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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. So who is the Bassist that is recording this new album, if the other guy was not wanted ? It that is not you, someone else must be involved ? Or have I misread the OP ?
  2. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1486375380' post='3231134'] there seems to be some questions about the validity of some of the stories, i.e. did they really happen ? [/quote] Well, that's Jazz. There has to be an element of improvisation.
  3. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1486336216' post='3231027'] Didn't think about loss, and guess that will be more of an issue touring than gigging at the Tickled Trout [/quote] Theft as well. During a sound check (outside show) in Gibraltar, a Monkey ran off with our MD's, Piano mains lead, along with a slice of his Pizza....
  4. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1486304209' post='3230686'] Now, not wishing for this to appear like a trolling post, surely the point of cables like OBBM removes the necessity of having "been doing this for years" in that you buy ones that last? [/quote] Possibly ten years ago, he made a ten foot cable. A couple of years later, one for an Amp and Speaker Cabinet. A couple of years later, some Patch Cables.Then some spares etc. And all still in use? I presume that's what he means.
  5. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1486284986' post='3230496'] Good player? Yes! Cool? No! They are not necessarily the same thing! This is cool: As is this: [/quote] I think that is 'dead cool'.
  6. [quote name='Grahambythesea' timestamp='1486229218' post='3230212'] Kinga Glyk , so for both stunning playing and cool look she gets my vote. [/quote] She does a nice version of 'Donna Lee'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_onY_geaMs
  7. Been listening to the 'WDR Big Band' recently. It has some seriously good players and arrangements, with a few top names passing through. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjZLHVY8yK8[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxDESWHKR9g[/media]
  8. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1486200785' post='3229967'] Just a quick question - what is the "coolest" way to play your bass? [/quote] The right notes with feel and groove. For many years, quite a few musicians didn't even know who the Motown Bassist was, or even Bassists. Yet there he was (or indeed they) hidden away in a Studio, pumping out Basslines as 'Cool' as you can get. The rest is just head nodding, beards and clothes. Just my opinion of course.
  9. A nice track with the Gospel Group 'The Winans'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BWUKRWCRLI
  10. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1486073278' post='3229111'] Bear crates are massive and tricky to coax the bear out of [/quote] Although Bear crates would be ideal if you were using one of those large 2x15 Acoustic cabs.
  11. I dunno, kids of today....eh? What's up with a couple of Green Plastic Beer crates?
  12. Not heard this in years ! From Ron Carter's 'Yellow & Green' [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P8Pn5Q0TXw&index=5&list=PLIh8pUIWeE65_Q20fQkjuBXxWmgM4CACb[/media] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv0qnYsREyg&list=PLIh8pUIWeE65_Q20fQkjuBXxWmgM4CACb&index=2
  13. Cool vocals, cool playing all round, cool arrangement. Diana Krall. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it1NaXrIN9I
  14. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1485728895' post='3226263'] Is it genetic or can it be taught, [url="https://youtu.be/dRjzCKJN6sM"]https://youtu.be/dRjzCKJN6sM[/url] [url="https://youtu.be/IWBkVucVMCY"]https://youtu.be/IWBkVucVMCY[/url] another jem in the pad - some make it look easy, [/quote] I have always put it down to the culture thing. If you are surrounded by it and are listening along with playing it daily, eventually it should rub off. But saying that, I think some musicians are quicker on the uptake and more comfortable than others, when it comes to digesting other musical cultures. The 'Gordon Goodwin Big Phat Band'....My favorite Big Band at the moment. Fantastic arrangements with top, top players. A bit OT but, this arrangement from the band is just [i]stunning[/i] and Swings like the clappers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggx8bgJ4Q38&index=14&list=PLoIQEr7Oj68LtMCFU5-UbasosNgkeIr2z
  15. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1485771649' post='3226466'] this makes me squirm grinding my teeth. and has a keyboard solo that will make you just laugh its so bad and puke at the same time. WARNING.. do not watch if your eating or by anything thats too expensive to throw. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBYV_7a0FQs [/quote] Not sure Toni Tennille was that impressed with his contributions either. New Toy Synth time? Did you clock some of the looks she gave him?.... I think he was sleeping in the spare room that night...
  16. I really like the OP Video, very catchy. There are quite a few interesting versions of "Opa Cupa" out there on YouTube, including a nice Klezmer Jazz version. Nenad Vasilic (a Serbian Bassist) is well worth checking out for Baltic Bass, he is a Super Player. http://www.vasilic.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x2SuEU_umY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3eYQwXuCsA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vv47Q-Q3-8
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1485550306' post='3224947'] http://youtu.be/LcHIvCTyeWo [/quote] Not heard, or seen that version before - Top, top stuff. Cheers for posting.
  18. You really can get a lot out of that old VSL library. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3Tazw8S2NM
  19. There is an old legacy VSL Library in Kontakt. You can get some really decent Orchestral sounds together from that. Worth looking at some of these vids for some tips. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hncW_hYc3_g[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SnAj4soFaY[/media]
  20. Been having a really good listen to these guys the last couple of days. They all play so well, with a great vibe and a lot of emotion. Best new music I have heard for a while. I really like the Piano player. The second video is a solo Piano offering. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIN71J3tahM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BMGc448O0s
  21. Voted, and well done to all. I went with three that (for me) sat with the picture best.
  22. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1485513462' post='3224465'] I've not watched this week's Samplecast yet but I'll check those out. Been looking at string and brass libraries recently. I got the Rhapsody Colours bundle when it was on offer but I've been debating whether I should just take the plunge on Albion One. Bit pricey though! [/quote] I got Albion One when it was first released. It was on a introductory deal, so was cheaper. Really is a top library - It has everything. Great for quick writing and has everything from the Four Orchestral sections, plus some Ethnic Percussion and a load of Hyrid Synth patches. Spitfire also bundled some of the legacy library as well. Even at full price, I think it is good value. Top, top sounds.
  23. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1485452218' post='3224083'] Just heard what is probably the worst I've heard in a while. I think it's called thunder, by AC/DC. Boring, cliched and the vocal was like finger nails down a blackboard. [/quote] Sounds like you are talking about 'Thunderstuck'. Indeed, not pleasant at all. Although, on release, I thought it was called "Cliche and Pastiche". All in my humble opinion of course.
  24. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1485375270' post='3223522'] Mostly from London & SE England: £1 = A quid / nicker / squid £5 = A fiver / a ching / a Lady (Godiva) £10 = A tenner / an Ayrton (Senna) £20 = A score £25 = A pony £50 = A nifty £100 = A ton £500 = A monkey £1000 = A grand / a bag (of sand) Any form of money = Dosh, readies, bunce, moolah, lolly, scratch, brass Banknotes = Folding, sheets, wedge Loose change = Shrapnel Bankers' check = A kite [/quote] My oldest Saucepan just pointed out to me.... That when I meet up with some of my "Ol' Bermondsey Muckers and China Plates", we all still use the term "Sovs".
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