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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1442313718' post='2865919'] From the title, I thought that Milty had been to Neverland. [/quote]
  2. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1442300713' post='2865784'] Yeah it's OK and has some similarities but I still found it a little bland musically. Just my opinion tho and I can understand why people would like it. Like has been said, mj would most likely have had real human beings playing real instruments if it was his song. [/quote] Yep, I agree. What was a massive part of MJ's sound, was the Quincy Jones (seriously) good production team. along with his arrangements, orchestrations and the pool of top studio players he used.
  3. What? You already take two Basses to gigs, is that not enough? So now, you are driving all over the States looking for more? Top man - That's what I call real indulgence.....Lol..... Enjoy your trip.
  4. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1442160163' post='2864763'] I remember this from when i was a kid. I truly believe that history will recognise disco as the greatest musical form ever created. Sod liverpudlian boy bands! [/quote]
  5. Four to the floor, cliches and sound FX with some octaves thrown in to round it all up. Exactly how John Williams imagined it should be. All very well played and arranged though. http://youtu.be/bYXAVp0NGjo
  6. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1441984171' post='2863554'] I don't know of him, but I presume Mr.Ferguson is the one in the grey suit who splits one of the first handful of notes he plays in the first link and plays equally as irritatingly in the second one? Pretty much everyone in both his bands outshines him. [/quote] You have not heard of him, so a reasonable assumption from the above clips, But in all fairness, there was more about Maynard Ferguson than a couple of split notes and a Grey Suit. Did a bit in his long career, and quite respected amongst Musicians from that era. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maynard_Ferguson
  7. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1441982005' post='2863529'] though to be fair the bass player comes out of it better than most. [/quote] No better, no worse than the other players. They all do a fine job, there is some seriously tight section playing go on, especially at that tempo, plus some good arranging. It must have been hard to play that tune with BR crawling all over it. Seen BR a few times back yonder. Always had terrific musicians with him. To me, some of the arrangements worked great, some just didn't happen, usually because of the express train speeds he liked to play at.
  8. [quote name='pineweasel' timestamp='1441979688' post='2863499'] Press Sleep and Home simultaneously [/quote] Ah...good man - Thanks.
  9. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1441907600' post='2862885'] I've just started using Notion on my laptop, and might be getting an iPad shortly. How do you input music on the iPad? On the laptop, my current preferred method is step entry using a mini-keyboard for the pitches and the laptop keyboard for the durations. [/quote] Step input using the virtual keyboard. You can swip left and right to change octaves. Once you get used to it, for speed, you can use fingers on one hand to change note and rest value and fingers on the other hand for note entry. You can also tap onto the stave for entry. Notion on the iPad is very in depth regarding features. It exports the Notion files into the desktop version with absolutely no problems, everything as should be. I am using an iPad Air, so regarding real estate, I am not sure how an iPad mini would work out. Had to use my phone for the picture. I wish there was a screen capture app for the iPad, or is there? [IMG]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff330/lowdown1957/image.jpg1_1.jpg[/IMG]
  10. Some of the best Orchestra Midi mock ups I have heard. Mainly done with VSL (and some other libraries layered in). These are mainly well know classical pieces, but some originals in there as well. Carles is a top, top composer for media music work and really knows his stuff. https://soundcloud.com/carles-piles
  11. Stagg. mains and battery operated. [size="2"]http://www.djmmusic.com/p-19598-stagg-clip-on-orchestral-music-stand-light.aspx[/size]
  12. Yep, loads over the years and generally great fun. Everything from straight down the middle to Latin Jazz. Does help when the band is full of good players and good readers, otherwise it can be like wading through sludge.
  13. [quote name='TenLetters' timestamp='1441560023' post='2859829'] Awesome - Thanks. Hans Zimmer seems like a genuinely nice guy with a great outlook on things! I've started trawling through Vi Control as well, some really useful stuff there! Sorry to have to ask this - I have tried finding out but cant get a clear answer - with the VSL libraries do you know if you need to buy the sampler software on top or do you get a basic version with the samples? [/quote] You get the free Vienna Instruments player with any of the samples purchased. You can upgrade to Vienna Instruments Pro for more features. Also you get the free Vienna Ensemble player as well, which is a server hosting mixer. Again you can upgrade to VE5 Pro for extra features. The basic Ensemble player gives you 16 virtual midi ports per instance. So 256 midi channels hosted outside your DAW = no CPU hit on your DAW. It also purges all samples no in use. On the software page at VSL, there are plenty of tutorial videos if it sounds confusing. VSL player (free) https://vsl.co.at/en/Software/Vienna_Instruments#!Video_Demos VSL player pro https://vsl.co.at/en/Vienna_Software_Package/Vienna_Instruments_PRO#!Video_Demos VSL ensemble (free) https://vsl.co.at/en/Software/Vienna_Ensemble#!Video_Demos VSL Ensemble Pro https://vsl.co.at/en/Vienna_Software_Package/Vienna_Ensemble_PRO#!Video_DemosDid There are some amazing sounding customer Midi Mock up scores worth checking out. All done with only VSL Instruments. https://vsl.co.at/en/MUSIC
  14. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1441554732' post='2859750'] I play Jazz. No-one stays 'til the end. [/quote] Could it be, the other band members are trying to tell you something?
  15. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1441537876' post='2859563'] I packed my gear away whilst Bad Manners were playing once, Buster looked at me with daggers, thought he was gonna strangle me [/quote] Sounds like he was ready to bust a blood vessel.
  16. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1441534442' post='2859511'] I used to play with old drummers (from the days when gigs at certain venues would end with the National Anthem) who told me they'd finish the anthem on just bass and hi-hat and would pack the rest as they played the anthem. [/quote] I have been on gigs in the past, were that has happened. True story. On a function at the Dorchester, with a (inexperienced function) dep drummer. After the last number, the band leader, with his fake smile, turned, faced the drummer and pointed at him. The Drummer stood up, and took a bow. The band leader said to him, "The Queen....you c*#$!" For those unaware, it would be the cue for the snare roll.....Lol...
  17. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1441520285' post='2859386'] If anyone outside of the bass playing community reads this thread , what would they think [/quote] The same as most/some from the Bass playing community, reading this thread.
  18. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1441218073' post='2857075'] I bet she was surprised [/quote] Indeed, as was Robin.
  19. [quote name='Old Man Riva' timestamp='1441218125' post='2857077'] Probably not the best example you could have chosen, given that most bands would struggle to make the first chord sound like the record! http://www.beatlesbible.com/features/hard-days-night-chord [/quote] Ah, thaaaat...chord. Not been discussed for a while on Basschat (unless it's in the curse thread). http://youtu.be/gwfH9oAiPH0
  20. Blimey, you don't need no FX to get the tone (none on the original). Just sing the vocal line if a keyboard player can't be arsed to bring up a scat patch. It must be the easiest vocal part in the history of singing for a Bassist to sing! You are singing what you are playing. I should think there are folks who could fart that line in the bath. That's it, take a bath to the gig.
  21. Beautiful playing. Because of the high notes, I think the Bass is solo tuned. Up a tone, F# B E A? https://www.facebook.com/mikyung.soung/videos/894115770654984/ Check her page out - plenty more.
  22. Easy Peasy. Melody and Harmony. [size="2"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM2RlCzohMw[/size] [size="2"][size="2"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs1dGnuAgyU[/size][/size]
  23. [quote name='TenLetters' timestamp='1440763618' post='2853624'] Thanks for the suggestions! [/quote] Hey TenLetters, I mentioned getting over to VI Control for some good advice about the serious String (Orchestral) Libraries I forgot to mention that you get some good people checking in there. At the moment you can get to hang out with Hans Zimmer..... The thread is about an interview between his daughter and himself, and he has started chipping in - His name is 'Rctec'. [size=2][url="http://vi-control.net/community/threads/hans-zimmer-interviewed-by-his-daughter.48174/"]http://vi-control.ne...daughter.48174/[/url][/size]
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