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Posts posted by Grahambythesea

  1. For those who were interested in the Semi Hollow they were rumoured to sell, they still have a few but have been "forbidden to sell them", their words not mine. Sounds like big bully G..son has been having a go. Not sure on what basis, G no longer makes or sells either the EB2 or the Midtown with equal length horns so what are they trying to protect? Many companies make both basses and guitars with bodies based on the 335 shape, it can't be patented. The BaCH semi hollow has long scale but a semi body with a centre block so it's like a hydrid between the EB2 and the Midtown so it's no copy and the headstock is a different shape and has their own logo on it.

    However you can buy one as a "project " they don't fit a bridge, you have to do it yourself! There is an alternative, a company on the web called Number One Design Guitars ( which I think are based in Germany) will get one for you, fit the bridge and set it up, but are charging more than double the price from BaCH and loads more for shipping too.

    So I've ordered one from BaCH, ordered a 3 point bridge (anyone know how to fit one?) and we'll see how it goes. I'll keep the forum posted.

  2. I traded for the Spector Rebop on this forum, but whilst changing strings a tuner broke. It was replaced by my luthier with the nearest replacement he had, but it wasn't a perfect match. I concluded that if one broke so might another and it was time to replace them all. At the same time I thought I might save a little weight not that this is a heavy bass, it weighed in at only. 3.7kg.
    I was surprised at the cost of Hipshot's at about £100, but found on a US site the"Licensed" version at about half the price. Fortunately I have family in California so bought the tuners on free post in the USA and collected them on a recent visit.
    The change over was so easy, they lined up perfectly even with the screw hole and when I re-weighed the bass now is only 3.5kg! Result!


  3. It is worrying that the quality control at Fender seems to be very hit and miss. I had one where the neck needed a shim on arrival. It shouldn't have to be down to the shop to set them up although there some dealers who pride themselves in getting them to perfection, if you can find one.

    The smaller manufacturers have to establish a reputation in order to compete with the "Leo" brand, because that seems to be the bass most pro bands are using ( but of course that may not be the bass they record with), and they have a techie to set up the instrument for them.

  4. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1484076042' post='3212514']
    [/quote]wow, Gretsch should have been making that! Very rockabilly. How's the quality and playability?

  5. Gotoh make lightweight tuners with the clover leaf style keys but they cost an arm and a leg. Fender also make a lightweight key which was fitted to the deluxe models. I think Hipshot make them in 2 sizes one of which should fit. Some of these only seem to be available in the USA.

  6. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1483827941' post='3210520']

    There is very little competition if they make an acoustic bass that can be heard over a few acoustic instruments without needing an amp.
    [/quote]True, I don't even know that the Original Taylor could be heard like that. The bass that came near to being truly audible was the old Earthwood,IMHO, but that looked like it had escaped from a Mariachi band.😆

  7. I also love the Taylor bass, but as you say, mortgageable hen's teeth! I wondered why Taylor dropped them but I guess at the price it was way beyond the reach of most people who might want an acoustic bass. A cheaper one might make it more saleable, but there is a lot of competition out there.

  8. http://s1305.photobucket.com/user/grahambythesea/media/Fenton%20Weill/image_zpsypmftlqa.jpeg.html?sort=3&o=0

    Back in the day (the 60's) I had a Fenton Weill like this that had the same neck, headstock, pickups and pickguard, tailpeice but on a much better body shape.

  9. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1483655088' post='3209132']
    I always Jet was a Precision player.
    [/quote]Before the shads were famous and could afford to import US guitars, he also played a Framus. After he left the shads he recorded with Tony Meehan on a Fender VI - "Diamonds"

  10. Personally I see no point in the high C. You can get most of the notes it offers out of the higher registers of thecothercstrings. However you cannot get the lower notes, especially if you play with key boarders or brass who favour Eb. I also find it easier on the hand to play off the 5th and above on the B rather than 0-5 on the E.

  11. I play this, but in the uk we call it an octave mandola. Tunes like a mandolin but an octave lower. I have one built by Robin Greenwood who is based near Bournemouth in Dorset and he usually has one in stock that he's made. Fantastic instruments. Be careful of the cheaply made Chinese like Ozark, they tend to be very trebly in a not very nice way, you need the bottom end to make them sound good and that usually means quality woods and good bracing.
    I used to have an Oakwood, which was also very good. eBay is a good source for 2nd hand and lots of British luthiers make them as they are popular on the folk scene.

  12. I'm with Pinball on this one, a Mustang is easy to handle , compact body and short scale but still with some mojo. As to amps a little Hartke 150 is perfect, 15 watt very compact, surprising loud when it needs to be and with a headphone socket ( and a line out). Can be picked up second hand for £50 .

  13. I've played 5's for 20 years or so, initially I switched between my fretted 5 and fretless 4, then bought a fretless 5 so kept to that format for years, but last year switched my fretted for a 4 and seem to be happily switching again! However once you play 5 I see no real point to having a 4 after all you can always use the fifth string as a rather expensive thumb rest!

  14. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1482449866' post='3200776']
    I would be very surprised if they were built in the Czech Republic. They may arrive as finished bodies and necks for final assembly but, as you say, they seem surprisingly cheap for a EU-built product. My Google Fu isn't strong today, but there was a bit of discussion on other forums about those Thunderbird basses at one point. BaCH were also poised to introduce EB-2D/Rivoli copies at both 30'' and 34'' scale lengths at one point, though I'm not sure if this happened. They seem to shy away from Gibson designs entirely, which is a shame as they even copied the Peter Cook Fenderbird designs at one point.
    [/quote]It was the EB2 clone in a photo that first lead me to them. I might try an email to them to enquire, as long as it turned out cheaper than a 2nd hand midtown.

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