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Everything posted by Stefanogregori

  1. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1460556237' post='3026779'] I'm too new to the forum ! The story will have to wait, I doubt many would believe me and I wouldn't blame them ! But I figure it was destiny that I should change the neck, maybe for you too, who knows ?! LD [/quote] I reckon you should just go for it but if not will look forward to hearing it!
  2. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1460539488' post='3026538'] The only genuine Fender neck I have experience of did not come pre-drilled, and this was quite a skilled operation to get the right gauge, depth and location when making the holes. I have a fantastic story about what I found when I took the old neck off, used as packing material in the body pocket, but that's for another day ! LD [/quote] Thankfully, it won't be me drilling the holes if required! What did you find in the pocket?!
  3. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1460488205' post='3026230'] Can't be 100% but if your buying a finished neck it's just that all holes drilled, nut and finished in whatever lacquer. [/quote] It is a finished neck. Was hoping it wouldn't have the holes pre-drilled but can live with it if it does!
  4. Hi all, Has anyone ever bought a brand new neck from Fender? I have Mexican one on order and wanted to know if it will come with holes pre-drilled? Fender customer service tell me it will but does anyone have personal experience? Cheers
  5. To be honest I'm not sure! I went to Halford's with the guy who sprayed it and picked out 'Ford metallic graphite grey' car spray paint as a colour so he had an idea of what I wanted. He said he was going to mix up a paint close to it and this is what he came up with.
  6. I'm liking the brass saddles - a lot!
  7. Ok, so now it is painted! I must admit that it isn't my handy work, a friend of mine did it for me but I think it looks pretty killer!
  8. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1447913155' post='2911376'] Tis coming along - but it's not quite ready yet. You stated: "Is there any paint that would withstand strings being pulled through them?" I doubt any normal paint would hold up long term. Most plating will tend to wear away after years of use. Maybe an ultra hard enamel? [/quote] Thanks, I'm thinking I may just leave them as they are!
  9. Hey all, Thanks for your respones! Really liking the gold anodised guard, looks sweet. Geek 99 and Cygnus x-1 - thanks for your offers, will PM you if I decide to go down that road. Going to have a think about the options! Cheers!
  10. Hi all, I have a white P bass with a black pickguard on it and have been thinking about changing it for something new. I have thought about a tort guard but thinking I probably fancy something a bit different. Has anyone got any pics of their white Ps they can post for some inspiration?! A pic of mine in its current form is below. Cheers
  11. Thanks for all your respones, it sounds like I got a better pedal then! Gonna stick with it and not worry about it!
  12. If it's pretty much the same pedal then I'm not going to worry about it. Cheers
  13. Hi all, I don't know if I'm being picky here but I would like an opinion from the basschat community please. I bought an EBS Multicomp off eBay. The photo was a stock photo on the advert, the first photo below. What I actually received is the second photo below. Should I contact the seller? Apart from the aesthetics, are they the same pedal? It seems I have been sent an older model of the pedal but the picture advertised is a newer model of the pedal. It seems the model advertised has true bypass but the one I received hasn't. Can anyone help me with some facts about these 2 pedals and some opinions on what I should do please? Thanks
  14. First album to spring to mind is Metallica's Master of Puppets. Battery gets me every time!
  15. Thanks. I was just wondering if a more sensitive pickup would be able to amplify more sustain. Cheers
  16. Should be getting round to the respray in the next few weeks. So much for saying I was going to stick with the original pickups though! I went and bought these, very excited about hearing them!
  17. Hi all, Quick question, can changing/upgrading pickups improve sustain?
  18. Hi all, Does anyone have any of these? I mean a case which will hold 2 basses. There are some on thomann and the Fender case is by far the cheapest. Any recommendations? Cheers
  19. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1445790228' post='2894191'] Looking at the pic, the volume pot is about where the tone pot would normally be. Drilling an extra hole and fitting another pot is not a difficult job but it would become more involved if the body has only been routed for one pot. Or you could fit a stacked-knob dual pot - maybe contact KiOgon on this forum about a solderless loom? [/quote] Thanks for your reply. I don't have the bass yet so I don't know what is going on under the scratchplate. Nice to know there are a couple of options!
  20. Hi all, Quick question - how much would it cost to add a tone pot to one of these and how easy is it to do? I have just bought one second hand and they come with only a volume knob as standard. Cheers
  21. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1439651285' post='2844688'] Post a link to the cheapest one please [/quote] Hi, sorry I have only just seen this! This is the website that quoted the cheapest http://www.ora-technologies.co.uk/
  22. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1445343735' post='2890692'] If you want smoother Roto nickels try DR Sunbeams. [/quote] How long do they keep their brightness for?
  23. Thanks for your responses. I wanted to try them to see if they would keep their brightness longer but it looks like they won't. I won't waste my money trying them so thanks!
  24. Hi all, I currently use and love rotosound rb45s and rb50s. I was considering switching to the coated nexus strings but I play primarily with a pick. Does anyone know if they sound like the rotobass strings and how the coating holds up with the use of a pick?
  25. [quote name='AlexDelores' timestamp='1444671706' post='2884985'] great news, glad you got it sorted,out of interest did you buy the valve through Ashdown or from somewhere else? just incase i have any future issues etc with mine? [/quote] This is the one I bought, Ashdown recommended JJ valves so I figured that was a good place to start. It was ordered on Friday and arrived today so very impressed. http://valvetubeguitaramps.com/product/jj-ecc83s-preamp-valve/?gclid=CjwKEAjwv8iwBRC35-_e8aPqwCESJAB8khP9SAXptplM6ulGAgqB3DKAJWpVKjDhuXLNfRjRYuwA2RoC_ybw_wcB
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