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Everything posted by Grahambythesea

  1. The kids are alright - The Who
  2. V1, although I would prefer a Babiscz.
  3. Cut to the chase - Rush
  4. Fender publish their recommendations online about setups. This is an extract which may help. Neck Radius 7.25". .014” (0.35mm) 9.5" to 12" .012” (0.3mm) 15" to 17” .010” (0.25mm) ACTION Players with a light touch can get away with lower action; others need higher action to avoid rattles. First, check tuning. Using a 6" (150 mm) ruler, measure the distance between bottom of strings and top of the 17th fret. Adjust bridge saddles to the height according to the chart below, then re-tune. Experiment with the height until the desired sound and feel is achieved. Neck RadiusString Height Bass SideTreble Side 7.25" 9.5" to 12" 15" to 17"7/64" (2.8 mm) 6/64" (2.4 mm) 6/64" (2.4 mm)6/64" (2.4 mm) 5/64" (2 m
  5. You keep me hanging on - Vanilla Fudge (yes I know it was the Supremes but this is way more fun)
  6. Slipping’ and slidin’ - Buddy Holly
  7. nothing I want either
  8. The green & yellow looks like an avocado 🥴 which may make some people 🤮
  9. Out of my head - Little Anthony and the Imperials
  10. +1 for the Varigrip, however you can get them a lot cheaper on eBay.
  11. I agree with Cosmo especially as the f hole is in totally the wrong place. I had a Spectorcore which got it about right but normally it needs to be on a proper semi.
  12. If you like the sound of it then keep the pickup and enjoy it. However I would try and “tidy up” the jack socket, get a new pickguard cut with a normally mounted Jack and something closer to the original shape.
  13. String spacing 17mm. My other 4 stringers are 18mm on my Peerless (J.C. clone) & 19mm on my Fender P. Not enough difference to throw me. The only one that ever threw me was a Hofner.
  14. Is there any point to the soundhole, the body doesn’t look thick enough to produce much of an acoustic sound and the scratch plate probably deadens it a bit more.
  15. Hey, big spender - Shirley Bassey (& others)
  16. Maybe this time - Liza Minnelli. (& other actors who played Sally Bowles in Cabaret which includes Dame Judi Dench - I saw her way back when).
  17. Arriving yesterday as a birthday present from my very generous bass playing brother, a black cherry Spector Coda from his overgrowing collection. He has a penchant from luthier built and out of the ordinary basses so he offered this to me instead of the more usual birthday gift of a CD or shirt. I have previously owned 2 Spectors and I’m always impressed how well they are built and how good they sound. This is no exception. It has the Spector Tone Pump Jr and EMG pickups, what’s not too like.
  18. I’ve got the 5 string 2013 version and there is no drop off at all. I bought it new, but it did need some adjustment, the pickups were too close to the strings. Now it’s fine, a really versatile and lightweight bass.
  19. Tears in heaven - EC
  20. Small Town Blues - Hunter Hughes Band
  21. Is there such a thing as a battery powered amp suitable for bass? I’ve seen guitar amps but they look a little lightweight for handling the bottom end. Doesn’t need to be vastly loud.
  22. Maybe they should change their name from Blondie to Greyier.
  23. Get it vinyl wrapped, then when you’re fed up with it it’s easy to change.
  24. Born to run - Bruce Springsteen
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