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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1478940772' post='3172801'] How is it that songs with chord sequences such as I, V, IV and I, V, VI, IV continue to be written and recorded? Surely any songwriter or artist with any integrity or artistic worth would avoid such overused, over-familiar changes in favour of something less cliched. [/quote] I wouldn't knock it. You ain't had it so good. A lot of the guys on this board wouldn't even be playing in bands, if it wasn't for these duff composers and their silly little chord sequences. Fancy a whole night of 32 bar, chord a beat Jazz changes? What about busking your way through Enigma variations? or the 1812 overture? What about this with a refrain? You know how hard it is to get good keyboard players? Ukulele players ain't exactly growing on trees (hanging from them maybe) Stop being silly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEymZ3rXOmc
  2. Yes, 'Dave Grusin Presents West Side Story'. I picked mine up in NY quite a while back, but it looks like you can get it in the UK. [url="http://intl.target.com/p/dave-grusin-presents-west-side-story/-/A-11526826"]http://intl.target.c...ry/-/A-11526826[/url] Studio sessions and Interviews. All good stuff. Certainly one of my favourite (big band) albums. Everything is all on a ridiculously high level, playing, arranging, solos, singing and production. [media]http://youtu.be/51dLfy8Gevs[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/sPA3v2OyOis[/media] Sorry for the Hijack. On the other hand, it is John Patitucci playing on and outstanding album.
  3. I am also a big fan of JP, on both Instruments. Not seen that Video before (Blimey, I just realised the Video is over 90 minutes long!). Thanks for posting. (All those Basses!!. I would like to spend a night in there ) Funny enough I was listening to him yesterday, on the Dave Grusin 'West Story' DVD/album. Absolutely superb playing and arranging all round.
  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1478976712' post='3173120'] I blame the consumers. If only they were better musically educated they wouldn't be misusing their buying power to strangle creativity. The bastards. [/quote] [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1478976074' post='3173113'] And some songwriters take the most convoluted, left-field chord structures and turn them into dull, formulaic fodder for the elite. [/quote] That's more like it.
  5. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1478975437' post='3173110'] Dunno who the strummy guitar player was but not Mike Stern unfortunately although I dont think he could save it... [/quote] I think that is Chuck Loeb. Synth Guitar not happening, which is unusual for him.
  6. It's not the chord changes or sequences giving you a headache. The Melody is dictating where they go, the chords are just harmonising. Want a better, more interesting chord sequence? Write a better, more interesting Melody. Not so easy now, is it? Good luck with it, it is difficult. EDIT: Bilbo makes a couple of good points in his post.
  7. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1478955833' post='3172934'] The killer features in Neutron are the EQ learn feature which gives you a starting point for frequencies that may need attention, the dynamic EQ that can be side-chained and the masking feature that lets you compare EQ clashes between two tracks that have Neutron on. This last feature has really helped me separate choirs from strings so you can hear both clearly. A lot of people on VI Control still prefer FabFilter though. I'm not keen on the compressor in Neutron as I'm getting good results from NI's Solid Bus Comp and tend to favour that and Supercharger GT. I'm also playing more with their VC range of compressors. The exciter in Neutron is nice but it's the exciter I have so I can't compare it. Transient shaper is also nice for adding sharp impact to drums. And as already shown, I can't figure out the limiter at all lol [/quote] Maybe I should give it more time and dig deeper. I agree about the Comp, not keen on it. But hey, others are getting the best out of it, so it does have plenty going for it.
  8. This morning, 'Night Fly' - Donald Fagen. It never bores me. Everything about it is so good. I met up with a fellow Basschater for Coffee and lunch the other day. He told me he hated the album and it was 'Terrible Jazz W*****g'. You stupid boy - You know who you are. Apart from that, a good lunch. We must do it again.
  9. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1478944812' post='3172835'] God that was awful. [/quote] Sound wise, yes. Some awful filtering going on (no low end). Playing wise, I am not sure it is awful, although not Victor's finest moment. .
  10. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1478905591' post='3172690'] Haha stalker That was my latest track for the comp challenge. The first two thirds are quiet and the last bit loud and I was having trouble with the last bit clipping over the limiter hence the post on VI control [/quote] No worries, I was just jesting. I have been being following the threads over there on 'Neutron'. To be honest, the Jury is still out for me on that. Ozone Elements maybe would interest me, but I am not prepared to pay the full shebang for the full version. I have the FabFilter Pro bundle and think the Vst's sound great so I am not sure if 'Ozone' is going to give me anything more.
  11. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' timestamp='1478906661' post='3172697'] his work with Michael Brecker and Steps Ahead is something I never tire of hearing. Always struck me as such a nice bloke as well, very sad. [/quote] Yes, Steps Ahead are one of the bands I never tire of as well Live, over the years there have been various vids with different Bassists. But here is one with Vic. [media]http://youtu.be/mQDAlUG6VyA[/media] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATEvWlXSi8w
  12. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1478894660' post='3172606'] Oh, and I'm not one to squeeze a track to death with loudness I do like a bit of dynamic range.[/quote] Pull the other one. http://vi-control.net/community/threads/izotope-neutron.56352/page-10#post-4012851
  13. I did two ALW tours of 'Superstar' over a three year period. Here in the UK, R of I and Germany. Although one of my most enjoyable shows to do, not the hardest. West Side Story took that honour.
  14. Love that band. Cool grooves, or what?
  15. I am confused. What's been announced? Ozone Elements? Or Nector Elements? It might be worth a (long) read in the link below. It's about EBU Loudness and Leveling standards. But then again, after that 'B' thing, you might want to ignore EBU standards, just do it the British way and crash everything up to 0db and destroy all Dynamics. I am sure Nigel will pat you on the back.... https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/techreview/trev_297-spikofski_klar.pdf
  16. And Adam Clayton calls it a 'Struggle'.
  17. More from Vic when he was with 'Steps Ahead'...Terrific bunch of world class players. http://youtu.be/9j7DrcYTwmA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLcqC0gUIvI
  18. Want to post up some favourite swingers ? (keep your personal pictures out of it). Just love this album cover... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC38-qqiVgg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPHogQ02DFw
  19. Seeing as Victor Bailey has just passed away, I thought I might post up this album. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn8A86iL3MQ[/media]
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1478856590' post='3172115'] hmmm the technique is a slide and used to emulate a synth pitch bend. A standout example of that is Nate Watts slides on 'I wish' and involves going between the two frets or over it if speed is critical Hammer-on is a hammer -on and will sound completely different. Vibrato is a relevant term but tends to be slower. The type of thing the term 'sting' relates to is a very fast slide and Scott D explains why he calls it that... but not really convinced of its origin. The way he uses it is as a fast slide , but he will also throw in bends as well... as you put too many in to be able to use a slide/vibrator technique in a run. Not enough time to do that. [/quote] 'Sting' is just Scott's term for it. As you said, he explains why. Although it's a kind of Trill, it's more akin to the 'Shake' that Trumpet players use between two notes, especially on screamers. The theory of it is not difficult, but in practise, it can sound unfunky. Certainly needs to be practised before it sounds natural, and not sloppy.
  21. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1478737308' post='3171374'] Add in Elgars Cello Concerto [/quote] One of the best performances I have heard of Elgars Cello Concerto. Yo-Yo Ma, Conductor and Orchestra are so much on the same wavelength. Top, top playing. http://youtu.be/7rVW4Z70TfE
  22. Never heard of 'Sting' in articulation terms. I always thought 'Sting' was the terrible racket a Drummer makes after a comedian tells a bad gag on a cabaret gig.
  23. Thanks for the posting the link. Yes, some magical stories.
  24. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1478728859' post='3171310'] I play with a keys player who said "I like playing with you because you don't just stick to the roots and that frees up my left hand to do something other than the bass. [/quote] I see this written quite a lot on Basschat (not really aimed at you Tim). Why are Keyboard players in covers bands playing Bass lines? There are plenty of things to cover, Keyboard wise - Like the Keyboard part for example. Or Stg/Horn section lines. If playing a cover that has no Keys part, just play light 'Pads'. Or just drop out and come in on the chorus etc...but playing Bass lines?
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