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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Yes the clip is doing damage. Although the demonstration outlines the whole concept of behind, in front and on it, the only part that actually swings is when the drums drop out at 03:16/17 and just leaves Bass and Guitar...lol...
  2. Yep, he was great. Aside from the Brothers Johnson stuff, his contribution (Along with John Robinson) for Quincy Jones was outstanding. His very precise studio style and the tight in yer face sound was very hard to resist. Certainly didn't hold back and was a very forceful player.
  3. A friend of mine has posted up an improvised sound demo with LaBellas fitted. http://youtu.be/X-Fvv4-fn3k
  4. I haven't seen the Jools Holland New Years Eve show, but I watched the trio on 'The One Show' last week and it was not very good at all (very loose and messy). Wilko was a guest for the chat section, and was good value for that.
  5. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1430499611' post='2762131'] I've made a start... And funnily enough it doesn't sound anything like Frankie Laine singing the "Ok Corral" theme. In fact it's veering wildly toward sleng teng! [/quote] Oh dear, Ennio Morricone meets the Sex Pistols having a go at Jazz. I think I know what's coming....
  6. Thanks for all those that voted. Enjoyable image last month, with some very good writing up there. Great stuff all. Enjoy the May picture.
  7. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1430411674' post='2761192'] [media]http://youtu.be/yhUxGL0OcT8[/media] [/quote] Great media video, Jay.
  8. I have children, and still not heard of it...lol... Oh well, off to Google (again).
  9. I thought this might be an Ann Summers thread....lol....
  10. You have a Piano, a left hand. Rachmaninov piano studies are your best friend. Plenty of stuff by him for the left hand. Mind you, when you have finished, your left hand will be of no use as well...lol.... I hope you are back in action soon.
  11. Voted - Some very nice and varied ideas up there this month. Great stuff all round.
  12. The BBC did a programme about Joe Meek back in the 90's, and worth a watch. I could only find it on YouTube (in four fifteen minutes cues). http://youtu.be/cr9gZ817bhs
  13. [quote name='karlplaysbass' timestamp='1430237950' post='2759370'] jacks got quite the interesting life story to be honest [/quote] Just been having a nosy around the web, and he indeed he did have an interesting life journey. Good luck with the essay.
  14. Both have their place in Bass Guitar history, and rightly so. Nothing more to be said on Jaco - All been said, and in depth. They both had a great input into Bass playing, and both very serious musicians. But they both put out some rubbish playing wise. I am a real Jaco fan, but towards the end, his playing wasn't on top of it. Same for Jack as well, on some of the YouTube clips his intonation and solos were not up to what you would expect from him. But then again, did I read that he had developed some hearing problem? Jack was also a trained Cellist as well as an upright player, and had decent Piano chops as well, along with a back ground in Jazz. So plenty to research and write about regarding his great early playing career.
  15. I like their take on the tune, it's very good. Another (very) good version that is very well played, with some serious horn writing. Great arrangement all round and it opens up towards the end. http://youtu.be/QRuM2rk2miQ
  16. A virtual tour. If you haven't recorded there or been inside, you can take a look. [url="https://insideabbeyroad.withgoogle.com/en"]https://insideabbeyr...thgoogle.com/en[/url]
  17. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1430035823' post='2757195'] Nice. I do prefer MM playing fretless rather than his usual scooped tone on the MM sig bass. [/quote] I think he was only eighteen when he did those sessions. There is a lot of nice playing from him on the album, with very little slap. Very mature playing, considering his age at the time.
  18. Many Bassists by nature tend not to be lyrical in style with solo playing, and possibly during regular support playing. Which is understandable, after all, Bass apart from supplying rhythm, is laying down and outlining harmony and chord movement. So I suppose, it's hard to get out of that way of thinking, and think more melodically. But what do I know, just a Bass player. A nicely phrased simple melodic Bass solo at about 02:50. (Marcus Miller). Not sure about the Album cover...lol.. http://youtu.be/_2or5RqfyIc
  19. Ok, my take on the picture. https://soundcloud.com/garrycribb/master-1
  20. Yeeks....I better get a move on. Started something today, going to try and get it finished tonight. A good mix, looks out of the question though....lol...
  21. I prefere when folks drop out (or just add minimal hints of changes, or answer phrases). For me, with people playing, I kinda of get pushed into lines or rhythms I don't want to play. In short I like the freedom, then ideas just seem to fall in place. On another note, when I see/hear Bass solos struggling, on a lot of those occasions the player has his head buried in the fake book. It helps to really know the changes of the tune you are soloing over, which then gives you confidence in what you are trying to achieve, then flowing (solo) lines tend to just happen (usually, not always of course...lol...).
  22. As mentioned above - Paul Robinson's online service is great. But it's worth checking out this guys video promo. https://r8---sn-cu-n1ql.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?requiressl=yes&shardbypass=yes&cmbypass=yes&id=00b2e22c74c18fe7&itag=18&source=picasa&ip=,expire,id,ip,ipbits,itag,mm,ms,mv,pl,requiressl,shardbypass,source&signature=240E8519577987F3C54A28E77E92D1F4A5616471.7BAD0F7280C53634E2B431673B582066477ECED8&key=cms1&cms_redirect=yes&mm=31&ms=au&mt=1429772382&mv=m&pl=26
  23. [quote name='BirchTree' timestamp='1429539673' post='2752396'] Phew! I thought I wouldn't make it! It's always hard to translate your brain waves to /actual/ music, but I think I came pretty close to what I intended. I had a real blast, I'll definitely be trying my hand at future challenges. [url="https://soundcloud.com/jaedry/wars-aftermath"]War's Aftermath[/url] [/quote] Very nice.
  24. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1429285133' post='2750065'] Lighthouse Family - tuneless vocals used to drive me mad. [/quote] Good grief! Yes!
  25. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1429283038' post='2750034'] [url="http://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=yYOQ01zPnt8"]http://m.youtube.com...h?v=yYOQ01zPnt8[/url] [/quote] Clicked on your link and got this. [attachment=189738:Capture.JPG]
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