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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1429203065' post='2749221'] Richard[i] Harris [/i] [/quote] Yep - Fool time from me. I have been watching 'Zulu' this afternoon, and still had Burton's opening dispatch narration ringing in my ears, and very good it was.
  2. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1429098793' post='2747925'] Much as I love Jimmy Webb, 'MacArthur Park' has the full brain burst effect on me. It is just so ghastly and overblown. If I ever get as far as hearing the 'someone left the cake out in the rain' bit, I really want to throw things. [/quote] I love the tune and that fabulous arrangement, but God, Richard Burtons voice...eek...lol.. On the other hand, Will Lee on Bass and vocals (The Letterman house band) do a great version live, with a fantastic over the top ending, complete with Will standing on a huge cake! Another great arrangement with Jimmy Webb joining the band. http://youtu.be/RUPSilcJFrQ
  3. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1428010057' post='2737118'] Performing any out of copyright piece yourself is all fair game. [/quote] Xmas time is ripe for that - All those old Xmas tunes reworked for adverts. Recorded from true Orchestral through to EDM.
  4. lowdown

    Free VSTs

    A bunch of free FX here. http://audio-assault.com/downloads.html
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1428006842' post='2737069'] ... and he, too, nicked the idea... [/quote] Indeed, and then put it into action. (I am sure Lenny can accompany this with some of his Muse). http://youtu.be/7Vqvq-f-UtU
  6. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1427961025' post='2736239'] Technically fine, providing you don't sample any sections of the original piece (ie. lift them wholesale from the original recording). [/quote] Although you might have to sample 'James Last' does Bach, I am not sure Bach and many of his old wig wearing drinking pals did any original recordings.....lol.. Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville and his bags of soot was after their time.
  7. Engineers don't like music, they just like the noise it makes.
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1427974264' post='2736498'] It seems that you've been playing Brahms and Liszt; I may be wrong. [/quote] Yep, all that Napoleonic Brandy.
  9. Basschat covers comp..lol... AFAIK, If it is public domain, not a problem. You then become arranger, not composer.
  10. There is something similar for iPad (I did try the free version last year). But I found it clumsy, and slow. [url="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zPCvVLW446o"]https://m.youtube.co...h?v=zPCvVLW446o[/url] Web Site. [url="http://neuratron.com/products.htm"]http://neuratron.com/products.htm[/url] The above free version is only single stave, and I didn't fancy shelling out £30.00 for the full version. It has had a few updates since I tried, so maybe it has improved. The OP App does look great though, and very, very usable.
  11. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1427896874' post='2735587'] There's always a leap between the slick video demo and the reality once it's in your hands. I've tried and tried with various writing apps on the iPad but have to concede it's not quite there yet. [/quote] Do you mean Notation apps?.
  12. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1427895865' post='2735570'] I was looking at that last year, it was advertised on TV by Esa-Pekka Salonen wasn't it ? [/quote] Yes, it was.
  13. I hope this eventually becomes an app for iPad ( looks very useful). For desk top I am a Sibelius user, but for iPad, I have not found anything to out perform Notion. Really is worth checking out. http://www.presonus.com/products/Notion-for-iPad A few Vids. (Tons more on the YouTube). http://www.presonus.com/products/Notion-for-iPad/media
  14. Yep, well done to 'The' Lord Sausage (and 'The' Lord Lad).
  15. I like him. He doesn't try and copy Bernard Edwards, he just plays it his own way, and plays the gig well.
  16. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1427794421' post='2734230'] I reckon there's an issue with Bilbos track. According to my soundcloud app it has had only 21 listens (I'm responsible for about 4 of them) however 24 people have voted. That's not right surely. Are people not seeing the track or something. [/quote] Didn't he replace the track with a new version? Maybe that doesn't include the listens of the original track, or maybe I am just talking bollox.
  17. If you like using the iPad for getting stuff together, this is worth checking out (£3.99). I am surprised at the amount of functions available, and there are plenty of in app purchase sounds for grabs. It's also very easy to export stems and midi files into your DAW, if you want to go the extra mile with production. http://www.uvi.net/beathawk
  18. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1427739359' post='2733720'] Thanks, i like the 'The' prefix to my name. Makes me sound more regal than i am! [/quote] I had to edit the post. Originally (and a thick moment accident), I typed 'The' Sausage!....lol....
  19. Just having a listen at the moment, finding it hard to pick out three. Some interesting stuff going on and well done all. Ok, went for Skol, Leonard Smalls and The Lord Sausage. For some reason the SoundCloud iPad app is not letting me post comments at the moment (sorry folks).
  20. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1427733372' post='2733622'] In my head they're always narrated by the voice of John Peel [/quote] Yes!! I can hear it now. Top job, Douglas, and very amusing.
  21. Moondance will just not go away. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10155346157805366 And a Soundcloud link. https://soundcloud.com/yamahaentertain/nathan-east-moondance-radio-edit Actually, the big band arrangement is by Tom Scott, and very good it is.
  22. Slightly off topic. For anyone using an iPad, a nice little free App 'The Orchestra'. A few scores including video, audio and score scrolling etc. Plus some Orchestral Instrument info. http://orchestra.touchpress.com/?tpnav=1
  23. [quote name='bigd1' timestamp='1427393580' post='2729911'] All music is made up of rhythm[/quote] Yep, True. But in fairness to Ambient, he did say Rhythm section.
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1427292827' post='2728398'] Sorry, folks, I'm not well right now. I'll be back as soon as I can. Carry on. [/quote] Sorry to hear that Douglas, I hope you are feeling better soon.
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