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About hemdee666

  • Birthday 24/02/1960

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  1. This is one of the ‘’always on’’ pedals on my pedalboard. Glwts Marc.
  2. 9 V / 500mA. As seen on the second picture. Grtz, Marc.
  3. Can’t go wrong with Glock, trust me. Even their class D amps are awesome. Very tempted, but don’t need this kind of power anymore. ( I have a Blue Rock which suits me very well). Best of luck with sale, someone will be very happy with this. Grtz, Marc.
  4. I got the 210 TL-version of these. It performs way above its size. Glwts, Marc.
  5. I believe The Swing has a Shuttlemax 9.2 for sale… Excuse me if I’m wrong. Grtz, Marc.
  6. Hi, where did you get the OCD in/out module? Searched the netz, but didn’t find it. Thanks & Grtz, Marc.
  7. It’s a Fawlty Towers thing. Sorry for the bad joke, have a bump om me. Grtz, Marc. 😎🎸🎶
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