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Everything posted by Grahambythesea

  1. Brilliant! You are so fortunate. Did you still get caught for VAT on import?
  2. Are you sure it was the bass that sounded good not the amp? I'm told that they are really difficult to re-fret.
  3. I don't understand where this "glossy is sticky" comes from. There was a time when all guitars and basses had glossy necks and now we call them vintage and ask ridiculous prices for them! Just keep them clean.
  4. The guy selling this has only been on eBay for 1 month, to be avoided.
  5. Ibanez SRF700 or Aria FEB (semi) both come unlined.
  6. Much nicer than a Fender.
  7. Looks great. I think all basses should be chambered! I wonder what it weighs?
  8. Have a look at voxshowroom.com where you'll find an article about it. The bass player of Paul Revere and the Raiders who were Vox endorses had one and says the neck was awful. He e rntually took the neck off and replaced it with a Fender neck to make it playable. There's another for sale in the US for a tad over £1700, bit cheaper than the eBay one.
  9. I always thought they were short scale, ass many if not most basses were I. The 60s other than Fender and Ricks.
  10. Looks ace. Was it new? When I have seen previous Violin basses of this brand I thought they had the incorrect Y tuners, but this has proper small tuners which I have always suspected were just guitar tuners on Hofners.
  11. I'm old enough to remember these from the 60's. I believe they were made in Italy for Vox, but thought the quality was not very good, a bit better than the Rossetti Lucky 7 but not as good as a Hofner! I suspect the modern version, even if made in China ( or elsewhere in Asia) may be better. They do look cool though, the late Brian Jones of theStones famously used the guitar version and Hilton Valentine of the Animals used the 12 string version before he got his Rick 12. I wonder if the neck dive is still as bad.
  12. Very Robben Ford. Check YouTube "Playing the blues" & "Blues and beyond" to see him playing one of these. I seem to remember Fender even making a signature model for a short while.
  13. I have the bass to match but not the budget! Looks immaculate hope you find a buyer soon and relief for the arthritis .
  14. I haven't tried any of these either, but I have a Hartke 15w and it's brilliant even with a 5 string.
  15. A Rebop and a Spectorcore 5 are my arsenal. I think the Spectorcore is particularly good, great ebony board and action, I think more people should play these they are great value and quality.
  16. I think the Danelectros mentioned here don't count as they are short scale. Marusczyzk Elwood L is a chambered body at around 3.5kg and my Spector Rebop also weighs in at 3.5 kg. I've read that Mike Lull makes some of his at a similar weight or less.
  17. Back problems are common particularly as we all get older. Several solutions: 1. Sit down to play. 2. Get a lightweight bass - super lightweights like the Hofner Violin or Danelectro; Spector NS shape has small body and weighs in around 3.5kg as do some MikeLull's or Marusczyk Elwood is made with a chambered body which reduces a Jazz bass clone to around 3.5 kg depending on the woods chosen. 3. Play a so called electro acoustic, they're not very acoustic but generally pretty light, but watch out for neck dive. You can hurt your back and shoulder if you have to hold the neck up at the same time as playing.
  18. That's a really nice looking bass. As a matter of interest how heavy is it? Sorry to hear about your poor experience with BaCH. Both my brother and I have BaCH basses and have been very pleased with them.
  19. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1493506115' post='3288882'] I'm back here again as I don't feel the smiley quite conveyed my astonishment that an instrument this unattractive actually exists... Somebody designed this... with its beautiful lines and ergonomic aesthetic... the way the scratch plate seemlessly flows with the body shape... the headstock complimenting the body in perfectly harmony. Could this perhaps have been the first single cut? Weren't Burns a respectable brand at the time? I've seen basses from this era that were manufactured behind the iron curtain from old tank parts that are easier on the eye. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that but this truly is a shocker... I wish I hadn't looked at it again right before bed. [/quote] If you check out early pictures of the late Jet Harris you'll fine he had one of these. There's one of him with this bass on "BassID- Jet Harris" on this forum.
  20. No one's mentioned Spectors which are light or the Maruszcyk Elwood's with chambered bodies both around 3.5kg depending on the woods.
  21. I like my Rebop Dlx 4 traded on this forum. Nice and light and I don't get neck dive! Never tried the 5 but I have a Spectorcore 5 fretless that plays like a dream.
  22. If the paper works you don't have to change to heavier strings. Take the string off and carefully line the offending nut notch with super glue. May be as well to put masking tape either side to catch dribbles. Let it set and try the strong again if too tight, ease the notch open a bit with a fine file. Should do the trick.
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