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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1481396188' post='3192067'] Yet 4/4 used to be known as "imperfect time" - 3/4 was "perfect time". [/quote] Yes, this. http://www.mymusictheory.com/learn-music-theory/reference/347-time-signatures-4-4-or-c Also, a whole genre of music (Cuban, as well as others), is quite often in three and six. (Or implies three and six as the natural feel).
  2. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1481378480' post='3191863'] I'm an expert on the Purple Oboe...... [/quote] Is that harder than the Pink Oboe?
  3. Seeing as that Christmas period is approaching, I thought I would throw this up onto the stage. "Sleigh Ride " in 7/8 - It works well and to me, feels very natural. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZggJNsAuIw
  4. I am a Cubase user for my own stuff (PC), but a company I work for use DP9 (On both Mac and PC), so I have some experience using it. (The key commands differ from Cubase a lot and do fry my brain a bit) But key commands apart, I think it's still easy to navigate around. DP has only been on Windows since version 8 and is not as stable as the Mac version (random crashes), although it is getting there with each update. So worth bearing that in mind. (Specific crashes are over on the motu forum). It has a nice clean interface and the tab system works great. I like the work flow on DP, but that is a personal preference of course. All the Audio side of it is good (as with most DAW's). We do a lot of Midi editing, and the in depth midi editing is very impressive. If you like doing Midi editing using notation as opposed to PRV, or indeed, using both in combination, the DP editor is excellent for that. To me, it really shines in that department. 'Chunks' is also a great feature. Originally, It was aimed at folks who compose music/cues to picture/film etc, because of the extra time lines and ease of video Sync. The facilities for that are excellent. These days, DP fits the whole bill, It has some good Synths and the FX are excellent. The automation lanes are great as well, no where near as cluttered as other DAW's. The midi functions are certainly on the level of Cubase and Logic. Definitely worth downloading the demo and getting stuck in. Quite a few tutorials on YouTube and a few over at the MOTU site that are worth checking out. Don't forget that there are crossgrade deals knocking around for DP, it brings the price down quite a bit. One here, I am sure there are others. [url="http://www.westenddj.co.uk/motu-dp-comp-crg"]http://www.westenddj...otu-dp-comp-crg[/url] EDIT: I have just noticed tedmanzie has posted something similar. Steinberg have just released Cubase V9. The new zone and tab system has finally arrived, doing away with that old floating windows system (still there if you need it for dual monitors etc).
  5. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1481199159' post='3190408'] If you talk to the audience they will talk back. [/quote] Yer, I know what you mean, cheeky gits. Audiences these days have absolutely no respect for Musicians.
  6. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1481133906' post='3189966'] I heard the horse and cart's making a comeback too [/quote] What about some Fanny by Gaslight?
  7. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1481047042' post='3189320'] Our fee would have been £15 and, we'd hired the van [/quote]
  8. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1481039751' post='3189227'] First time was the first gig ([b]The Mildmay Tavern[/b] in North London, due to us refusing to play "Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner" which was apparently the traditional last orders number for the venue. [/quote] I know that place. Late 70's, I used to dep there quite a lot during the week. Backing visiting 'Crooners' and 'Barbra Streisand' wannabes. "Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner" and "The Lambeth Walk" were certainly the end of the evening knees ups. Sorry about the money loss. Always a tricky one to deal with.
  9. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1481042312' post='3189263'] "So having obtained the regular and required permissions and permits to use the headline act's bass amplification contraption you did both adjust the settings with disregard and also did place your pint of ale precariously on the upper surface without due care and attention?" [/quote] Whoever said that, must be a Woodwind player. Because it was spoken with circular breathing.
  10. "So, boy, you played a bass solo for a bit of a laugh?"
  11. "Xmas toons....Christmas toons.... Maybe have some soppy ones for a valentines show? Haha??" Sounds like a piss taker to me.
  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1480949951' post='3188300'] We played a wedding in Richmond park a few years ago. After the first set we went outside for some fresh air. Came back to find a "new" band posing for photos. The had asked the singer and he said it was ok (without tell us) but the rest of us all had different reactions. My guitarist hit the roof and was almost crying that soemone had his guitar, my drummer got the hump because soemone had adjusted his cymbals, and i grabbed my camera and thought it was a great photo opportunity lol. Bride, groom and Best man [url="https://flic.kr/p/cptj6C"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/cptj6C"]Janine rocking out[/url] by [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/davebass5/"]Dave Pearce[/url], on Flickr On a much more serious note, the worst audiences we have played to are your farmers. These dickheads think they won you and your gear while you are there and dont hesitate to rearrange anything they, and their small minded drunk mates can think off. We had one twat try and walk down the venue carrying one of our PA speakers DURING a gig, because he thought it would be a great laugh putting it on his table. [/quote] The Bride looks like she has a decent left hand technique. Thumb behind the neck, no bunch of bananas there.
  13. lowdown


  14. lowdown


    [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1480946871' post='3188270'] No, I think there are people out there who are a lot further.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgmRzvQV6eQ [/quote] He just did that for a bet.
  15. lowdown


    Larry Graham is about as far away from 80's pop as you can get.Thankfully.
  16. [quote name='Kevin Glasgow' timestamp='1477308710' post='3161217'] Hi folks, here's another wee solo video. This time it's Dizzy Gillespie's Woody 'n' You. Hope you enjoy it! [media]http://youtu.be/P66VleSe1v0[/media] Cheers, Kev [/quote] Very nice , Kevin (as usual)
  17. [quote name='Ukrobbiej' timestamp='1480804905' post='3187292'] Thank you everybody. I recorded it using a stereo pair of Rode NT55s, purely acoustically. Recorded into iMovie. I've recorded a couple of other solo pieces, including this arrangement of Star of County Down, a tune I have always loved, and have arranged in a variety of ways. Here it is in my recent solo bass arrangement [media]http://youtu.be/D41AtOL0pnw[/media] I don't know how you embed videos on here. Can anyone help me out? Anyway, high time I introduced myself and my bass, which I shall do so in another thread. Thanks again, Robbie [/quote] Nice arrangement and very well played.
  18. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1480797554' post='3187255'] I think that drums are the main idiot magnets. [/quote] [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1480845094' post='3187425'] I'm not sure that I should be excluded from the category, now you come to mention it. [/quote] Indeed. Although, it doesn't really say much about the Musicians who congregate around them on a gig.
  19. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1480768481' post='3186987'] bloody hell we'd get f*** all, 95% of our gigs are free entry [/quote] I wouldn't knock it. Some on Basschat would bite yer hand off to work for f*** All.
  20. Do 'Down To The Bone' ever have any regular players ?...
  21. Do you really need to do options 2) and 3) ? I just normally copy the address from the address bar at YouTube. Or copy the Link from the You Tube Video. Go to the reply 'Post', not 'More Reply Options. Paste, delete the 's' and all is done.
  22. Jacob Collier, I know, not to everyones taste. But If you like you Transcriptions tight, accurate and on the money, It don't get any better than this. A Keyboard player named 'June Lee', sure has put some hard work into taking it down. [i][size=4][color=#666666][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"Time spent transcribing = 75 hours[/font][/color] [color=#666666][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Brain = Fried[/font][/color] [color=#666666][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Still loved every minute of it though. I hope you enjoy my transcription of [/font][/color][url="https://www.facebook.com/JCollierMusic/"]Jacob Collier[/url][color=#666666][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]'s arrangement of a Ge[/font][/color][/size][/i][i][size=4][color=#666666][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]rshwin standard "Fascinating Rhythm"! [/font][/color][/size][/i] Scrolling score and track. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vuk1VJLMgo More on his YouTube page, along with a wealth of videos on Theory and Harmony. Very cool stuff. [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/war3gate/videos"]https://www.youtube.c...war3gate/videos[/url]
  23. It seems the Brothers could see into the future. "The Louvin Brothers recorded "Wreck On The Highway" way back when. Interestingly, Ira Louvin died in an auto accident near Williamsburg, Missouri on June 20, 1965. Interstate 70 was being built at the time. Ira, his fourth wife Anne Young and another couple were on their way home from a performance in Kansas City when they came to a section of construction on Interstate 70 outside of Williamsburg where traffic had been reduced down to one lane. A drunken driver struck their car head-on. Ira, Anne and the other couple were tragically killed. Ira was aged 41 at the time of his death." http://youtu.be/vTJ-rBjpE4o
  24. I used to like pop music, but all of a sudden, I now like Country & Western Music. That was a Spur of the moment decision as well.
  25. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1480590649' post='3185639'] Great idea. Shall have a think about a major Moondance revamp...... [/quote] Should be interesting. Covering a Minor Moondance, with a Major Moondance. Or have I given the game away ?
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