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Everything posted by jaydentaku

  1. [quote name='thebassman' timestamp='1373818807' post='2141914'] How did you go about it? [/quote] I am just nice on the phone, I play it dumb and butter them up. People tend to respond well to that. I said that I hadn't had it very long, which I hadn't. That seemed enough for them
  2. I had mine sent into orange in february with a weird, intermittent screaming noise. Turned out to be the PSU. They fixed it. A cap blew a couple of weeks ago on the PSU and I sent it back in, a brand new terror bass turned up unannounced. I was over the moon! edit: this was bought second hand and out of warranty.
  3. I had a 700rb 115 combo and it was awesome.
  4. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1366233886' post='2050053'] As above. Name and shame. Nobody needs this, and I'd hate for it to happen to somebody else. As for the amp, pay him a personal visit, take a friend or two with you and tell him he's going to hand it over immediately. If he refuses, you walk into his house and take it. If you can't find it, take his TV, his computer, any jewellery or valuables, and leave a big poo in his toilet [/quote] This is ridiculous advice. Poo on his carpet.
  5. I have the Combat Astronomy back cat. http://combat-astronomy.bandcamp.com
  6. I am in a metal band. Mostly Doom and Sabbath influenced. Mostly bluesy and groovy.
  7. Instead of burning it, would you like to permanently 'store' it at my rehearsal rooms in Ouseburn? Free rent
  8. oh great! Well, they work and I am happy with them. I guess thats my lot and there is little I can/want to do about it. I have taken a look at the photos on the official UK distributors website and they fairly identical to me, bar a screw hole in the white knobs and the mooer logo is slightly bolder. This doesn't say anything though as parts easily change over time. The insides of mine look fairly good quality, though that says very little these days. The only way to decide is to compare like for like with a known genuine pedal, especially from the inside and audibly.
  9. I have contacted them twice by phone and gotten the same condescending toff both times. i don't know hwo he was, but he really sounded like he couldn't be bothered. I don't remember the first issue, but he was very brusque and condescending. The second time, I explained that I had bought a set of strings and one was shorter than the others and I wanted to buy a single string from their webstore but whilst I could buy single strings from their online shop, they only sold two of the four strings from the set (which is folly), neither of which were the one I wanted Firstly, he told me they didn't sell to the public and that they don't have a webstore. I read him the web address, he then confirmed it was theirs, that they do have a webstore but they don't sell to the public. That yes, they only sell two of the four strings I wanted and he couldn't help me any further. I tried to fathom this logic, explained that I was at the checkout on the webstore, there was no mention of it being trade only, ready to buy a couple of other sets from them... He interrupted me, asked if that was all or if there was anything else he could help me with. He was plain rude. I won't buy from them again but it's nice to see they are helping others out. What on earth did I do wrong? Having video Ped's video again, it certainly wasn't Jason that I spoke to. The guy I spoke to had a plum in his mouth.
  10. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1361798682' post='1990967'] Errr at £130 or there abouts I'll certainly be looking further ta Looking for around £30 really... [/quote]
  11. No problems so far!
  12. http://www.bose.co.uk/GB/en/home-and-personal-audio/headphones-and-headsets/sport-headphones/bose-sie2i-sport-headphones/ Look no further.
  13. So, TNT were woefully bad, but once they finally collected it on Friday, it was with Orange on Monday, fixed Tuesday and with me on Wednesday. He put a new PSU unit in there, a new bulb and new screws as they had been chewed up. All free, it wasn't even discussed.
  14. http://shop.warwick.de/?&c=35352310036&lang=en&smk=1&nm=D0405358001321517424A43801|Warwick|D0525953001321517425A44262|D0653455001321517426A44716&modul=shop&site=shop_overview These.
  15. I was enjoying this, but Stuart Maconie is an insufferable twunt, so I had to leave it.
  16. It's a glitch. Using my phone to browse senna to work
  17. I held off for 2 hours this morning and they bastards obviously never showed up. They arrived at 3:15
  18. Orange arranged with TNT to pickup my faulty bass terror yesterday between 3:30-4:30. they didn't turn up. The tracking number was 'not found'. Orange rescheduled for collection before 12. At 11:51 TNT rang to say they wouldn't be there for 12, that they would get there between 1:00 and 3:30. No mention of yesterdays no show. Still waiting. Fun fun fun. I have no recourse really as I didn't arrange it.
  19. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WARWICK-CORVETTE-FNA-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-/130848424516?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1e772c8244 I haven't seen one of these before, so not sure how rare these are, if at all. I like the facing.
  20. Hello and welcome. I saw the Portico Quartet at The Sage, they were excellent. Try The Neil Cowley Trio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0mPtzjGl74&playnext=1&list=PLFF63E18A1135B93D&feature=results_main
  21. Houdini or perhaps Stoner Witch is a good starting point
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