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Everything posted by Grahambythesea

  1. You took an ass to an OM? To do what?
  2. This number is not particularly jazz, but it’s good music.
  3. I go ape - Neil Sedaka
  4. I like the look and it is of course a well tried combination by almost every other maker. I also like the look of the simplified Jazzmaster, the original looked cluttered to me, too many switches. The sunset orange Jazz is a peach, but I won’t be buying one.
  5. Let’s go round again - AWB
  6. Really good result. I hope you didn’t have to miss a meal while it was clamped to the dining table.🤪
  7. I can’t believe that with all those pedals , you can’t tweak the sound to something good.
  8. It probably represents the general slow down in sales of many things. The deals on cars are really good at the moment, companies have just got to shift product.
  9. Flowers in the rain - The Move
  10. On eBay Washburn logo https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125968877837?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=yumhzhf9qim&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_-qNzvFMRiS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  11. With regard to the Logo, some years I had a Washburn guitar which had a broken headstock repaired and lost its Logo. I contacted Washburn and they kindly sent me one. Worth a try?
  12. No they are the same.
  13. Ever since I acquired a Spector Coda I have thought the Black “Y” machineheads look a little odd on what is basically a Jazz style headstock. The US made custom versions use clover leaf shaped machineheads so I bought a set and have fitted them. Now I’m not sure, which should I keep on.
  14. Is it a defretted Guild?
  15. Hair I go again - the Hollies
  16. Cupid - Sam Cooke
  17. These Framus basses had the skinniest necks of all basses I’ve ever seen/tried.
  18. Silly love song - Wings
  19. I think auction houses charge too much with both seller and buyer paying commission, affects the sale price. Absolute Music will sell on commission.
  20. I have the gold Peerless Bassmaster Player. I think it’s a step up from the Epi but I guess Gibson just wouldn’t tolerate the competition especially from the company that used to make the Epi for them.
  21. Photo?
  22. When are the lawyers from Godin serving the writs?
  23. Any one who had a heart. Cilla
  24. Heartbreak hotel- Elvis
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