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Everything posted by Jo.gwillim

  1. That's a complete nightmare. Sorry mate. An old friend used to quote Love many Trust few Always paddle your own canoe. Works when it comes to house sound systems!
  2. It's heart in mouth time when you realise you've forgotten and amp isn't it. I drove from West Wales to Northumberland to find if left mine at home once. Luckily a GK mb200 always lurks in my gig bag and although it's DI is noisy it's good enough to get me through the PA. I like the blurred pic, for those gigs we have where no-one is dancing a bit of camera movement compensates. Not saying in your case but certainly with my band sometimes!
  3. I read "non functional fans" wrongly for a while. Got there in the end!
  4. Yes i remember now, it was posh. Rummers has a lot of undercover outdoor seating, which of course on a hot sweaty night is the place to be so the audience was mainly outside, i hope enjoying the ambience we were providing inside. But as the night went on people drifted in and by midnight we had a bar full of hot sweaty bodies dancing and calling for "one more song". For me doubling up on sound it was great i have bought a backup xr18 mixer as my original one has been struggling on but getting sicker and sicker. The new one made all the difference, i wasn't struggling to find channels that still worked. Our main singer has taken to a wired iem and we mike up the guitar amp so the stage sound is a lot quieter and so less prone to feedback which was always an issue with 4 mics up front. So all in all we came away happy!
  5. We're in Rummers, back in the 80s i think it was called Baccus. The angel is still going, but i think we may be a bit tame for there. Gig going great, i breath a sign of relief when the sounds right and i get on with playing. The final hour coming up after I've had a pee.
  6. Probably the wrong thread as the gig hasn't happened yet, but we're playing at the hottest sweatiest pub in Aberystwyth tonight, I'm playing bass and doing sound, I'll leave home at 6.30 and get to bed about 2 all for fifty quid. Would i give it up? Not a chance!
  7. Yep, in the back of my mind I'm thinking have all the eq I'll ever need on the bass then i can use any old amp/cab or go straight into the FOH mixer or both. Never works out as well as i imagine!
  8. A night to remember, lovely images, especially your missus giving you bicklies!
  9. I've fitted an East preamp to a jazz, it's too versatile for me, i end up fiddling about rather than playing. That's not too say it's not good i think it is, i just spend too long tinkering, especially with the mid and mid frequency. I can't easily see where the knobs are set, I'm better off leaving all the tweaks on the amp. Good piece of kit, but bad for a constant tweaker!
  10. Played at the big tribute festy on Saturday. We were on first in the afternoon, but there was a good appreciative crowd. Still kicking myself misreading the set list and launching into the wrong song on the second number. Should have been playing on Bb instead of F# so really didn't fit
  11. Quite agree, i was using the DI amp output so a nice line level.
  12. it's not too hard though there's probably freebie software out there that will do exactly the same thing. Set up 2 reaper tracks. track 1 has the white noise FX, output that on the master bus. track 2 has a slightly modified JS: Frequency Spectrum Analyser FX. the while noise output goes into your amp input jack and the DI output goes to the track 2 input. That pretty much works out of the box. You can change the amp EQ and see what happens. the only problem is the Freq spec analyser FX graph is rather noisy and I had to edit the FX to give a longer integration time to make it more useable. It currently goes to 10,000ms and I had to increase that to 50,000. I have quite a few amps kicking around at the moment and it's been fascinating to see the (far from) "flat" response of the amps before the EQ is applied. I'll write it all up in a day or two and post with the modded FX.
  13. I bought one a while ago but it's sat on the shelf and never been gigged. It sounded great at home but it has too many options for me to get confused with for live. Not a fault of the amp, more a fault with me. I'm gonna dig it out today as i spent yesterday figuring out how to get Reaper to give amp frequency response plots, so I'm interested to see what they look like. I suspect it'll be up for sale here in a wee while.
  14. My Sandberg is an active VM. The humbucker is not very useful tbh, i don't even blend it with the p very much. I wasn't sure whether it was the pickup or preamp i didn't like, so just changed the pickup as a first port of call. Turns out the the preamp wasn't the problem. It always seemed to me the the Sandberg pickup had good lows and good highs but the bit in between seemed dead. The fralins are much better balanced throughout the range and make the on board EQ a lot more useful. I can't say they work too well with the humbucker but that's not a worry for me. I might take it out and save a bit of weight. I'm not very experienced with other pickups, i bought a bass with fralins in and changed them for norstrands which are great, but wish i hadn't so I'm glad to have the fralins back in use again. Happy experimenting!
  15. Which is the new one? I've just this minute put fralin p's on my Sandberg, can't believe how much more i like it..... Until i change my mind if course! Hope you find a bright spark in the crowd, only takes one or two to make the world of difference.
  16. Totally wonderful, they say i smile from ear to ear!
  17. Yep it doesn't worry me i can just enjoy playing with my mates but our singer is the one that banters with the audience and makes the connection and she can get despondent.
  18. Yes I'm sure that makes a difference. I'm not sure that digital mixers (behringer and soundcraft both cut out) can be switched to 5Ghz to keep them clear of the u4, but it's worth a look, thx for the suggestion.
  19. That's nice to hear thank you. Was your cousin punning on the slight return?
  20. Thanks Greg, i shall digest what you've said. I think there's some nuggets of usefulness there. Many thanks
  21. Sorry going but give!
  22. How are you getting on with the xvive? We find they either interfere with wifi based mixers or we get poor reception in about half the venues? Give over to wired p2 more now
  23. My daughter knew she was dying and specified what she wanted. Bless her she asked for bob Marley's 3 little birds. In our grief the "don't worry about a thing cos every little things going to be alright" was a lovely message to us all.
  24. Great gig at the bank vaults Aberystwyth last night. We're a 5 piece band and the stage is very small so i was overspilling into the main path to the toilets. It sounds rough but it's a lovely little bar where the punters go for the music and really listen. we had a great time. Our regular drummer couldn't make it but the stand in did great after just 2 rehearsals and kept us all on our toes with his radically different approach to each song.
  25. That wooly e string annoys me all the time. I play p basses. I've just gotten used to moving my right hand much closer to the bridge if it sounds muddy
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