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Posts posted by Basscabman

  1. I'm lucky enough to have the fiesta red one and the sonic blue one, The blue has flats and the red rounds.I'd NEVER sell them them, I've owned Fender P basses MIM and USA but these to me just feel and play superb! I'm toying with the idea of having one converted to a PJ but so far can't bring meself to have one altered! If you get a chance to own one, get it.

  2. Thanks all.
    I'll do what you said paul and practice In F and G then move on from there.
    I'm using Sight Reading Factory and can read and play Level 3 at 70 bpm pretty comfortably In the key of C so will just do the same In F & G till I get the same speed and comfort.

    Cheers # b

  3. He all.

    Prob a really stupid question but bear with me please.

    Just started to learn to sight read and I completely fall to pieces when not In the key of C. (Not good I know)
    I just can't seem to think quick enough when there are sharps or flats. Am I missing some trick here or Is It I just don't know the neck enough to think that quickly?

    Say for Instance I'm reading a piece In A Major, I know there are three sharps In It but when I start to play through It I can't think quick enough to not make a mistake with one or more of the sharps!

    Any help would be great folks as It's really doing me head In.



  4. Bought a Squier CV P Bass Off Chris and he Is a gentleman to deal with.

    Great comms and fast delivery, I would not hesitate recommending Chris and he Is a credit to BC.

    Thanks for a smooth deal and a great bass Chris.


  5. [url="http://bassmusicianmagazine.com/2016/09/review-sire-guitars-releases-new-bass-guitar-model-sire-m7/"]http://bassmusicianmagazine.com/2016/09/review-sire-guitars-releases-new-bass-guitar-model-sire-m7/[/url]

    Looks nice!

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