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Total Watts

  1. I love headless basses so I look forward to see how this develops.
  2. I used to be a huge Maiden fan... These days I find the unnecessarily long songs with choruses repeated way too often a little tedious to be honest. If they halved song length (and in this case album length!) and dropped some of the chorus repetition they'd be more interesting to me. I'm sure all these songs are fantastic in an arena with 50,000 folk screaming the choruses back at you but in the house it's all just a little boring. Still, overall, it's a better album than they've put out for quite a while.
  3. I got the 115c. I was wary of getting the 12 inch version. I like a lot of kick! I've got the horn blasting on it and I've got the beef turned up on the Peavey. It's a really nice mix. I've got the bottom end that shakes the room if need be and I've got the mids and top end to cut through so you can hear what I'm playing too! I'm pretty chuffed with it all. Yeah, the footswitch really is needed if I'm going to get the most out of the set up. Right now it sort of feels like I've bought an overdrive pedal and I haven't got around to buying a battery for it!
  4. ^ Yeah, that's maybe a more rational approach!
  5. We have a keyboardist in the band but I've a feeling he's on the way out (never comes to practice, doesn't show up for soundchecks...). I reckon the biggest thing we'll lose is the sample playback for some of the intros and in the occasional middle eight etc. I just had a thought. We've got 2 tap dancing guitarists. Maybe I could get in on the act. What would be the easiest and most cost effective way to trigger samples using a footswitch? Are there apps that would allow me to even use my tablet using USB? Do any of you guys do something similar? I'm totally out of touch with music tech these days so any opinions and advice would be appreciated.
  6. I've been using the amp for a few practices now and I really like it. I play in a band with 2 guitarists and a keyboardist (why do bloody keyboardists insist on playing bloody bass lines when there's a bloody bassist in the bloody band!?). The amp isn't quite strong enough on its own so I run it in stereo with an old Peavey TNT with a big fat Celestion speaker in it. Together they sound really nice. All in all, I'm pretty happy... Still have to pickup a footswitch though just to finish my gear set up.
  7. Well, after a bit of humming and hawing I got £100 back. I just sold the bass as is on Gumtree. Lesson learned. I don't think I'll be buying a second hand bass online again... Still, on a positive note, I made £30! I then promptly spent that on a pair of pedals for my bike as one snapped off that day!
  8. ^ I hope it didn't cost you too much. I've a feeling that if one were to source a branded Hartke footswitch it'd have a premium attached to it. Just curious, are you enjoying the amp? I'm really looking forward to getting (a working) one.
  9. Cool beans! That's what I hoped. I was just a little reticent as so many things in this age of technology require bespoke connectors... thankfully the musical equipment hasn't fallen prey to this trend. I'll wait till the amp arrives before buying though. I bought one from GAK which was DOA and I've had to send it back. I ordered another from Thomann as GAK had no more in stock. So I'll wait and see... feeling a little stung just now as the bass I bought the other day was a dud too. Not having much luck at the minute! Thanks for replying.
  10. Well, it arrived... The neck is up bowed pretty badly and the truss rod is stuck. Now I know why it was so cheap! Gutted... I'm now stuck in an Ebay situation waiting on a reply with a positive outcome. I'm not hopeful though as I've already had one reply suggesting that the bass is fine and I should try adjusting the truss rod again - like I can't turn an Allen key. Ho hum.
  11. I've got a Hydrive combo on the way. I started looking around for a footswitch for it buy I've found the official ones difficult to find over here in the UK. Also, the manual talks about a HFS 2 whereas when Googling I could only find a FS 2 - I presume they're the same thing (H standing for Hartke)? Anyway, does anyone know what other footswitches are fully compatible. Are there any cheap ones that are reliable? Thanks in advance for helping a noob.
  12. Thanks for everyone's opinions. It seems to have a pretty positive vibe. So, I bought it (along with a B2A)! Should have it in hand later today... Looking forward to it. Now, does anyone want to buy a SR300!?
  13. Thanks for the replies. Do you think £250 is a good price for an SR700? It seems a little cheap to me which makes me a little reticent about taking the plunge (it's online so I can't try it out)...
  14. At the moment I have an SR300. It's a good bass for the money but it just feels a little cheap. I really like the neck and body shape so I've been thinking about upgrading to another Soundgear. The SR700 is about at the top of my price threshold. Anyone have any stories or opinions to share? How do the 300, 500 and 700 compare? I've had a wee sniff around and I'm not really sure why the 700 costs much more than the 500 (same hardware). Is it just the finish? Any thoughts are appreciated.
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