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  1. Would you be interested in a German 4 string $$ corvette?
  2. Neck through is hardly niche and as for single cuts being of no use after the 12th fret?
  3. I have used at three of these cabs and I was very impressed indeed. I took the 115 away for a few days and rehersed with is for a few hours. It did not disapoint and the power is staggering. I play in a 5 peice metal band and i had to turn down. it was suprisingly clear and tonally similar to my 410. It was also 18kg, which is unreal. Quality wise, it/they are superbly finished and solidly built. Buy now!
  4. This is the TKS 15" is the cab that wateroftyne is talking about and the orange 410 is mine. The 15" is 450watts (?) £525 and 18kg. My OBC410 is 600watt and 41kg. I can lift the orange with much grunting, the TKS i can lift in one hand and do a jig. In terms of sound, it is suprisingly VERY similar to my 410, not as loud of course, but then my 410 is mega loud enough to totally obliterate anything our two metal guitarists can put my way. The TKS could quite easily replace it though, it is very capable of huge volume if needed and just at home with quieter volume. I used this for a rehersal with my metal band and we put it through its paces and it really didnt disapoint. It has an adjustable tweeter which works very well. Very recomended. This is a 112, shows you the kind of finish you can get, all customizable. Very pretty and well made. This sounded sweet, but at 125watts, isn't suitable for my needs. I also tried it through one and two of these 12" barefaced cabs. I liked the sound, very loud for their size and of course lightweight. Nice setup if you have the money. Out of all of these, I would go for the 15" TKS, loud, great sound, very reasonable price, customizable and solid.
  5. HAHAHAHA, teeny bit excited!
  6. As i say, i like PC's, i like macs. I just get annoyed when people just make stuff up to bolster their opinion, founded or otherwise. It just isn't helpful to anybody.
  7. [size=4][quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1377263779' post='2185535'] I'd love to know what "misinformation" I've provided though. Pretty much all of it is an assessment of Apples own website! You might not like the tone of my post. [/quote] Ok. fair enough, I didn't want to, but ok... [font=Calibri]"Bloatware" what bloatware? [/font]What third party, pointless, useless software do you get on a new Mac? I have never seen any! Are you saything that a Dell, Asus, Acer, Zoostorm, HP doesn't come fully loaded with Symantc trials and start up windows getting you to register, dell download manager tools, Mcafee trails, etc. Come on? [font=Calibri]I will gloss over your “irritating brand-sheeps” comment. [/font] [font=Calibri]Apple say they use "the latest in technology and top of the range components" What is wrong with that, they use current technology and on disassembling various macs over the years, I would agree, they are top end quality. [/font][/size] [size=4][font=Calibri]“Aren't they still using 1300 MHz RAM for gods sake? Unless they haven't updated their website in a while, they're lying through their teeth.” [/font][/size] [size=4][font=Calibri]The latest imac uses 1600 MHz, my mid 2010 imac uses 1333 MHz[/font][/size] [size=4][font=Calibri]A mac mini quad core is £679 not “£1500”[/font][/size] [size=4][font=Calibri]Asus have to be decidedly average, if not decent budget boards, they are nowhere near the best. Gigabyte have to be the best if recommending PC motherboards. [/font][/size] [size=4][font=Calibri]Suicides at ‘Apple‘ plants? Yes, there have indeed been suicides at plants that manufacture Apple products. There are also suicides at other Chinese plants that don’t manufacture Apple products. Are you saying that there are more than average suicide rates there? If so, first I would be interested to see proof of this, as I have read to the contrary in various articles which I can find if you wish. Plus, this isn’t helping the OP really. [/font][/size] [size=4][font=Calibri]“Macs could triple in price and some plonkers would still buy them because they're silver and shiny and have an apple on the back."[/font][/size][size=4][font=Calibri] These people are idiots, but why would Apple do that, so I fail to see the point of this.[/font][/size] [size=4][font=Calibri]“Windows as an operating system is no less stable than Mac.” OK, so this is useful information, but is this your experience. Do you use/own an Apple computer?[/font][/size] [size=4][font=Calibri]“And when something does go wrong on Mac, you're usually buggered.” Why, how? Eh?[/font][/size] [size=4][font=Calibri]“Blue screens are caused by failures in hardware (usually memory or storage).” No, they really aren’t cause by just by hardware, they can be but they can quite as likely be software related.[/font][/size]
  8. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1377262343' post='2185492'] Nice to see we're already chucking the "fan boy" term around at Windows users. I think the term fan boy generally pertains to an irrational love of something, and mac is much harder to love for rational reasons. My main problem with mac is that I just cannot fathom the price tag. It's probably all the bloatware you're getting bundled in and the privilege of being an irritating brand-sheep; but who knows. I can't stand their whole "mac uses the latest in technology and top of the range components" mantra littered throughout their website. Aren't they still using 1300 MHz RAM for gods sake? Unless they haven't updated their website in a while, they're lying through their teeth. Not to mention that anything beyond a dual core processor comes in at entry level of £[i]1500 (!!!)[/i] That's insane. Macs supposedly utilise their hardware better because they use purpose built motherboards for the specific hardware that they're using (built by the fabled Foxconn believe it or not. Yeap; top of the line alright!). You could always just buy a laptop built by a manufacturer of motherboards though; Asus would be a good bet, their motherboards are among the best. Let's not mention the whole "green environmental impact" thing they've got going on. I imagine the biggest impact they have on the environment is as a result of the reduction in human population caused by suicides at their plants (which as I understand they'll now sue the families of the deceased for). Mac and Windows are not the same kind of business as many are quick to overlook. Most folk aren't fans of Windows, just of PC's. Mac produce one product themselves and sell the end thing; that's it. In some senses they've almost got a little monopoly over their own market. Windows these days simply create an operating system to use on PC. You don't have to use it. There are plenty of fantastic (and free!) Linux based operating systems out there. But the reality is that as PC hardware is an open and competitive market, the prices have to stay competitive. Macs could triple in price and some plonkers would still buy them because they're silver and shiny and have an apple on the back my my mate said apple are totally better because he read it in a magazine but couldn't even tell the difference between a processor and a tractor. Windows as an operating system is no less stable than Mac. And when something does go wrong on Mac, you're usually buggered. It would be naive to expect a trouble-free experience on any sort of computer; it's the nature of computers. Blue screens are caused by failures in hardware (usually memory or storage). If you're having these problems; you've probably had sh*it components in (and no, because it was built by Dell, it isn't the pinnacle of PC!). Unless you're after a laptop, buying a PC on the high street makes no sense. You could build a monster of a PC (or get one build for you by a one of a plethora of companies that offer this service) with top quality components from the best manufacturers (superior to those used in Macs) for a third of the price of an equivalent Mac. As you mentioned, Logic is max exclusive, but then, you could always just get Reaper for PC. An equally powerful program with a much more 21st-century approach to it's development and pricing methods. The only thing you can't do in Reaper is scoring dots; but it will do near enough everything else better. With all the money you've saved you could invest in a load of killer plug-ins, or take your family on a nice break somewhere! [/quote] [font="Calibri"][size="2"][size=2] [/size][/size][/font] [size=5][font="Calibri"]This is just diabtribe.[/font][/size] [size=5][font="Calibri"]Chucking terms around? When I refer to a windows fan boy, it’s just that, a windows fan boy. An avid ‘windows can do no wrong’ fan boy. That is NOT a windows user.[/font][/size] [size=5][font="Calibri"] I am a windows user. I am a PC user. I am writing this on one now. I like PC’s, I have a windows 7 system, a windows 8 system and we run server 2003, 08/08 r2 and 2012. I manage all exchange iterations from 2003 up until 2013. They all have their quirks and benefits. BUT, I prefer OSX, it is simple (for me) better. I am not being blindly pro apple here. It is just what I have experienced and it comes from a balanced and non-bias background. [/font][/size] [size=5][font="Calibri"]I do however get frustrated by these Anti apple rants by people who clearly don’t have all the facts. The OP wants an honest opinion, not some anti Apple waffle full of misinformation or indeed an anti pc waffle full of misinformation. I could pick your post apart, but I have fuffing clients ringing me telling me their pc isn’t working as it should. [/font][/size] [size=5][font="Calibri"]If anybody has any genuine, none bias experience of PC or Apple, who has some kind of credence to what they are saying, I am sure the OP will appreciate their time an effort. [/font][/size]
  9. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1377260603' post='2185443'] Yep, and i see no reason in this day and age to suggest a PC cant be used as a DAW without any issues, unless you have figures to prove otherwise. Im not slating Macs, but it was the same argument years ago in the print and design industry, and now PC are in the majority if our customers are anything to go by (we only have one, a G5 just in case, had 4 10 years ago). But anyway, im not going to argue until im blue in the face, my opinion is just that, mine. Im sure the OP will make his own mind up. [/quote] Nobody is arguing that a PC isn't capable of doing the job well, the case is, a Mac will be more reliable at doing the same job and I base that only on first had experience. If a client wants a mac, I won't argue with them, becasue I know I will have less work to do during its term of service. We make less money selling Apple, but we save so many man hours not having to go out and fix them all the blummin time, which, as a support and management service provider is key. My imac has crashed twice in 3 years, my macbook twice in 2 and our mac pro, 3 times since 2008. I will never recomend something that isnt what I belive to be the best option.
  10. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1377259611' post='2185421'] I'd love to see what a Mac can do that a PC cant, and for less money. [/quote] You are missing the point. It is not a question of doing something a PC can't, its is a question of how it does it and with what rate of sucess and reliability.
  11. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1377259611' post='2185421'] Seeing as anyone who recommends a PC has already been branded a Fan boy, in a derogatory way (without any back up, as usual) , i cant see this ending in a good way. [/quote] Nope, who said that?
  12. you are not just paying for fancy feeling materials, you are also paying for the fact that the software and hardware is all designed in house, it is dedicated to each other and one mac is the same as the next. Developers therefore have a finite scope to deal with in terms of ensuring compatibility.
  13. In my opinion, as good as but cheaper? No Same hardware specification and cheaper? Yes A Skoda VRS has the same 2.0 Turbo engine as an Auto TT but they are twoi entirely different things. Windows fan boys will argue the toss until they are blue screen of death in the face, but the long and short of it is, a mac has a much greater chance of not letting you down.
  14. I had a 6 legend classic with the SSD's, very nice. I must say, for a neck thru Spector, this is a hell of good price!
  15. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1376941699' post='2181341'] I don't believe that was my request. [/quote] No, you are correct, I remember a past thread incorrectly Was just trying to help.
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