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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='72deluxe' timestamp='1446114071' post='2896947']Jaco does not make me want to dance to Portrait Of Tracy[/quote] No, certainly not - But, it is easy to dance in 5/8 when you are pi***d. Always been a Jaco fan - His arranging chops were pretty special as well.
  2. Three book downloadable course. The downloads are free, but well worth a small donation. Written by Brian Morrell, who is a great arranger (also Composer) and he really does know his stuff. Enjoy. http://www.brianmorrell.co.uk/filmbooks.html
  3. Never tire of listening to BV. He is so on it when he plays, with a very relaxed approach.
  4. [quote name='kulabula' timestamp='1445887790' post='2895110'] I haven't bought one yet but I've seen a Roland one that looks really good, and also a focusrite one. I've several friends in the industry that use focusrite gear and like it. [/quote] The Steinberg UR-22 is a really good fit for Cubase, always great reviews. Integrates with Cubase. Just plug the USB lead in and away you go. Cubase recognises and routes the channels for you. Also zero latency hardware monitoring, so you can run at high buffer (more plugs and synths). Very stable drivers, worth considering.
  5. [quote name='kulabula' timestamp='1445886876' post='2895095'] I'm going for elements 8 , as I'm only dabbling. It should run on my home pc just fine hopefully. Not only am I a born again bass player (formerly a drummist for 'ahem' years) but I've only had a computer since April. I know I know [/quote] Out of interest, what Audio interface will you be using?
  6. I use Cubase 8 Pro (for work) on PC and have no problems on W10, in fact running two PC machines over a network using VE5 Pro. My boys use Mac and it seems to have little niggles, annoying, but nothing drastic. With both, if you have a good spec machine (i7 etc), Cubase Pro 8 will run just fine. I have been using Cubase since the early days and the current version is extremely stable and should purr along nicely.
  7. At times very, very nice. At other times, just a busy disjointed mess. (Some nice Bass playing though). Piano playing not really doing it for me.
  8. A long time ago, I got to see two great rhythm sections on one gig (Wembley Arena), well in reality, two great bands (David Sanborn and Al Jarreau). One band had Steve Gadd and Marcus Miller, the other had Ricky Lawson and Nathan East. Not a bad nights Rhythm section viewing and hearing. I certainly got my money's worth that night..Lol...
  9. [quote name='MWH' timestamp='1445625873' post='2892998'] Hi guys, I have loads of Jules's progs recorded, but the one I keep re - playing is from about 12 to 18 months ago subtitled "legends". It goes back years but has the quality of acts that your talking about, Steve Miller band, Macca, The Who, some of Pink Floyd, to name but a few across the board good players. Worth a watch with about a dozen acts on, maybe just my opinion. �� [/quote] Also there was a show JH co hosted with David Sanborn in the late 80's, called 'Night Music'. It ran for two seasons, I am not sure how JH blagged his way onto it...Lol.. The quality of artists was top draw, drawn from various styles. Great house band that had Marcus Miller as MD. Defiantly worth checking out. On the right hand side of the YouTube page, there is a run down of all the episodes. Some stonking music from all genres. http://youtu.be/Vw3ZDAhSreA
  10. There has been so many, with some, just over a period of one album or so. One of the most used (along with the Motown and Stax sections etc), must have been John Robinson and Louis Johnson.
  11. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1445517528' post='2892067'] Steinberg have just announced that their DAWs are now compatible with Windows 10 . They claim that they had identified the problem and approached Microsoft , who released a patch in the latest Windows Updates . - So , other DAWs may work better now too . [url="https://www.steinberg.net/en/newsandevents/news/newsdetail/article/steinberg-products-compatible-with-windows-10-3379.html"]https://www.steinber...ws-10-3379.html[/url] [url="https://www.steinberg.net/nc/en/support/knowledgebase_new/show_details/kb_show/product-compatibility-info-regarding-microsoft-windows-10.html"]https://www.steinber...windows-10.html[/url] [/quote] The interesting thing with this, it wasn't affecting every Cubase user. So it might have been Audio interface related as well, or a combination of things. I suppose I was one of the lucky ones. Cubase 8 and Steinberg UR-22 have been running great for me, for weeks. And no timing issues as reported by Steinberg.
  12. Good one SI. Thanks for the link for the FP interview.
  13. West Side Story was the one for me, but have played it a few times now, so no panic. Sunset is Tricky, agreed. And JCS, has a couple of hairy moments. But without doubt, the show I found trickiest was 'Bat Boy' (Well, during rehearsals) The show only lasted about seven months (In the West End),
  14. Video from a Jazz FM interview. He plays a bit of 'Never To Much'. [size="2"]https://www.facebook.com/JazzFMmusic/videos/vb.312803969328/10153717474554329/?type=2&theater[/size]
  15. I thought this might interest a few folks. Some good prizes, or maybe just for your own amusement. You can use the supplied footage and music stems and then rearrange, or compose your own cue - either way, a good experience and a way to challenge yourself outside of your comfort zone. Rules and all info. (You don't have to use the Sonar DAW). https://mytrailer.justcause.com/#enter
  16. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1444891888' post='2886962'] but it's all been done before really hasn't it? Nice tone though, I agree [/quote] So has twelve bars - But it doesn't stop millions of Dog and Duckers flooding YouTube with their offerings... But I do get your drift.
  17. Warning...... Trigger. http://youtu.be/HisD_pqlRHQ
  18. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1444817684' post='2886273'] Fernando is a top bass player and composer, very tasteful playing. Check his other work, worth a listen too! [/quote] Yep. Effortless, relaxed playing with a lovely feel. Nice composition and arrangement.
  19. Nice looking Bass! Classic five looks like this. [url=http://postimg.org/image/y6z3c9s2r/][/url]
  20. Windows 10 here, using the 'Edge' browser and seems to be working for me (using links). Quote previous (other) posts, works as well. Maybe browser related? [media]http://youtu.be/iz6iENNnf08[/media] [url="http://postimage.org/"][/url]
  21. I like a straight neck. I then raise the action until it scares the life out of some bassists. (Fretted and Fretless). Also means Bassists don't borrow my Basses very often. if at all.
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