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Everything posted by Grahambythesea

  1. Well there were a lot disparaging remarks about its design when it came out, but I think they are over-reacting. Sure it bears some similarities to other basses but how many well respected basses are based on either the P or the J? There are certain fundamentals that have to be in a design to make it usable. I have been thinking about getting the five string which is at a knock down price at the moment, presumably because it's not selling that well after all the negative criticism. People on Talkbass in the USA seem to like it. Enjoy it.
  2. Had he still been alive,this could easily have been Leo's 4th reincarnation of the P bass I.M.H.O. Love the simplicity of the look of this bass.
  3. How to make a classic even better!
  4. Vaguely reminiscent of the Charvel Surfcaster. Modern retro?
  5. The Greek is right, play with your ears not your eyes. If you do miss "fret" a little slide into pitch. But listen to double bass players particularly Jazz bassists, you will hear that even great players aren't precisely on note all the time . It's part of the charm and the sound of fretless playing and double basses.
  6. A great fella to deal with! We met up in Shrewsbury to hand over the bass which was interesting. Shrewsbury really needs to sort out their traffic problems! We had great email communications. Enjoy playing the bass Francis.
  7. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1487609270' post='3241185'] I think you've hit the nail on the head. There's a few exceptions but when was the last time you saw a player you looked up to with a Gibson bass? Especially compared to their 6 strings, I'm struggling to think of many players with even the T-Bird which I'd guess is the most abundant model. Caleb Shcofield (Cave In) and his Grabber and John Curley (Afghan Whigs) and his T-Bird are the 2 main ones for me but even Caleb switches between that and a P. If the classic models were more widely used and maybe just easier to get hold of then more people would use them. [/quote]. Kyle Eatwood has a fretless Gibson Bunny Burnell, but that must be the shortest lived signature model ever. He probably has one because Bunny was his tutor.
  8. Beautiful looking woods and only 81/2lbs, unbelievable.
  9. What's the weight on this?
  10. That's a really unusual wood for the body. Do you think it colours the tone with any particular characteristics? You say it's Matt finish, but is the top grainy or smooth finish, it's not particularly clear from your photographs. Where are you based if one wanted to come for a try out?
  11. "It's not easy being green" but rather beautiful. 🐸
  12. Played one of the Martin's once in Florida! Pretty meaty. Have you noticed the headstock is a Smurf! πŸ˜„
  13. Thanks for info. I'm afraid way to heavy for me. πŸ˜₯
  14. [quote name='wannabebassman' timestamp='1502987146' post='3354893'] Can you post the weight of the instrument, I have checked on the Sandberg website but it is not stated. Are you interested in trades? [/quote]Ditto to both questions
  15. Does this having a swamp ash body mean it's lightweight? Do you have a weight?
  16. I was over in the US recently and tried the Gold Tone mini bass in a shop. Has those weird rubbery strings but it sounded really nice acoustically. Not enough to actually use in earnest but nice for practicing. Was on sale at $399 which I suspect is a lot cheaper than either the Taylor or the Guild.
  17. You can blame anyone who voted to leave the EU! It's messed our currency completely. Just been in the States and what we have to pay for a $ would be laughable if didn't make things so expensive.
  18. Dark tort. I used to have a white P with white PG and it didn't look good.
  19. I love the contrasting woods. Is it really light, I was always under the impression they were heavy.
  20. Thanks for the weight, that's way too heavy for my back too.
  21. I'll give a shout for the Spector Spectorcore which also has a Piezo bridge (Fishman). Within budget 4 & 5 string versions very well made and it has an 'f' hole!!!πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ˜‰
  22. From your comments, I'm guessing this is a heavy bass, do you know the weight?
  23. The generally negative views expressed here seem to have been born out in low sales. Andertons currently offering the violin burst 5 string for a mere Β£699 and the website says they e 6 in stock! Must regret ordering them. Their video sound test makes them sound very versatile. The square shoulders give them a slab body look which makes them look a bit different and didn't show up in the original pictures released by Gibson. Anyone bought one yet?
  24. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1501403086' post='3344409'] Shouldn't that be the other way round? [/quote]yes, that's what I meant. I'm surprised Gibson/Epiphone haven't sued! They stopped everyone else from producing lookalikes.
  25. Does anyone else think the Embassy looks remarkedly like the Fender Dimension?
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