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Everything posted by Steve_K

  1. Usual "gig rig" Status 5 fretless Status 4 piezo | Homemade switchy thing | Homemade preamp | Markbass Littlemark II - FX Send | Art SGE Mach II FX Processor | Aphex Aural Exciter - FX Return | Ashdown MAG 115 Ashdown MAG 210
  2. Could simply be that you're too close to your amp to hear it properly. For bass anyway, this seems to be true - The worst place you can stand is right infront of your amp - I've been told to turn down in our 30ish piece "Jazz Band" because I'm drowning everything out, when I can barely hear myself. Get a long lead and wander around
  3. I wound up buying a S1000 Washburn Status with stripped down body and whatnot, and thought I would document the re-finish here to some extent atleast. Here it is in the state it arrived: Whole thing has been sanded further and painted black. About a month ago - The facing wood arrived today . 2 bookmatched pieces of vavona burr - my hand's a little shakey today, it's not this blurry in real life Today - Just taken it out of a press, lovely and flat veneer. I hope to get it attached to the body today, and some rough shaping. Photos to follow.
  4. Guitarnbass - Yeah, I prefer it without lines Rich - Careful now
  5. Black or anodised.
  6. Regarding the diode, something as standard as a 1N4001 would probably do the job. [attachment=16:Here_we_go_again.jpg] Top: Probably would work Bottom: Extra diode, which could be added if the top didn't work properly. Oh, and regarding the testing of resistance of the JE-Retro, just stick a variable into your circuit, find out what you like it at and change that to a fixed (or preset pot, which is still variable but it won't get changed sitting inside the cavity.) Sorry for the woeful diagrams, but it's rather early and I have a hangover again
  7. Actually - a resistor between 1 and 5 *would* affect them both, so you'd need a diode in there too.
  8. I feel I should ask now, as this thread is starting again... Would off-topic not make more sense than General Bass Discussions for this? Me, sometime over Christmas 06/07 [attachment=41:Me.jpg]
  9. My new Status Graphite bass (November 06). Specs: S2 Classic Through Neck Headless 5 String, EADGC Board 302 Walnut/Utile back, "MooWood" front (Spalted Siberian Ash, we believe) Black Hardware
  10. For any past/future Basschat trades
  11. Steve_K


  12. I can't see that connecting a resistor between 1 and 5 would make any difference to the sound on 5, as 1 would not be connected and so the resistor would play no part in the signal path. Unless I've misunderstood you, it's all grand.
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