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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. A couple of libraries from Jasper Blunk. They we originally posted over at VI Forum. Reuben Cornell from Samplecast has posted up this link. It's for Kontakt (full version), and there are some very nice strings and orchestral brass. http://jasperblunk.com/samples.html
  2. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1484581019' post='3216467'] Aja - Steely Dan. Never get tired of it. [/quote] Not played that album for a long while. Listened today and was surprised at how much I still knew inside out. Some truly top, top playing with awesome grooves and very catchy hooks.
  3. Dave Grusin and his 'On Golden Pond' film theme. He really is a master of melody. This tune always moves me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qml75qpmpSs
  4. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1485382953' post='3223644'] Fabulous of course but... [/quote] Yes, great tune that I do like. But, it doesn't give me Da Goosebumps.
  5. Bonnie Raitt. "I Can't Make You Love Me". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW9Cu6GYqxo
  6. Wow, excellent stuff. Lovely playing all round. Certainly will be giving this lot some more YouTube listening. Thanks for posting.
  7. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1485303951' post='3223042'] Hey everyone.!!.. My name is Louis Walsh. Im a cock end. [/quote] Oh, please keep up and get hip, Dude. The current trend name for some of the Bellends out there, is......."Cockwomble" My nomination is from Will Young. "All Time Love" (I generally dislike his warbling at the best of times) Just put a bell around his neck, dump him up on the Swiss Alps and let him graze with the other Goats. Truly horrific vibrato on a flaky, going nowhere ramble of a tune. Even the video is suicidal. It promotes "taking yourself too seriously" to a new level. . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZpWnuzVlxk
  8. Yes, I remember seeing him with one. It might have been at the 606 club.
  9. I like this band. They sure have been through various styles over the years. Funk, Latin, even a Middle Eastern Hip Hop vibe at times Is it the Bassist that is the only one left from the original line up?
  10. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1485202019' post='3222091'] 30, 50, 70, 90. [/quote] Good grief, I hope they came with Handles like this (and free cheese). [url="https://postimg.org/image/s2upo18mb/"][/url]
  11. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1485201243' post='3222074'] Sparko kicked it in the head after ten years on the road with the Feelgoods and went back to doing something like roofing or plumbing. AFAIK occasionally turns out at the Oysterfleet. [/quote] He came around and fixed my roof tiles after a storm about 9/10 years ago. I went round his house not long after, he was thinking about unloading a Bass on Ebay at the time. (might well have been the Bass you mentioned, or possibly a P-Bass) Also I have quite a funny story concerning the insurance company involved with my roof....Not for public airing though. Yes, he occasionally turned up at The Oysterfleet (I was there on one occasion). He is still in the building trade as far as I know.
  12. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1485188908' post='3221924'] Is that 127 a relatively light B, or an insanely heavy E? [/quote] Yep, sorry, B String. 47/67/87/107/127.
  13. I quite like Barry Adamson but not really into the band. For me that video is horrible, mainly for the awful singing and Drumming.
  14. Dean Marley SR2000, 47-127, Steel Round Wounds (Use on my Fretless and Fretted). Super tight, great for finger style and slapping. Heavy, punchy and bright sounding. I have been using them since about 2000, when they were the 'Will Lee' signature series.
  15. [size=4][color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]Barry Gray, composer of some of the great 50/60/70's TV Themes/Film/Broadcast Adverts.[/font][/color] [color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]Lovely little (short) story about the Thunderbirds theme from him.[/font][/color][/size] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stzOgERbTG0 [size=5][size=4][color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]One of his TV advert compositions, with his Introduction. Marvelous period music.[/font][/color] [color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]BOAC, anyone remember them? [/font][/color][/size][/size] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGh21zOxUv4 [size=5][size=4][color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]A listing of the Studio Musicians from all the Gerry Anderson Series where Gray was the Composer.[/font][/color] [color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]My very first Double Bass teacher 'Joe Muddel' is listed (he kept that very quite).[/font][/color] [color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]Some interesting characters in the list.[/font][/color] [color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif][url="http://www.barrygray.co.uk/BG/Musicians.html"]http://www.barrygray.../Musicians.html[/url][/font][/color][/size][/size]
  16. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1485097249' post='3221065'] I've never understood the hatred for that song. It's a piece of music composed for a children's film. Does it's job admirably. [/quote] Absolutely. The cue syncing is amazing. He certainly knew what he was doing, along with top arranging from George Martin and Ken Sillito
  17. Always liked Mr Levin.Top, top player, I especially liked his early New York session days. I know this will go down like a lead Balloon on this here Basschat, but his Jazz playing with the Buddy Rich Big Band was superb. He could certainly swing. On the second and third videos, he played some classy classic, 70's Funk (Although BR is crawling over it a bit.) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky_23rOl1Tk[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p95UZ9AG-mc[/media] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg8V8LFUKZ0
  18. [quote name='julesb' timestamp='1484859826' post='3219251'] IMO, Larry klein butchered, and I really mean butchered so much of this stuff, which you can witness on youtube, in the tour which came to wembley in the early eighties. [/quote] I wonder if that was the reason for them getting divorced? Not much to dislike from Joni really. I particularly liked the stuff with Vince Mendoza. His arranging was terrific. Interesting that Larry Klein Co-Produced that 'Both Sides Now Album'. A master class in arranging. http://youtu.be/l18Nc_iOmyI
  19. A few Ethnic Instruments for Kontakt (and EXS24). Actually, they are Korean Instruments and sound very good. The sound quality is very good...And best of all, Free. http://en.catsnu.com/Project/GugakVSTi.aspx
  20. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1484764011' post='3218263'] Total sledgehammer..... same for mazurka and polka! (Yes, I have had a somewhat varied musical career, Cynthia.) [/quote] You really DID have to be there, and indulge yourself in Jimmy Lally. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/columnists/miles-kington/miles-kington-dance-band-days-of-a-teenage-trombonist-516497.html
  21. [quote name='julesb' timestamp='1484741830' post='3217945'] I love Mingus by Joni Mitchell[/quote] Just been listening to that this morning. Wonderful stuff with great playing all round. Jaco on top form.
  22. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1484736796' post='3217869'] I'm sure there are a lot of people who go to this show and would appreciate 20% off. Out of all the crap that lands in my inbox every day I don't begrudge Basschat 1 email every blue moon. [/quote] Yes, agreed Plus it is a Bass site with a once in a 'Blue Moon' email regarding something Bass related. Ped wasn't try to push Dutch Clogs or Morris Dancing attire. But, for others, I do understand that they would like the option.
  23. [quote name='Yank' timestamp='1484732603' post='3217807'] Hejira by Joni Mitchell. I can't stand her voice and that faux hipster poetry. I understand intellectually how revolutionary Jaco's playing was, but it does nothing for me. There! I've insulted two "icons" and feel no remorse. [/quote] Blimey. If you think that is insulting, you need to go out more. By Basschat standards, that is real tame. Mother Teresa could learn a thing or two from you, in the Art of being polite.
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1484707347' post='3217715'] Climbing back on board with a 'light-weight' contender this month; I give you ... [url="https://soundcloud.com/dad3353/hobo-solo"]Hobo Solo ...[/url] Enjoy... [/quote] Excellent stuff. Hope you are feeling better.
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