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Everything posted by keefbaker

  1. Lovely!
  2. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1457388172' post='2998123'] Nice, that definitely suits the image of your band, I still haven't found a bass I like that visually suits my alter-ego in my industrial band Metaltech. If I could find a nice 5 string Iceman with a full size body....... [/quote] Pretty sure I NEARLY played a gig with you guys once. Can't remember who I was with at the time, could have been either Caustic or Be My Enemy.
  3. Isn't this something everyone should be striving to be? There's some obvious people out there like Pino and Tony Levin.
  4. I keep meaning to make a pilgrimage to this shop and having played a Dinger at the bass show hasn't helped. I hardly noticed the fanned frets after a few seconds (except the bottom F, that still felt weird) I have GAS for a Dinger now but I have 2 basses on order so it'll have to stay in the pipe for a year or so.
  5. Lovely. Had I not already got 2 basses on order I'd be very tempted.
  6. Pretty much the entire IBM suite by Johann Johannsson. Especially after my father died.
  7. Well, a serious reply to this old topic that the OP has probably forgotten about is Tonewoods make only so much difference so I'd say it's extremely unlikely that a bit of contouring would make much difference and it's more likely to be, as has been said, neck and electronics.
  8. I remember playing one of these back in the day. Not my style now but I see the appeal.
  10. Definitely. I know it may not sound it but I am massively impressed with these, especially given the outlay.
  11. See, I can hear a lot more in the 3-5k range on the wilkinson. Weirdly I prefer the darker seymour duncan
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1458139011' post='3005038'] It's very subjective, of course. I sound pretty much the same regardless of which bass I'm playing and what pickups it's fitted with, so it could be that you just don't like the sound I'm making, you don't like the sound of flats, you don't like the way it's been recorded, or any of the many other variables at work. [/quote] I love flats. I even love the tone rolled all the way back, but it just sounds like the pickup is throwing out more low mid than my personal taste agrees with so it sounds woolly to me. Like you say, personal taste, but I have tapes on my P and when I record with the tone rolled off like that it doesn't sound quite so woolly. And it doesn't sound like finger tone that's causing it to my ears. But like you say, subjective.
  13. It looks great, but I'm not big on the sound. Mind you, for the price of the bass it's not going to have gods own pickups in it, is it.
  14. Good earphones/headphones, good bluetooth speaker. Still primarily compressed formats, but I don't have the kind of bat ears required to tell the difference between uncompressed and 256kbps mp3.
  15. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1458126349' post='3004881'] Why is it surprising that Yamahas are good when I can't recall reading a "Yamahas are crap" post, ever? [/quote] Because people associate Yamaha with other stuff generally. I know I personally think of the old PSR range of bontempi crap keyboards. So I know a little monster in the back of my head does a sideye and says, "really?" when people say Yamaha's are really good.
  16. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1458071929' post='3004466'] what did you think of the pretzel bass, very light but it had quite a bark and tone to it, may have benefited having a movable pickup for darker tones. But impressive [/quote] I have to admit I didn't get chance to try it. I tried the remington steele because I couldn't believe it would work so I had to give it a shot.
  17. I have to admit I don't know but things are rarely static. They've got a perfect little niche now and the only thing that migth change things is a drop or rise in business. Rises in business are great but it either means longer lead time (like Wal) or farming out to someone else (likely drop in quality) or a rise in price to reduce demand. Drop in business means layoffs, reduction in quality to reduce price or selling off (which generally means production moves somewhere else - quality changes) I can't predict what the change in the future will be and how far in the future that is, it could be 20 years from now, just that at some point change will happen.
  18. [quote name='Black Coffee' timestamp='1458119895' post='3004793'] Oh, also cant understand the continuing fascination with warwick. IMO. Loadsa money for - eh something bland , in my experience. [/quote] I don't see it myself either. Also see: quacky duck sound (ie: playing 16ths right near the bridge on a bridge j-style pickup)
  19. They made a strat out of cardboard, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  20. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1458052617' post='3004208'] I enjoyed it, glad to see Schack and Lefay there, [/quote] As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I was a bit stunned by that stainless steel board fretless, I have to say.
  21. [quote name='GregBass' timestamp='1458039154' post='3004048'] Want everything in a single pickup? [url="http://www.simscustom.com/pickups/"]http://www.simscustom.com/pickups/[/url] [/quote] Yeah, another vote for these fellas. P/J/MM all at the flick of a switch
  22. I did. I spent over a grand and a half. I'm aiming to spend the same again or double next year.
  23. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1458026109' post='3003916'] I have no interest in that sort of thing and would love to see a huge trade show with all the major manufacturers there with their latest gear to show off. [/quote] Same here. It was the whole reason I went this year, and I have to admit I expected more stuff. Sure, it was more basses in a room than I've seen before but I was hoping for "trade show" levels of stuff. I purposefully brought my debit card.
  24. Nice! I'll have a go at fixing up my VI first.
  25. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1458036110' post='3003998'] BTW do you use the vibrato on yours? If you do that will limit the number of possible alternatives. [/quote] Believe it or not I actually use it loads.
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