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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Yer, Blue. Rebecca is great. Her and the Drummer work really well together. They are an Aussie band and are all excellent players. Sings well, also. http://youtu.be/L9sSwKctImw She also has a very a tight, grooving slap technique. http://youtu.be/Vcz8olQWjis
  2. Got this a couple of Days ago.Great Cuban style Jazz, with the emphasis more on swing. Absolute terrific playing and arrangements. [url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lincoln-Center-Orchestra-Wynton-Marsalis/dp/B00ZQMX30Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482344962&sr=8-1&keywords=live+in+cuba"]https://www.amazon.c...ds=live+in+cuba[/url] Lovely Bass solo at 05:53. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi3bRy_T9KM[/media]
  3. Geeking and Nerding of FX has never been high on my list. But, this history of the Tremolo, is really interesting. [url="http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/19777-a-brief-history-of-tremolo"]http://www.premiergu...tory-of-tremolo[/url]
  4. Good stuff and well played. Love the reference to Spaghetti Western Music, especially at the beginning.
  5. Of course there are other 'Tremoloes', that became 'Tremeloes' because of a spelling mistake by a News Paper. Some people also considered them, as Tremolo knobs on the front end of Fender Amps.
  6. Tremolo is also rapid playing on a note or notes. String players often use the technique/articulation (Bow going up and down very quickly). Harps/Classical Guitars, Bass etc, it is rapid plucking with the finger(s). The two posters above are right about the misnaming. Violin [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2z9_HUtBIs[/media] Guitar [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wF9_Rua3-vA[/media]
  7. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1482187997' post='3198391'] Basschat - Always racing to the bottom. [/quote] So, Chuck Rainey is relegated to "Good ish" because he recorded 'Josie' with Steely Dan ?
  8. Excellent, Sibob. Nice stuff. The Band play well and a very nice singer.
  9. [quote name='MarkJB' timestamp='1482146043' post='3197935'] [url="https://youtu.be/8qu_vCKJMuM"]https://youtu.be/8qu_vCKJMuM[/url] [/quote] Another lovely Jamerson Line here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND-iW51idC0
  10. The Gaslight Anthem's,'Miles Davies and the Cool'. Marc Cohen. 'Walking in Memphis'. Although it's about being baptized into the world of the blues, the second verse is about Elvis. Charlie Mingus, 'Goodbye Pork Pie Hat'. About 'Lester Young'. Joni Mitchell later added lyrics to it.
  11. The first 30 seconds, when the audience is in view - Visually, they look like they are clapping on 2&4. Sound wise, I can't hear any clapping. To me there seems to be a sound delay when the audience is singing, possibly, because of the distance they are from the recording mic. It seems to be right next to the Bass and Drums. I am not sure why I am droning on, I couldn't careless what the audience (or AC/DC for that matter) are singing or clapping along to. Just responding to a post (PaulGibsonBass). I think he is great. (Although there are better versions of that tune, with him playing, that are knocking around). Carry on.
  12. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1482017163' post='3197061'] I don't really get some of the other comments about there being no solid beat though... [/quote] Yes... The Kit player is banging out the Snare (loudly) on 2&4. The audience are all clapping and flapping on 2&4. How solid and easier can it get...
  13. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1482051132' post='3197131'] There's your problem, Dunc. Try sleeping on the bed with everyone, not the settee. Should be more comfortable. [/quote] Beat me to it.
  14. Oscar, Ray and Niels....All soloing (with ease). Serious musicianship from them all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HEtFO9w3Ds For me, there has been so many top performances from the big guns over the years, it's hard to pick out one. This performance from Anthony Jackson still blows me away. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZOCdrwGch4
  15. My favourite album by far. (Ennio) Morricone 60.
  16. Excuses, excuses and nothing but excuses. Teach them to sight read as well. All sit down and learn together. Make it a family thing. I dunno....families ain't what they used to be.
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1481791605' post='3195112'] I've used other avatars in the past, but was asked to change them. [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Just%20Stuff/GIF%20files/SpinningGirl.gif.html"][/url] I have no idea why. [/quote]
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1481714869' post='3194448'] Irritating animated GIFs can be banished with the use of an Ad Blocker. Simply right-click the avatar in question and open it in a new window. Then copy the resulting URL into your Ad Blocker's banned list. You'll never see it again. [/quote] Result.
  19. This is why EMG's and Bart's were invented. To cater for Musicians who suffer with OCD.
  20. If you like studying 'Scores' from the great Composers, there is a great free resource site called 'IMSLP'. (downloadable PDF's). [url="http://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Composers"]http://imslp.org/wik...egory:Composers[/url] A YouTube video on using the site. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_hBiUzfU7U
  21. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1481533050' post='3192902'] Reading rhythm isn't hard and I don't see why there should be a binary choice [/quote] If you are reading Rhythms and finding it isn't hard, why not also read the black dots attached ? Just curious really.
  22. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1481515032' post='3192821'] I laugh when people claim reading notation is quicker than reading TABs baloney, and here's why reading notation: your brain sees the lil black dot, converts it to a note name, say B. THEN has to convert the note name B to a spot on your fretboard TAB: you brain sees immediately that it's the 2nd fret on the 2nd string, you play it. now tell me again how notation is faster [/quote] Take your little theory to all the great Professional Orchestras of the World. I am sure you are onto something.
  23. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1481478260' post='3192572'] Seems you're right. I've double-checked and their policy doesn't allow unlicensed covers; same as YouTube (although in practice you'll find [i]lots[/i] of cover tracks on both...). Basschat can't be seen to endorse breaching other website's terms and conditions. So we'll have to waive all liability regarding where you decide to post your tracks this month! My own [i]personal opinion[/i] would be to:[list] [*]Make your track private, switch off downloads and share a private link instead of a public one. Then delete the track following the competition, burn your computer and nuke the entire site from orbit: it's the only way to be sure. [*]Share your track as a [url="https://www.dropbox.com"]Dropbox[/url] link. [/list] [/quote] Worth noting that Dropbox has a copyright infringement policy. But, for your own personal use, I believe it is ok. https://www.extremetech.com/computing/179495-how-dropbox-knows-youre-a-dirty-pirate-and-why-you-shouldnt-use-cloud-storage-to-share-copyrighted-files Uploading covers of other people's material without permission is always going to be a headache for some, depending on the tune covered. It seems, some tunes attract attention more than others. A shame really, but perfectly understandable.
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