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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Try this place. You can customise what you need on the track. Not sure if they have the tracks you need. http://www.karaoke-version.co.uk/custombackingtrack/kc-and-the-sunshine-band/keep-it-coming-love.html I am sure there are plenty of these sites. Someone will come along with more I should imagine.
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1475937654' post='3149940'] "up a bit, down a bit, no hold that one a bit longer, down a bit but not as far as normal then quickly back up a bit and stop, play the next notes but I'm not telling you what they are or for how long" [/quote] The 'Bernie The Bolt' method. I claim my fiver.
  3. Obituary in the Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2016/oct/06/rod-temperton-obituary
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1475875005' post='3149516'] I know a little bit of theory, but can someone who knows a lot more please explain to me how theory helps you pick the right notes to use depending on the style of music you are playing. [/quote] It's not just note choice, rhythm choice goes a big way in defining a style of music. [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Ruben Rodriguez would play I/IV/V as Tumbao and Adam Clayton as pumping rock Eighth notes (not knocking him by the way),[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Although I am sure you know this, BRX. [/font][/color] People get hung up on note choice, scales and modes when getting into theory. Rhythm plays an equal part as well. I would have thought all musicians use their ears, or should do. Some have better ears than others, regardless of what theory is known. Knowing theory doesn't hinder you in anyway when listening to music. In fact, you can name what notes or chords you are hearing. What's wrong with that? Certainly quicker when transcribing and you want to get it down onto paper. A yes please from me.
  5. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1475861420' post='3149369'] I just tried on my last composition challenge piece That Place. So, this has 27 tracks, of which I put Neutron on 17 of them. Normal playback before I used Neutron had my CPU peaking at 70% usage (a 4ghz i7 4790k) with RAM usage around 11GB. After I put Neutron on, CPU peaked at 107% and RAM was pushing 14GB (out of 16GB). Playback really wasn't working! To be fair, 17 instances of it is a bit much and there's a fair bit going on in that track anyway. 16 or so tracks of Neutron is taking around 20 - 25% CPU usage. I'm kinda pushing my rig a bit with this track in the first place. In reality, I don't think it was designed to be thrown on this many tracks and if you're doing arrangements like this you're probably using a slave PC or two anyway. [/quote] I use Vienna VE6 pro. On just the one machine (can be used on multi machines even networking Mac and PC together). This hosts everything outside of your DAW, inc samples and Soft Instruments. Works a treat and does really free up CPU resources. I will be giving Neutron(s) a good run out tomorrow on an Orchestral project. It will be interesting how it pans out in that context. Been keeping an eye out over at VI Control, seeing if anyone has used it in that situation yet? Early days there. http://vi-control.net/community/threads/izotope-neutron.56352/page-4#post-3999665
  6. [quote name='Oldboy' timestamp='1475857811' post='3149329'] My fave Beegees video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wpEkugItKQI [/quote] Go to Youtube and look for 'Stevie Riks'. Bee Gees misheard lyrics, very funny.
  7. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1475847100' post='3149201'] I was delving into the recesses of my memory for that one. I must have Maurice mixed up with one of the others. [/quote] Easily done. The teeth all look the same
  8. Seems that Alan Kendall and Dennis Byron both auditioned at the same time. http://www.guitarplayer.com/artists/1013/web-exclusive-bee-gees-guitarist-alan-kendall-recalls-his-audition/13594
  9. Yes, he played some good lines and certainly powered their Disco tracks along. I was recently reading about a Guitarist who played with them for about 8/9 years, called Alan Kendall. It seems he played a big part in their Disco period, studio, live and broadcast. Agreed, there is always something new popping up about the Bee Gees. I thought they were great.
  10. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1475788546' post='3148852'] He co wrote it with Quincy. [/quote] He co-arranged with QJ and Jerry Hey, but wrote the song/tune. That aside, just a terrific album all around with some top, top playing and singing. Terrific assortment of musicians and vocalists, they all played their part. https://www.discogs.com/Quincy-Jones-The-Dude/release/320334 Classic Rob Temperton. http://youtu.be/dfzs00EuWMg
  11. Good stuff, Paul. Voted and lobbed in a Tweet for free.
  12. Yes. Will be getting that during the day with the crossgrade discount. I tend to get most of my stuff from JRR. https://www.jrrshop.com Usually an extra 10% off, as well as their discount prices. You just get the license and download from the vendor site. I get most of my VSL stuff from them, because VSL charge Euros. Even if there is a deal on at VSL with discount for their existing customers, JRR always match + the 10% (great company and in $ of course) Looks like around £73/74.00 from them as well, even at the worst currency rate (no VAT with them either, although I always pay through Paypal). https://www.jrrshop.com/checkout/cart/ EDIT: Time & Space have always done good deals, yet I always seem to forget about them.
  13. [quote name='lowland' timestamp='1475739260' post='3148283'] Agreed, lojo - the cadence at 3.53 is pure Heatwave IMO. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIx_HbmRnQY"]https://www.youtube....h?v=xIx_HbmRnQY[/url] [/quote] He also drops in a bit of a teaser for that sequence at 1:45 [quote name='ians' timestamp='1475697004' post='3148116'] his presence seemed to be everywhere....amazing songwriter....simple hooks, great arrangements...clever stuff.[/quote] All very true.
  14. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1475690146' post='3148031'] Sweet freedom, etc....absolute genius ! [/quote] Yes, that one always goes under the radar because Michael McDonald was such a prolific writer himself. http://youtu.be/U-xetxYwyak Just so many, and I seemed to have liked them all over the years. I was really into his music. Another classic. http://youtu.be/aevz1jqG3SY
  15. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1475226083' post='3144114'] Just realised nobody name checked Bert Weedons book. [/quote] Dear old Bert. I did many a gig/show for him. I don't think I ever heard him talk about that book once to musicians. Although on stage, he didn't stop going on about it to the audience. Bless him, he was a rather pleasant chap.
  16. Oh dear. Seriously Terrific musician and writer.
  17. I use TouchOSC on iPad Air 2. This is with Cubase 8.5 and Studio One V3. It works an absolute treat with them. You can create custom maps, but if you look on the net there are plenty of folks uploading their maps for use with various DAW's. Once you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy to create maps for yourself. My maps are mostly aimed as a MIdi controller for CC#'s, along with Key switch maps. I have the basic transport stuff for Audio, but you can pretty much create anything you want for your work flow. Highly recommended, but you would more than likely need the larger screen tablets for the real estate. EDIT: I nearly forgot. Lemur is also a serious app for controlling, both on Android and iOS. https://liine.net/en/products/lemur/
  18. [quote name='LITTLEWING' timestamp='1475523521' post='3146667'] And don't get me started on Andrew Gold's bleedin' Lonely Boy........... [/quote] Haha...Yes, no cowbell on the first two bars.
  19. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1475519569' post='3146603'] Or Neil Young [/quote] Or anyone... https://secondhandsongs.com/performance/501/versions
  20. Not really a problem for me. With my high action they usually hand it straight back.
  21. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1475421776' post='3145766'] I've made a start using a lovely bass whammy pedal. Expect Big Rock! [/quote] A bit of Skullduggery going on here. You seem to have made a head start.
  22. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1475352399' post='3145360'] What happened there? That was Dad's quote! [/quote] Not sure...
  23. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1475346857' post='3145297'] Of course, if no-one is listening to the drums, it's irrelevant, I suppose. [/quote] One always listens to the Drums. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjNsiK_f6bQ
  24. [quote name='Deerhunter1331' timestamp='1475335697' post='3145160'] Thanks! Lets just hope that I can at least keep up with the rest of them. [/quote] Are you the only Bassist signing up? If not, sit in on a couple of sessions and watch, if you are feeling nervous. That way you can judge if you think you are up to scratch with the rest of them, and above all, handle the arrangements sight reading wise.
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