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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Thought I would join in this month. I took the same approach as[i] 'xgxjs' [/i](above). Calm and dreamy night in Brooklyn. https://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/brooklyn-heights
  2. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1472057443' post='3118105'] The Jamie Cullum Prom the following day was good too. That guy certainly knows how to bridge the jazz , pop and rock genres. And did you see our own TheG on double bass with the Remi Harris Trio. Great playing, Mike. [/quote] Yes, Excellent. I didn't know the Bassist in the Remi Harris Trio was a Basschater. And, yes it was indeed great playing from him.
  3. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1472039404' post='3117897'] Dennis Chambers [/quote] Rubbish. Skip loads of Rubbish. Nothing but a noisy Shed Builder. Hoping to go and see that gig.
  4. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1472022411' post='3117671'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1) I don't feel, speak or understand that sort of jazz/funk/smooth-jazz/muzak kind of language at all - the chords, chord sequences, melodic and harmonic relationships etc. Without really knowing why that is, I just don't particularly like it.. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]And 2) I think the virtuoso bass player stuff goes against my very ingrained, traditional and maybe completely illogical concept of what bass playing is - particularly what electric bass playing is.. For me, the bass isn't a lead instrument, it's a supporting one (possibly the most important one), so I always prefer bass players who do that really well, as opposed to bass players who do a lot of solo/lead stuff.[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]But as Coilte said earlier, it's no big deal and gives us plenty of stuff to talk about at least! [/color][/font] [/quote] That's very well put and I understand your musical reasons. I am totally the complete opposite. My ears like hearing solos from (any Instrument). I like complex arrangements and structures. Just something that has happened to me as I have got older. But then again my musical tastes are very, very broad from simple, to complete over the top Orchestral and Jazz offerings. For me, he has great, melodic, lyrical quality in his playing, not to mention his good timing and groove. But then, that's just my opinion of course. Nothing wrong (and certainly not rubbish) with his playing on this. There is more to Vic than show boating. I love hearing players solo and on this they all do it well. http://youtu.be/sx5Qd6uEWq8
  5. 'Call Me Mr Tibbs'. (I am laughing because it is so good) http://youtu.be/SxeN4BZJ520 'Soul Bossa Nova' http://youtu.be/23rCINS5hdM
  6. Just watched this again on iPlayer. That Orchestra really is fantastic with a terrific Rhythm section. If you have not seen the show, it really is worth a watch.
  7. Stunning arrangements, top, top playing from very experienced musicians, great vocals. Shame Richard Bona was struggling vocal wise, he is normally on it. You see, get in top arrangers, experienced players and vocalists and things just work.
  8. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1471943800' post='3117087'] It's also equally ridiculous to say "a bass player who needs a bass player is in trouble" (as mentioned by someone above) [/quote] Tickled me as well. Oh well, we may as well do away with those extra Bassists in the Orchestral sections.
  9. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1471899798' post='3116870'] Found it - with the added bonus of some beautiful double bass from Ray Brown - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbrrtAsB01Q"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbrrtAsB01Q[/url] [/quote] Yes, that is lovely. My favourite version of 'Killer Joe'. Niels-Henning Pederson on Bass. http://youtu.be/2GJaxGP53us
  10. Quincy Jones covering 'Summer In The City' (The Lovin' Spoonful). Great arrangement and lovely Bass playing from one of my favourite Bassists - Chuck Rainey. http://youtu.be/dwLLQVnU8z4
  11. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1471870161' post='3116518'] He was great on the Jaco album, that's unfortunately probably my only encounter with him. [/quote] So much of his music out there. A remarkable player. http://youtu.be/Nr29UPrh3CU Toots with Jaco on Piano. http://youtu.be/yBhoDaS5SKQ
  12. RIP Outstanding Musician and career. Beautiful player, he has played on so much over the years. [media]http://youtu.be/Nb-5aQ1EIgc[/media]
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1471812886' post='3116120'] You could be right, even watching it again I cant see very well, I said they aren't my thing, lol. [/quote] So, we now have a second Guitarist miming when there is no second Guitar player on the track. Along with the Soprano sax, that's two musicians at the wrong gig. Oh, and one of those Drummers is at the wrong gig as well.
  14. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1471797729' post='3115966'] Vuvuzela! [/quote]
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1471803419' post='3116019'] Yes it's a nice bass line isn't it, im no expert on fretless basses tbh but it sounds like one and everyone wanted to be Pino back then surely? [/quote] Regarding who is doing the mime. Dean Garcia played Guitar very well. Look what the Bass (miming) player is doing ? Is it Dean? Actually the more you watch the video, the more funny things you see.
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1471801771' post='3116001'] That was my thought, fretless Ray? Not a picked fretted steiny, lol [/quote] Like you said, not much, if any info about who played on that track. But, I think during my searching, strangely enough, he has, or had a headless Steiny (Talkbass I think). So, it may well be him doing a pi** taking mime? I am sure a geek will be along with the real story behind it all. I have got to say. Terrific, tight Bass playing on the track. EDIT : Yes, he might have used a Ray, and it does sound like one...And you are the one to know for sure!!
  17. But even funnier. A Soprano Sax player has turned up to mime to a track with no Soprano Sax on it. EDIT. Dean Garcia was a lovely Fretless player and I think, played on some Eurythmics stuff around the same time. Fretless on that OP track, so my guess is him.
  18. A bit too much vib for me. But, heart and soul for sure and a great arrangement. http://youtu.be/xFJRX2DkHzQ
  19. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1471779395' post='3115763'] Wow, small world [/quote] If you want to continue, you must post a Disco track. You must remember going into the 'Green Man' when the band 'Sprinkler' (later Risky Zips) were playing ? Very Popular at the time in the area (Steve Stroud on Bass - Excellent) Dennis Waterman used to sometimes sing with them (or they backed him). Here they are, actually this video is in the Becket in 1985. Look carefully, you might even be in the audience. http://youtu.be/8OjHi9HEVIQ [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Again, sorry Ian for the thread hijack.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Back on track.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Class !![/font][/color] http://youtu.be/QsY066wa08E
  20. I was very proud when I got my first Passport. Occupation : Musician. Giving my age away now (with the Passport occupation reference).
  21. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1471774011' post='3115690'] Also had a lot of success with an MoR act by the name of Rose-Marie, who then successfully sued, so the label folded When did you live there? I was born locally, went to school behind the Thomas a Beckett pub, and worked in the shop as a Saturday boy from 77, finished at the label in about 91. [/quote] I was born in Bexley, but my parents were from Bermondsey, We all moved back up to the area in the 70's (well, Rotherhithe, near the Bricklayers Arms). Me and my wife then got a flat in Massinger St in 1989 and we then sold up and finally left the area in 1999. Funny enough, was recently talking with some old friends about how the whole area has changed. The Beckett certainly has some history (and myth) associated with it. Yes, Rose-Marie. I did some Bass deps for her around the time it was going on, or just after. Great Bass on this Gene Chandler track. [media]http://youtu.be/MXbRFyDpvOQ[/media]
  22. [i]Everything[/i] about the album is just great. Fantastic performances all round. Great stuff.
  23. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1471767451' post='3115601'] A.1. Stores on the Walworth Rd. It had a stall in East Street market which is why we could open on Sundays. Yes, OKR pub crawls were something else!! [/quote] Oh, yes. A1 Records! I used to live on Massinger St, just off East Street. Blimey, we might have even crossed paths. I used to visit the both the shops and the stall. I often used to see Danny Baker and Pete Waterman in the shops. Didn't they have a small record label as well ?
  24. Just turn up a late, then you don't have to wait to go on.
  25. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1471721573' post='3115371'] OK, something really obscure - big favourite of Greg Edwards, and the pubs along the Old Kent Road back in the day. [/quote] I used to live in the OKR back then. Up near the 'Frog and Nightgown'. Gigged in some of those Pubs as well. A night out, was a night out, when pub crawling the OKR. Oh dear....messy... Out of interest, what record store did you work in? Odyssey. http://youtu.be/h1rH_iaZkv0
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