta thing?
  7. Moving on my 1st ever Bass. Just been serviced by my tech and cleaned up a bit. This has an after market schaller bridge which I had fitted in the early 1990's, still have the original bridge also, the Brass Nut I also had fitted at the same time, over £100 of upgrades there. I believe I bought this in 1984, serial number's a bit inconclusive as it has six digits, from what I've read the usually have 5 or 7, unless one has faded away down the years, not sure. This is from the famous Matsumoku Factory in Japan. Here's a link to the Westone site with an explanation/diagram of the controls http://www.westone.info/manual/index.html This has an awesome and big sound, if you want a pino fretless sound this should deliver it. It's not as heavy as I remembered, the neck is unlined fretless and I believe that's how it was from original, some models are shadow fretted. TRADES: Looking for an 80's sounding bass, even though this is that I'm looking a fretted model, so Ibanez, Yamaha, Aria Pro, all must be active models though. Alternatively, any Barefaced Cabs, preferably a gen 1 or 2 midget. Hit me with what you have. £375 PRICE INCLUDES U.K. ONLY POSTAGE. ANYONE FROM OUTSIDE THE U.K. PM ME AND I'LL LOOK INTO A PRICE.
  8. agreed Frank, I had a red jap model, looks sublime, sounds awesome, should never have let that one go either, GLWTS
  9. I can testify to the sound of these amazing basses, and mine didn't even have the SB1's in, stock sounded fantastic, grab a bargain, GLWTS....
  10. Hi, I might if I could get a replacement, but would need a replacement in place pretty quick, keep a look out on this thread, cheers
  11. for the record Lozz is a great guy to deal with, lovely bass, would've had it if bank of anywhere would help me, but in the meantime have a bump on me, glwts
  12. Thanks for your input Frank, I would trust your judgement regarding Barefaced. I didn't realise the GB was so Bassy, was always led to believe more mid sounding. The Compact N Midget is an awesome combo for sure, just thought I could get the same sound with a smaller footprint, maybe not. If I had the monies I'd buy another midget and A-B the differing set ups, maybe hold out and do that. Have a guy interested in a trade outside of Basschat, not 100% sure what way to go now. I do like the volume I have, like the tone too, sounds like I'll get the same volume with two midgets, maybe miss out on some of the oomph.....
  13. No one like a 15" instead of a Midget????
  14. Lovely, one of the best Fender Signature Basses ever......
  15. Forgot to add, this comes with a Brand New Roqsolid cover, inc under flap thing and large side pocket
  16. [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Just tentatively enquiring. Looking to maybe trade my Gen 1 Compact 15" for a Midget. Have the compact n midget combo currently, but thinking the compact has too much bass for my needs thus thinking about 2x12's, specifically another midget to match up with my other one, which is a gen II I think. I've tried the midget on it's own and I think there's enough poke n bass from one to justify having a second, plus it would be a bit lighter and a neater stack on stage. Your thoughts on the two set up's would be appreciated. I'm running a Genz Benz Streamliner 900 and mainly play clean, modern tones.[/font][/color] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Other's have suggested that the GB is very bassey, I was always under the impression that it was more clean n middy.[/font][/color] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Straight swap if it comes off as I believe the value of both is approx the same[/font][/color] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Compact is in good nick.[/font][/color]
  17. would've been all over this if I hadn't got my barefaced, good cab at a good price, GLWTS
  18. same here, would love one of these, maybe one day
  19. Excellent Basses these, vastly underated, pick guard is always an issue tho but don't detract from a stonking p bass, very comfortable neck too, would snap it up if I had the reddies, even after just selling my own, GLWTS
  20. Ditto all the previous comments, Andy just bought my Squier P Bass, easy, seamless transaction, very easy to communicate with and an all round pleasure to deal with, Enjoy your new toy, Mark
  21. Wow, that's a thing of beauty, been after one of these for so long now, sadly no cash, btw what are those entwhistle pickups like? GLWTS
  22. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1502872926' post='3354010'] Yes GroovyPlucker, I've got a China made Fender Jazz (with PJ pups) and a Squier Classic Vibe P - Which I'm sure are made in the same factory in China as these and the Matt Freeman's? Yes, they're absolutely top-quality instruments with great components and superb finish. I'm sure these will one day be regarded a bit like JV's now are... (Note: top-notch luthier Dave Dearnaley of Cardiff has even said this!) If I didn't already have a 5 string I really like - I'd be having this in a shot! GLWTS - someone's going to be happy [/quote]
  23. Great sound Marc S, vastly underrated Bass, and the new Chinese made Fenders are a rival to the Japanese imho, this Bass has quite a good variety of sound options, only drawback for me was the neck was very wide, slim depth though, great price for a great bass, glwts.....
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