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Everything posted by Grahambythesea

  1. Planet Waves sell a pad you can put on your strap and does really show. It does help not only with weight but neck dive. I’m surprised a Musicmaster is heavy, I had one in the 70s and it was much lighter than my Precision. The option is sell that one and buy another of upgrade to a Mustang.
  2. I like it better than the other Clayton Sig. Warwick that you’ve bought.
  3. Who let the dogs out - Baha Men
  4. Nerdy has to be any Multiscale. Who are you trying to kid, it’s bass for centuries through double bass and bass guitar the same length strings have worked so having them of different lengths is nerdy! I rest my case.
  5. At the hop - Danny & the Juniors
  6. The belle of New York- Fred Astaire
  7. 2468 motorway Tom Robinson Band
  8. That’s alright mama! Elvis Presley
  9. Long Lankin - Steeleye Span
  10. Lovely. (Why did I ever sell mine ☹️🤔)
  11. The sound of silence - Simon & Garfunkel
  12. The reappearance of the Grabber from the Epiphone stable has apparently inspired the “Chibson” makers. There are now several Grabber clones on eBay advertised coming from a Chinese workshop.
  13. Does it weigh a ton like the Gibson version?
  14. When I was playing serious gigs of a reasonable duration I always had a fretless bass for a few numbers and by default a backup should something happen to the fretted, but it never did!
  15. I think one of the issues when switching from 4 to 5 is the string spacing at the bridge end. If your used to Fender style basses with 19mm spacing you may find some 5 s with narrower spacing ( I believe Ibanez have 16 mm) a bit off putting to start with especially if you are swapping between a 4 & a 5 regularly. On the other hand 5 string all wider spaced is quite a handful. My Gibson 5 has 19 mm which I like but then I play finger style. I’d find using a pick on that spacing challenging. if you can find a 2nd hand Spector Legend they are great.
  16. I really can’t see the point of it.
  17. The strings will get in the way when you pass the salt or wine.
  18. Mack the knife - Bobby Darin (and dozens of others)
  19. I cant stop loving you - Ray Charles
  20. I’ve only ever seen one. It was in a shop in Denmark St and I knew someone who wanted one, so I told him about it and he went and bought it. I’m not in touch anymore so I wonder if he kept it. 🥴
  21. You don’t see many which probably explains the price. The original Les Paul Signature bass which was the model for the Jack Casady bass. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/326160300823?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=0gvE614OS52&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_-qNzvFMRiS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  22. I agree with @AndyTravis the neck depth is unusually chunky on JCs.
  23. Good golly miss molly - Little Richard
  24. Having never had a mustang I am surprised that the tiny little pickup seems to perform as well as the Precision type with its exposed poles.
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