I would think removing some of the ones on the front page, and then adding them again would shift it to the front page (They are not sorted alphabetically, but by time of adding past-->present)
Sorry people, but I LOVE playing along to Sophie Ellis Bextor's 'Murder On The Dance Floor'
If you have a 5 string let me know and I'll tab out a good line to go along - not quite what's on the recording but I like it
I am sure Dave Hall would be the best person on this forum to talk to about custom effects.
Username is DHA, website is [url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk"]www.davehallamps.co.uk[/url].
He did me up a custom pedal about a month ago.
BassChat discount applies too
Sennheiser CX300's are cheaper than the Shure E2C's, have better bass response and don't look anywhere near as ridiculous.
I've had 2 pairs of the Sennheisers before (not due to reliability problems... the first ones got covered in melted chocolate and the second set got deep fried) and currently use the E2C's as some came up on this forum rather cheap recently - but I still preferred the CX300 sound.
Oooooh my.
Don't have the funds to get this but I can happily vouch for the stunning sound and feel of these guitars. Played most of the range at some point or other, and at that price a Legacy Premier is a total steal!
Well... I can't seem to sleep so here you are
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[quote name='Tech' post='50695' date='Aug 25 2007, 09:17 PM']ah man. i just peed myself thanks for that!
sale fell through.
This is still for sale people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]
:| I was serious
>> Matte_Black
Go on, you know you want to.
>> Ste_m3
Depends what you mean... For example, I get on better with the slap tone from this than I have from ANY Fender I've played, though if you want Mark King slap tone - get a King Bass.