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Posts posted by keefbaker

  1. Ok, it's here, not doing an NBD yet as it wouldn't be fair. It seems to have arrived with a bit of a back bow as it's choking like crazy and buzzing like an angry bee, and the action is way too low but the bridge Saddles seem ok. So, I need to figure out the whole truss rod thing. If its a bottom of neck truss rod which way do you turn it to raise the strings?

    First pickup test is good but difficult to say for sure cos of the buzzing.

  2. Ok, it's here, not doing an NBD yet as it wouldn't be fair. It seems to have arrived with a bit of a back bow as it's choking like crazy and buzzing like an angry bee, and the action is way too low but the bridge Saddles seem ok. So, I need to figure out the whole truss rod thing. If its a bottom of neck truss rod which way do you turn it to raise the strings?

    First pickup test is good but difficult to say for sure cos of the buzzing.

  3. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1459255525' post='3014780']
    Can you elaborate on "action self correcting"?

    I think he's talking about bridge saddle slippage syndrome. I had it on my bass vi

  4. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1459248326' post='3014684']
    I'd take a versatile bassist with a jazz bass over a versatile bass with a player that is relying mostly on the pickup/tone options to get a versatile sound.

    With a forum name of "sunburstjazz1967" that's not the biggest surprise. But you're completely right that if your playing, hand position etc isn't versatile then a range of pickups and tones is going to do pretty much nothing for you.

  5. [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1458919872' post='3012138']

    Although there's always an exception to prove the rule...!!! ( and this against three guitarists)

    Yeah but you're talking Steve Harris there.. You don't play hard metal with a P, unless you're Steve Harris. You don't play metal with flats, unless you're Steve Harris.. Etc

  6. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1458843002' post='3011518']
    Basses for metal, most players of that genre seem to use active basses I wonder if it is the tight compressed sound of an active bass that is needed to fit into the mix?

    I think it's more because precisions have a very defined low mid "hump" that a lot of metal guitars like to sit in so the bigger pole pieces and active electronics carry more top and low low for that "scooped" sound.

  7. [quote name='Daz39' timestamp='1458828497' post='3011298']
    Providing healthcare for employees in the US is prohibitively expensive. As, apparently are paid vacations, mat/pat leave, pensions and the other 'perk's that most of the industrialised world takes for granted.



  8. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1458823032' post='3011230']
    My Dingwall is ultra versatile. I remember playing with a very oldtime group whose preferences ossified in the 70s. The guitarist asked if you could get an more 'classic' tone. Click to passive and neck pickup. Perfect. He looked somewhere between pleased and irritated!

    A Dinger is on my list at some point. I should actually write this list down of stuff i'd like to own.

  9. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1458821771' post='3011207']
    Does it really matter if it is similar?

    In all honesty no, it doesn't. I just see people giving Enfield basses a lot of flak for looking similar to Wals but not being Wals, which in my eyes is ridiculous, given the same person will then jizz rainbows over a Sadowsky Jazz copy.

    And that doesn't matter either, I just don't like that "Enfields are Wal knockoffs" seems to have got into the basschat received wisdom when they're not.. They're their own thing. The pickups don't work the same way, they don't play the same, they're something else.

    Ah well

    /drops it.

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