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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Why is it a pain for you, just being curious really.
  2. I use Steinberg E-Licenser and iLok and have not had any problems at all. Although, to be honest, I wouldn't like to use them on a Laptop. On my desktop, they are plugged in the back of my machine out of harms way. My Steinberg dongle also stores my VSL licenses, and my iLok is the second generation - So maybe the problems are with the earlier version(s).
  3. Here you go. My attempt at the picture this month. https://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/floating-around
  4. You have to get inside the clients head, they usually say one thing and mean another (not always of course). At the brief (as said above), try and get a musical directions. It's always do-able. But sometimes another composer my come up with a better idea that's do-able. If it's a cover or rehash, do they want the same tune in another style from another period at another tempo? Orchestral, EDM, Rock etc. Questions, ask questions, and be very polite about it.
  5. [quote name='Colonel36' timestamp='1436521206' post='2818785'] Now this guy certainly doesn't tip tap. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75Nv_3cwl10[/media] [/quote] His Rhythm section partner in crime, didn't tip tap either. Bass at 10:00. (I believe it's Russ Stableford playing Bass). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlPc3i2_Kps And the 'Muppet Orchestra' website. http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/The_Muppet_Orchestra
  6. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1436469333' post='2818462'] After spending the last 3 years studying music. Having to learn ridiculously hard stuff where the whole thing is just the technique, and having lessons every week off people who's whole thing is technique, but have no idea about being creative. I'd rather hear a bassist playing music, and being creative, the whole playing fast, or slap or groove thing just bores me so much. [/quote] Just been listening to the tracks on your website (through headphones). Excellent and very, very relaxing. Great stuff.
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1436206779' post='2816006'] Don't let Kanye West get anywhere near it ... [/quote]
  8. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1435931331' post='2813761'] You could, of course, play G twice followed by Gb twice. It doesn't have to be complicated [/quote] What Bilbo said, especially when playing the head. Or R/5/5/R (going up and down) over that bar and the next bar, then open up over the solos.
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1435830016' post='2812752'] Once again, it's not going to get any better if I mess around with it any more, and so I offer you ... [url="https://soundcloud.com/dad3353/concrete-jungle-solid-air"]Concrete Jungle, Solid Air ...[/url] Enjoy. [/quote] Ha, Ha, Stylus RMX! and my fave Drum and Perc module. Been using it for years - Up next for you, will be the bug for the expansion packs, dozens and dozens of them. ££££££££££££££££££££££ Four pages of Video tutorials here. It really is a very in depth monster. https://www.spectrasonics.net/video/videos.php?p=1&f=&q=&InstrumentID=all&VideoTypeID=3
  10. Well done Skol. I can't help thinking, that if Bilbo had added three extra semi quavers to his 13/8 composition, that he might have got three extra votes needed for victory.
  11. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1435680641' post='2811386'] Pino is not the man for The Who.. [/quote] Pete and Roger think so.
  12. Relaxed playing, with a nice tone. Good stuff. That's a catchy tune. Great for sitting in the shade with a cigar in one hand, a cold Pimms in the other, while staring out over the Mediterranean sea. (well that's what I am going to be doing for a few weeks, very soon).
  13. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1435598321' post='2810438'] Aaargh. I've got no idea how to edit a title, dammit. [/quote] Sorry about that. Ok, I think go to edit, then at the bottom next to '[i]save changes[/i]', click on use '[i]full editor[/i]', then you can edit your opening title as well as your post.
  14. [quote name='Apothem' timestamp='1435590142' post='2810334'] Mary J Blige, [/quote] A great band with her as well, Lionel's band really on it too. That Kayne character didn't stand a chance with his Laptop (bless him).
  15. Hater or plater, there is no getting away from it. It was awful. Just when you needed a hard drive to crash, it didn't.
  16. Just to think - If that band on the bill called Motorhead, had kept to the original schedule, I would have missed them by an hour. Oh well, not really my kinda of Popular Beat Combo, m'lud.
  17. I suppose Anthony Jackson was just the tea boy on dozens of albums and singles then. And there was me thinking he was a Bassist.
  18. My Italian cousin has just seen a large lady collecting her Horned Viking helmet and full metal bra, from Teatro Alla Scala, and then heading off in the direction of Milan Airport, to board a Cargo plane. She is on her way folks!
  19. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1435401727' post='2808413'] Ooh! Tic Tac bass heaven! [/quote] Yep, played by Miloslav "Ladi" Geisler. Quite a character and sideman, and very much part of the Kaempfert sound and style. Seems Tic Tac or similar was (also) called "Knackbass"....lol... Life and work. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladi_Geisler
  20. For small ensemble Jazz (trios etc), or the older style Big Bands, My tendency is for UB (I like the dynamics/note decay better). Heavy Big Band Jazz/Latin/Groove styles, I like the attack and punch of the EB better. These days, in Jazz people don't sneer and spit, Although they might do if you don't know the changes and forms....lol.. I still see 'fakers' trying it on, hiding behind muddy indistinguishable sounds, thinking they are getting away with it. If you are turning up at Jazz blows, or want to get into regular Jazz gigs, spend some time learning a lot of the popular tunes used (great ear practise anyway), rather than worrying about UB vs EB warriors. It will set you up for moving onto more adventurous projects.
  21. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1435332176' post='2807832'] I was just listening and playing along to this a couple of days back. Love it [/quote] Yep, great track and solid Bass. Been reading that it was (the great) Session Bassist Russ Stableford playing on this. Funny enough the track I played before Mr Bloe, was this...Also Russ Stableford, and you can hear it. http://youtu.be/k3Fa4lOQfbA
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