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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='chardbass' timestamp='1448465308' post='2915669'] the Brecker sax break out of "Move Me No Mountain" into "Naughty" is so beautiful and on the money. What a tone- he's so badly missed. [/quote] Yep, fantastic!! Was only listening to Steps 'Live in Japan' today. Brecker...outrageous (silly thing to say - they all are really) [size="2"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjFfu7HKOro[/size]
  2. [quote name='TKenrick' timestamp='1448452907' post='2915504'] This is also a great track from Naughty with AJ on bass, I did a transcription of it a while ago which can be found [url="http://www.freebasstranscriptions.com/basstranscriptions/"]here[/url]: [/quote] Great stuff! Some nice (accurate) transcriptions on your site.
  3. A few things to take into account. The charts you have been sent, could possibly need pencil markings when you turn up to rehearsals, things can change: Cuts, amendments, notes need changing, repeats added or taken away, dynamic markings etc. Plus if something goes wrong up on stage, the MD might need you to jump to a new section/bar number, or indeed go back. Depending on what show or panto, the issue of the iPad glowing in really dark scenes. It's not unheard of for directors, producers or lighting teams to place Blue gel over music stand lights. If you get lost on a paper score, there are visual landmarks and cues that can get you back on track, with iPads you are stuffed really. What about any charts with DC or DS al Coda? Charts with repeat bars going BACK to the page before? - It all needs checking out in depth before hand. I have used an iPad on gigs for chord charts if needed, and that works fine, but in a Pit, I would feel uneasy about things going wrong. Good luck with the show.
  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1448203473' post='2913617'] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOm34SVz2K8 1986 [/quote] I was wondering when that was gonna turn up!...Lol... Might as well throw this one in. http://youtu.be/BUCKZFaAUFI
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1448153689' post='2913386'] not from Naughty but this is an all time favourite. fantastic bass from Abraham Laboriel [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZEMoXjl-Xg[/media] [/quote] Yep, AL on electric Bass, although most of the Bass lines are David Foster on Moog Bass. It's such a brilliant arrangement. I love the way the tune modulates to accommodate Charlie Parkers original recorded four bar break, very clever stuff. Top, top playing and singing all around. I read somewhere long ago (IIRC) that Marcus Miller was in his teens when he recorded 'Naughty', and before the famous Pre-Amp was put into his Bass. It certainly sounds like a very Passive Jazz Bass. The OP should open up the thread to include favourite CK tracks. It would run for years...Lol... Certainly one of my favourite singers.
  6. Although the album was released in 1979, this track didn't hit the UK charts until 1980. Does that count? Narada Michael Walden (Killer Bass line and tricky to nail). 02:50, there is a breakdown of just Bass and Drums, and the Bass really jumps out http://youtu.be/dFSB_tbHb6Q
  7. [quote name='christofloffer' timestamp='1447233665' post='2905898'] i did try to manually knock the track forward but i couldnt get the movement fine enough. it annoyingly steps quite a long way and i havent figured out how to get it any finer. [/quote] That sounds like you have 'Snap to grid' on. You can move/nudge files as close/sample accurate as you want. Check your manual for where to look for the snap on/off icon. Sonar LE will be more than good enough for your needs. It's the Audio card (or lack of a decent one) that is causing your problem. As said above, Asio4all drivers will help a bit. Still better to get an Audio Interface (USB), with Pre-Amps built in, in most cases this will include Midi I/O. Around the sub £100 mark should get you something decent and more than ample for your needs.
  8. Blimey, sublime Arco technique and lovely playing! Just been to his website, I think I am going to get one of those CD's, maybe both. Every now and then, this board throws up some gems, this is one of them! Thanks for the links.
  9. I think he plays well. True, yer, he gets (slightly) out of sync a couple of times, but no one died. He phrases well. Great job of promoting the Cymbals. "It's sh*t". I never get why people post up videos digging out other players, with these kind of remarks.
  10. [quote name='davegriffiths91' timestamp='1446921151' post='2903544'] Thanks for the replies everyone. Have purchased the fake book app which is great for all the chord charts. I am gona look for some books so I can start getting my head around reading. Any suggestions on beginners books for reading that are bass orientated would be smashing! [/quote] This place (online) is excellent. One year subscription is $34.99, but really good value for money. Any clef, any Instrument, full band/Orchestra scores, any key, any time sig. Also generates progress reports, if you are into that. [size=2][url="https://www.sightreadingfactory.com/pricing"]https://www.sightrea...ory.com/pricing[/url][/size]
  11. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1446907185' post='2903412'] Sorry, Sorry I said I wouldn't do it...... [/quote] Quality and glad you did.
  12. lowdown

    Focusrite 2i2

    I don't use live but, it sounds like you have a high buffer setting. Or, Live is using the Realtek drivers. You shouldn't need to use the asio4all drivers. The Focusrite drivers should be up to the job. Have you looked at these videos? I think it's a nine video series. It should help you understand a bit more. The guy is using Mac, but does reference PC options. When choosing the input, just use the Focusrite option. [size="2"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtE5hjF8Hb8[/size]
  13. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1446740453' post='2901951'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh_Qg4CbM8Q&ab[/media] [/quote] Ok, cheers
  14. Doing the Facebook rounds. Temptations session with Jamerson. I Can only find a Facebook link, but well worth a watch and listen. [size="2"]https://www.facebook.com/100010529253654/videos/117975631896745/?fref=nf[/size]
  15. [quote name='Passinwind' timestamp='1446572184' post='2900469'] I recent bought the UR242 and am quite happy with it. The extra input pair and separate power supply are useful features in my world. No idea about how it runs on a Mac or iPad though. [/quote] Yer, not sure. I run mine on PC. Although on the various Cubase user Facebook pages, the UR242 gets very favourable comments, along with the UR22, on both Mac and Windows.
  16. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1446569469' post='2900411'] Oooh. Just had a look. Now that's another fine option. I might hold off & get that & a camera kit for the ipad. [/quote] If you do decide, I would hold off for a few days or so. Usually, you can get a better deal at the likes of 'GAK' etc. It's only just been announced, so should hit the shops soon.
  17. If the above Roland is not what you need (one of my boys has one, and it's great). New kid on the block - Steinberg UR22 mk2. You can also connect it to an iPad. I have the mk1, and it's excellent. http://www.steinberg.net/en/products/audio_interfaces/ur_series/models/ur22mkii.html
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1446518474' post='2900008'] Here we go, then; here's my interpretation of the photo ... [url="https://soundcloud.com/dad3353/elegy-written-for-an-allergic-stump"]Elegy Written For An Allergic Stump ...[/url] Full details on the host site, so I shan't repeat here. Enjoy. [/quote] Excellent. Great take on an unusual image. In all the time this comp has been running, this for me, is one of the most, different and truly original pieces. Very good imagination on picking out a different dimension to the picture. Top marks Dad!
  19. Looks like a piece of work from Anish Kapoor.
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1446310064' post='2898526'] Going to hear them in Berlin over Christmas/New Year. [/quote] We have been over to see them a couple of times, I think you will enjoy them. They use music stands as well, you would have thought they knew all those old tunes by now.
  21. My Favourite Tribute band at the moment. The Dukes Of September. [media]http://youtu.be/02uqM2DnxuM[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/zIgq9WatLWM[/media] http://youtu.be/x1Eu17DbeSo
  22. As mentioned above, the WA76 really is good. Not sure there is anything near it price wise. Although I think it is just Mono. Good review from last year. http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/may14/articles/warmaudio_wa76.htm
  23. If all else fails, maybe build your own? [size="2"]http://www.masonaudio.org/diy/comp1176[/size]
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