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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1450466131' post='2933182'] Good song writings not a skill u can learn it's a gifted ability which some have but most of us don't have, believe me if I had it I probably would'nt be sat here clicking away on a basschat forum. [/quote] Sorry, but I agree with BigRedX. It's a skill you can learn, like anything else. How good, really depends on much work you put in. Granted, some are better than others and learn quicker, reach greater heights etc. An awful lot of Film, TV and Media composers learn their art in collages and university. That goes for pop writing and Classical as well. Plenty of top writers over the past, who have not, of course, it was just plain hard work and practise and maybe for some, it is a thing that comes easy to them. But defiantly, it's there to be learned. Hundreds of these places exist around the world, and have done for a couple of hundred years. [size=4][url="http://www.rcm.ac.uk/composition/compositionforscreen/"]http://www.rcm.ac.uk...itionforscreen/[/url][/size]
  2. Frank Sinatra and Quincy Jones on the "LA Is My Lady" sessions. Although FS seems to be struggling a bit, the Big Band build up through the track is fantastic. Star studded band! http://youtu.be/A9klGr3ELkg
  3. I just noticed something under your name, Mykesbass. http://youtu.be/CPMpeNDIGdk
  4. I think I am going to enjoy this thread. The Christmas thread had me thinking about those golden years productions as well, the art of Arranging seems to be vanishing in the pop world. I suppose that is more to do with the way things are recorded these days (possibly). http://youtu.be/I0NkhUOWzZg
  5. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1450372774' post='2932180'] a decent bass player would have ruined most of the Pistols sound [/quote] How could anyone ruin that?
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1450371880' post='2932162'] No, not Nelson Riddle but Ralph Carmichael I believe. [size=4]July 6th, 1960 (Session #9532; 14:00-18:00) Capitol Recording Studio, 1750 N. Vine Street, Hollywood California [i]Nat Cole (vocal), Ralph Carmichael (arranger / conductor)[/i][/size] [/quote] Ah...Ok. It's staggering the amount of talent that went through Capitol back then.
  7. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1450365782' post='2932087'] I meant currently and artistically speaking, but fair enough! [/quote] It did cross my mind - But I couldn't resist. Happy Christmas!
  8. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1450362660' post='2932053'] Level 42 are what I'd call a 'bass players' band. Irrelevant to most others. [/quote] "Since [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_in_music"]1980[/url], [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom"]British[/url] [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_music"]pop[/url] musical group [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_42"]Level 42[/url] has released 11 [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studio_album"]studio albums[/url]. The band's latest was [i]Retroglide[/i], released in [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_in_music"]2006[/url]. The group have one [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_40"]Top 10[/url] hit on the [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States"]American[/url] [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billboard_Hot_100"][i]Billboard[/i] Hot 100[/url] chart ("[url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Something_About_You_(Level_42_song)"]Something About You[/url]") and six top 10s on the British [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_single_charts"]UK single charts[/url] ("[url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sun_Goes_Down_(Living_It_Up)"]The Sun Goes Down (Living It Up)[/url]", "Something About You", "[url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lessons_in_Love_(song)"]Lessons In Love[/url]", "[url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Running_in_the_Family_(song)"]Running in the Family[/url]", "[url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Be_With_You_Again"]To Be With You Again[/url]" and "[url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%27s_Over_(Level_42_song)"]It's Over[/url]"). [b]Level 42 have sold 31 million units worldwide[/b]." 31 million Bass players - That's a lot of Bass players in the World.
  9. lowdown


    [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1450296749' post='2931536'] I'm hooked on vinyl. [/quote] I hope you are not hooked on this particular Vinyl. http://youtu.be/oA1YNyj64xI
  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1450289880' post='2931442'] [media]http://youtu.be/AdpicC_6y4s[/media] [/quote] Beautiful. I presume that stunning arrangement is Mr Riddle?
  11. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1450343902' post='2931768'] Non King fan's are just poor at spelling! [/quote] In fact, they could do with a good slapping, Jay. Back in the day when MK was flavour of the month, I am pretty sure he played on a few folks tracks and albums. In the session world, he is not flavour of the month anymore. Producers come and go. Mark King is a great player, and like all great players he will get a hammering, or in his case, a slur and hammer on.
  12. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1450250594' post='2930855'] (*Although I did quite like his version of 'My Way' in NMTB... probably the only time he actually appeared on a record - singing or playing) [/quote] I do believe (IIRC) , that if he had lived long enough, he was going to release a cover version of a famous Marvin Gaye tune..... 'WTF's going on'.
  13. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1450277789' post='2931287'] I can't remember the guys name who sang that. David Bowie and another old guy did a nice one too. [/quote] Some old guy....Lol..... I think you mean this? I think he was a Punk Rock Bassist called Bing Crosby. http://youtu.be/DiXjbI3kRus I quite liked this from Quincy Jones. 2002 I think, a Christmas soulful celebration. http://youtu.be/ITI3sVYWknE
  14. [quote name='spike' timestamp='1450183889' post='2930317'] Anyone remember the one with the guy from Indonesia who got ripped off by someone from the UK, we had a whip round for him and then he went off in a huff because someone questioned his integrity? [/quote] Yes!
  15. [i]"I've only heard some of the most well known tracks and to me it was just disjointed... It sounded like I'd just walked into any guitar shop in the world... Aimless noodling..."[/i] See, that don't bother me, each to his own when describing players...it's just opinions (not that I agree with the above at all). But, to my ears, "the most well know tracks" are anything but disjointed and aimless noodling. The lines are usually two/four bar phrases etc, grooving, often not varied, disciplined and not straying from the original head line...typical R & B playing. Busy and popular at the time from the likes of Jemmott, Jamerson and Rocco, plus a bunch of other session players on TV and film themes. He just moved that style on and pushed Fretless playing upfront. Then you get the lyrical, structured playing and phrasing with the Sax player on "A remark You Made", again, to me, restrained and not disjointed. Portrait of Tracy was another structured and disciplined piece (some Bassists just don't like solo Bass Pieces, I get that). I suppose at the end of the day, we all hear players and music differently. I very much liked the loud, upfront, in your face, aggressive grooving from Jaco. He certainly was not one of those Bass players who liked to hide behind the Drummer. But yet, he was also capable of beautiful spacious melodic playing. He had composing and arranging chops and a good ear. A well rounded musician for me. Just a shame it all started to go downhill quickly, and for me, that was when it started to not sound so nice and became wayward. Genre wise, I don't dismiss music based on genre/style. I would have missed out on tons of great music (to me) over the years. Jazz, through to the great Symphonies, and just about everything in between.
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1450113270' post='2929732'] A decent bass solo, if only that darned piano would shut the f*** up, aimlessly noodling away at the back, there..! [/quote] I am more irritated by the Drummer, or the punter, or maybe both, who seem to be munching their way through a very large bag of crisps.
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1450104365' post='2929599'] Still laughing at Skank's post... [/quote] This...Up there with the best. Thanks for digging it up.
  18. I remember that thread! Very amusing indeed if IIRC. I hope it turns up again.
  19. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1432836892' post='2785513'] Here is a promo-clip from one of my band gigs at the end of last year when we did a concert in tribute of Grover Washington Jr. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3DD0UbiRrY&index=1&list=PL83iJEMd_7jyuO-wMpkpYhgOUhlE8Gwml&spfreload=10"]https://www.youtube....ml&spfreload=10[/url] [/quote] Hey Delano, just watched the video. Very well played by you and all the guys. Bass sounds nice as well. Excellent stuff. Played a lot of Grover tunes in the past - great fun to play.
  20. Using the the 'Quick Load' feature. http://youtu.be/Jr9maN-qEcM
  21. If I am reading your post correctly, you need to open up Kontakt first (either in Standalone mode or within your DAW). On the tab at the top of Kontakt, click on the browse icon (it looks like a folder). This will open up a side bar on the left of Kontakt, which contains library files and Libraries. It should say Files/Libraries/Database/Monitor/Modules/Auto. Click on the libraries tab, on the dropdown, click on 'Add Library', then navigate to where "EDNA01 Earth library" has been installed. That's it. It should then show up in the library pane of Kontakt. If it is not a library patch, but just Kontakt files, click in the files tab instead of library tab. Again, on the left hand side, locate from there. The only downside if it is not a Library patch is, you have to drag the file patches manually into the window on the right hand side. I don't have the library in question, so I am not sure if it is a Library patch or a file patch. There are plenty of videos on YouTube explaining all this, with some neat features on 'quick loading', which is a great feature. Adding a library. [media]http://youtu.be/200LmitfW1U[/media]
  22. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1450007270' post='2928666'] So name a Beatle. About half will say Paul McCartney. Their reasons for naming him may or may not be to do with him being the bass player. [/quote] Not related to being a Bassist, but my postman's recognition of various Beatles was not by name. He was always whistling various Beatles tunes (very well whistled), when I asked him what his favourite Beatles tune was, he said, "Imagine, by that one that got shot".
  23. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1449971531' post='2928522'] I'm sorry but I could pull a better song out of my a$$. [/quote] Worthless post without video evidence. Then leave it up to the rest of Basschat to take it from there.
  24. Yep, I use Spitfire Audio. I will have a look in the morning (presuming you haven't sorted by then). What library did you get?
  25. [quote name='Dandelion' timestamp='1449945623' post='2928299'] Look! A Dwarf with a violin. [/quote] Where are we going tonight, sir? It will have to be your place officer...my parents are a bit old.
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