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Everything posted by keefbaker

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1459933370' post='3020900'] Here's one I prepared earlier (August 2014): [media]http://youtu.be/bakDMyALGt0[/media] [/quote] That..... was great.
  2. I guess Youth Code really. they were great!
  3. Tone. Because it doesn't matter a sh*t how it plays when it's recorded.
  4. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1459943765' post='3021081'] Tesco Rich Shorties biscuits and a lovely cup of tea. Simple fulfilment:) [/quote] If you're not feeling fulfilled after tea and biscuits, I don't know what's wrong with you!
  5. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1459941151' post='3021031'] even if he doesn't get paid? [/quote]
  6. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1459939255' post='3021012'] I've finally begun to realise, after 37 years of playing, that if I'm looking for fulfilment I'm not going to get it from music. [/quote] I usually get mine from tescos.
  7. Incidentally, I mad a small 3 track ambient thing using this with flats on https://keefbaker.bandcamp.com/album/fretlese-cx No editing/overdubs but lots of effects (clearly).
  8. Sorry, didn't mean to derail the thread about your wonderful bass Ez..... In that case the warranty will be void at this point. However, sending it back involves the following: 1) week transport back to them... with additional transport woes on the neck, body etc 2) however long to fix depending on their schedule 3) week transport back to me... with additional transport woes on the neck, body etc 4) Another setup to help combat the transport issues. You might consider me a nutter but I'd rather take it to a luthier I know has done good work for people, pay for it myself and then have it there, done and eat the cost myself. Despite my complaints, I played it yesterday after I got home and I *DO* love it. it sounds amazing, the neck is wonderful, barring the buzz/action issues (which are lessened but still very much there) and it looks phenomenal.... I don't think I can cope with having it out of my hands for that long in all honesty. So I'm done with complaining about it, I'm just going to get it sorted and once it is I'm going to play the hell out of it,
  9. I have 3 different Delanos in my Maruszczyk and they sound fantastic. Definitely the best picked sound I've heard from a bass.
  10. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1459777402' post='3019480'] I blame the internet, it's hard to get your horse-punching noticed when there's just so much horse punching going on. I was thinking of starting a tuition website though scottshorsepunchinglessons.com, lots of youtube clips and some lessons on theory and technique. [/quote] Even that corner of the horse punching market is becoming saturated. There's only so many times you can watch someone tell you to hold your fist in a straight line with your forearm, and raise your arm perpendicular to your trunk to maximize power before it's all meh... I dunno, punching horses is a young mans game. Maybe I should go back to nailing squirrels to wooden boards like my dad.
  11. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1459775689' post='3019450'] It's hard to become pro now, there's so many people willing to do it free. [/quote] Thing is, back in the 70s there were only about 10 people punching horses, now there's horse punchers everywhere and you can't even get someone to watch you punch a horse for free anymore.
  12. Not that I can talk, but yeah... Saying "I can't" is a way to never do something whereas, "I can't yet", is different.
  13. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1459775435' post='3019443'] t if im honest i proabably dont have the ability to play the stuff i like, [/quote]
  14. "Why's the drummer sat on a tiny portaloo?" "Dunno mate, I'm more worried about the bloke trying to inflate the music stand!"
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1459767368' post='3019294'] OK. I think it's pretty unfair to go on about it unless you've given him a chance to respond. If you give him a chance, and nothing comes of it, then of course that's a different matter. [/quote] That's a fair point. I'll not mention it again.
  16. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1459749213' post='3019106'] Whilst I'm in awe of M Miller and his peers, I lose the emotional attachment to their music when it becomes about the bass over the style [/quote] Totally. Marcus Miller's style is soulful and in a live band situation he kills it but his records sound like Casio keyboard demo tracks. As to the OP's question another gem in the word is Dean Garcia. He doesn't play anything mega-complex but his tone and use of sliding makes an essentially pedestrial bassline sound amazing. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ7_ufLazwM[/media]
  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1459765882' post='3019260'] Presumably you've given Adrian a chance to sort it out - what did he say? [/quote] I haven't, and don't see the point given what happened over the refret thing in the club thread and that was a visible issue, rather than this. I'm going to take it to a luthier and get it sorted myself. Once that's done I'm hoping my grump will go away because it is lovely and I want to be in love with it rather than feel sad when I play it. I don't want to send it back, I just want it to play properly.
  18. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1459766317' post='3019268'] 4 hour set [/quote] My knees cry at the idea of a 4 hour set.
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1459713952' post='3018926'] Nobody is going convince me they set out to be a bedroom noodler . [/quote] Difficult to disagree with that sentence there, but as always with these things, what's the original aim? And let's be honest, pretty much most of us, when we started out were in our teens and wanted to be rock stars... Then as time went on and we realized that rock stardom wasn't going to be ours, either due to suckage, wrong band, wrong place, wrong time, etc.. etc... You start asking yourself what you want out of music and then you end up on a path. Some of those paths are below: 1: I love playing and gigging and want to play to more people and be paid Cover band/ entertainment band 2: I love playing and gigging but my priorities include writing too Keep playing originals, being aware interest will likely wane 3: I love playing, and I just want to get better, gigging I can take or leave Bedroom player, focusing on mastering their instrument, occasionally gig or record on youtube 4: I see my instrument is a means to an end and my main focus is composing and writing Become a composer, using various instruments. Depending on your art/profit focus ratio you could work on advertising jingles/corporate stuff for money. 5: I like playing, but my time is eaten up with kids/job/wife/other hobbies so these days I just want to play occasionally on my own time. Play mostly in the bedroom, do the odd jam night,. All of the above are valid paths, all with different aims coming from a different part of the heart after the dreams of your youth have been smashed and ground into the dirt like paste. Because we all find our own way in this thing we call, "music".
  20. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1459632025' post='3018289'] Incredible basses at twice the price. no doubt. [/quote] Unless you get a chimped one like mine. Oh well. After me trying to get it better and the music shop trying to get it better to the point of fitting a shim I'm going to find a good local luthier to get the damn thing to play right. Shame because the pickups are great and the neck feels great, it's just either buzz or 12 miles off the fretboard currently so it's an ornament Anyway, I'll stop bringing everyone's day down. I'm exceptionally glad yours was really good and Ezbass's.
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1459607937' post='3018057'] That's disappointing. Did you mention it to Adrian? Has the shim sorted it, or is the action too high? [/quote] Action is high but manageable and the rattling is mostly gone. I haven't mentioned it to Adrian because at this point it's still really a setup issue. Hopefully it'll settle down and eventually I'll be able to reduce the action and have less rattle but I can't see myself buying another one in the future. As it is now, it's an ok bass that I don't love with high action. But I might just be being grumpy.
  22. Yeah, discovered that when I gave up and took it to the guitar shop. In the end, in order to bring the buzzing to a human level and still have a usable action they had to put a small shim in, which is a bad show, basically I think next time I get GAS I'll either buy direct from the bass show or nip to bass direct. After this I'm done with buying unseen. Not that it's bad, it sounds great in fact, it's just marred the whole experience, especially knowing I won't be able to completely get rid of the buzzing without having action a bus could ride under.
  23. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1459522362' post='3017398'] why does he insist on playing the second half through ridiculously heavy fuzz or distortion? Every time! [/quote] Is it really worse than all those bass demos that demonstrate pretty much nothing but the slap tone?
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